Self relaxing for starters...


Well-Known Member
I want to self-relax starting next week (starts tomorrow). I found this page. It has directions for the affirm dry and sensitive scalp formula, which is good since mine didnt come with directions.

I am also going to use Southerngirl's tips.

Is anyone else interested in self-relaxing? Let's make this thread for self-relaxers. I am gonna search for more threads and tips on the subject.
Lovelylocs said:
I want to self-relax starting next week (starts tomorrow). I found this page. It has directions for the affirm dry and sensitive scalp formula, which is good since mine didnt come with directions.

I am also going to use Southerngirl's tips.

Is anyone else interested in self-relaxing? Let's make this thread for self-relaxers. I am gonna search for more threads and tips on the subject.

LL I have a picture tutorial in my album. Do a search under my name. I've written about this in depth before.

pw: surge
Here are some interesting tips from various threads on the LHCF:
“Some tips, if I may (this is what works for me):

- do a pre-relaxer assessment. feel your new growth with your finger so that you know exactly how high up that you have to apply the relaxer.

- work like your fingers are on fire. Applying relaxer to each section takes me 2.5 minutes. I go back to smooth. This more than anything took practice.

I don't rinse in the shower but I lean over the tub. This took some getting used to because you have to twist to get both sides of your head but I also have a plastic bucket and cup filled with water standing by just in case.

When I relaxed in sections, I did the front first, left my hair hanging down until I could use the towel, so that the back section (which I had wrapped in plastic) would not get wet.” Chichi

“ Just remember if always check the sections right before rinsing to make sure your hair is done processing by take a comb and wipe over the area removing a little of the relaxer to see the results if its not ready then put the relaxer back on that section, and always do the resistent area firt since it processes slower.” Beautifulwideeyes

“For your next time advice, what I usually do since I know I'm slow, clumsy, and I have a sensitive scalp is I take extra precautions. I prebase my scalp with hair food, always, I have to. I slabber vaseline all over my ears, forehead, neck, and behind my ears just in case. I also put vaseline on all my ends in case something accidentally happens. And in addition to that, I predivide all my 4 sections using about 30 duckbill clips befoe I even start. That way when I relax, I just follow the clips and don't need to draw lines. I use my fingers (with no gloves) coz that's how I can feel the hair's texture at the roots while I smooth. At the end, I follow Shamboosie's method of rinsing the relaxer out in sections, giving time to the last sections to fully relax.” Shunemite

“Well it has to happen at some time in our life, when things just don't go the way they should. don't worry though the problem can be fixed. Next time only wear a glove on the hand that u are using to apply the relaxer, also apply a conditioner to u'r ends to protect from overlapping, also apply pretroleum jelly to entire scalp area and hairline also ears just incase. If u'r scalp is really sensative use Pro-Styl pre creme for sensitive scalp by Ampro to base entire scalp and wait a few minutes so it can penetrate. Always use a protein reconstructor after relaxing to help bounce hair back to a healthy state. For the underprocessing just comb thru to the under processed parts when smoothing and wait a few minutes checking frequently so that u don't overprocess the hair. Don't give up it gets better with practice how about practicing with conditioner in btwn relaxers tring not to overlap then u can check out how u done when u'r finished with a hand mirror. If u'r gonna wait 5 months until u touch up that's alot of time for practice you know.” BeautifulWideEyes

Here is another thread with tips and instructions on self-relaxing.:
In this thread, Londondiva gives specific instructions on self-relaxing.
I decide to self relax again after 3 years of going to the salon. I tried the methods describe by Londondiva and Southerngirl and it was a success. Thanks Guys! I will be self relaxing for the next year to see if my hair thrives better under my care. I relaxed my hair in 3 sections. This method worked great for somebody like me because in the past I use to have probelms with underprocess hair when I relax it myself.
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Samaria said:
Curious...did you ever self-relaxer LovelyLocs?
Yes and I am scared to try it again. Last time it didnt come out well at all. I have a lot of hair and it is pretty long too. My hair isnt damaged from it, but I am afraid that if I do it again and mess up that my hair may break or smthg. Maybe I will practice with cholestrol first next time.
I practiced with cholesterol first. That way you can feel confident about your timing and techinique before using the real thing.
One thing I learned is that I CANNOT try to do my head all in one go. I have to do one half first and then the other.
I used LondanDiva's tips as a guide and I now relax in two sections, but I part down the middle and relax the left side, rinse, neutralise, condition, and then do the right side. I put a plastic conditioner cap on the side that is not being relaxed and secure with bobby pins. The cap sits tight because the new growth helps hold it in place.
After the second side is neutralised then I do a full rinse of everything, re-apply the conditoner and do a deep conditoner. It works out well because I used to get so tired doing it all at once as my hair is pretty thick and long. I can also take my time and make sure that the hair is straight without getting relaxer on the ends.
I use londondivas tips except I do half one day and the other half the next day. I don't like relaxing the second half with my pores open I lost a lot of hair like that. I also sit on the a cool dryer the second day to ensure my pores are closed.
I can't remember who it was but someone posted a method where they make all the parts first and use hair clips. This is what I use for about a year now and it works great. I get to put all the relaxer in my whole head in five minutes and then I can smooth before my scalp starts any kind of burn. It works well for me.

Instead of the clips I use the very small rubber bands. The slilde of easily. I take them off when I do the smoothing process.
Growingitlong said:
I can't remember who it was but someone posted a method where they make all the parts first and use hair clips. This is what I use for about a year now and it works great. I get to put all the relaxer in my whole head in five minutes and then I can smooth before my scalp starts any kind of burn. It works well for me.

Instead of the clips I use the very small rubber bands. The slilde of easily. I take them off when I do the smoothing process.

I'm probably going to do it that way, the only thing Im worried bout is having to worry about all those frickin clips in my way, can someone tell me a step by step to this method?
Liz25_Ga said:
I decide to self relax again after 3 years of going to the salon. I tried the methods describe by Londondiva and Southerngirl and it was a success. Thanks Guys! I will be self relaxing for the next year to see if my hair thrives better under my care. I relaxed my hair in 3 sections. This method worked great for somebody like me because in the past I use to have probelms with underprocess hair when I relax it myself.

Congrats Girlie!!

I'm sure you're also happy about the $$ you save :)
