Self relaxers - Important info


Active Member
I dont post to often but I thought I'd share some info I gained over the w/end - I can't give you his name until I ask if its ok

I recently had underprocessed my hair on my last relax 7/7/06 so I was in need of a good hairdresser.

I found a hair guru who broke down the intricate details of hair. He writes medical journals, Hair helplines, makes products etc

Well here goes! i'm not good at explaining things but I'll give it a try

According to him the majority of peoples hair is overprocessed due to incompetent hair stylists.

The proper way to relax. (the majority of us have already relaxed hair so I'll tell you how to correct it.)

Users like Sistaslick who have texlaxed hair are better off.

The human eye does not recognize Millimetres so you will always get cream on previous processed hair - below is how to avoid overprocessing

Starting point - Example 2 inches of new growth.

When applying the cream to new growth your aim is to finish as quickly as possible and wash out. So that it is only texlaxed just slightly loosening the curl. Call this NG1

The next time you have to relax NG2 you will comb it through abit and then wash out. ng2 is texlaxed but now NG1 has been processed more as automatically the cream will overlap on previously relaxed hair

Next time you have to relax NG3 you will comb it through abit and then wash out. ng3 is texlaxed but now NG2 has been processed more as automatically the cream will overlap on previously relaxed hair


At present you have Processed - Overprocessed - Processed - Overprocessed.

If its not explained clear enough please let me know - as he drew me a picture to explain which I would need to access a scanner to show you.
This makes sense to me. I have always thought positively about being texlaxed for this reason. If the relaxer is being properly applied every touch-up, my hair will never be overprocessed. Since my strands are finer, retention of thickness is so important to me. When my hair was overprocessed due to serious overlapping, it was so much thinner and lifeless.

This also encourages me in the self-relaxing process, especially since I have to take it up again (not by choice) as I am moving long-term to an area of the world where I will not have access to stylists who deal with my hair type!
ubavka123: This was my problem, I have always had very thick hair which most people didnt want to deal with, I have always self relaxed and maintained the thickness. 3 Years ago I started going to a salon and from there I lost the thickness and the hair broke very easy.

One of users on here NONIE recommended this guy to me and let me tell you he is just like she said. Its like having one of the LHCF Guru's such as SistaSlick, Supergirl doing your hair.

He told me so many tips for my hair as in his words who knows what tomorrow brings and he might not be here so from now on with these tips know one will be able to pull the wool over your eyes, if he cant do my hair.

He broke down Lye and No Lye which he said are exactly the same except they both use different harsh chemicals that are just as harsh as each other.

In the 60s he said Lye burnt alot of people's scalps so the manufacturers decided to get smart and change the ingredient and name it no-lye but the chemicals in itself is just as harsh. He said you can use either and there is no need to corrective relax when your jumping from one to another, as doing this is just breaking down the hair bonds further.
I thought the same thing when my hair was underprocessed. It was up-side that made me feel better about the tangles and knots I got. But for some reason, the underprocessed parts kept staying that way and causing more trouble.

But thanks for the post. :) I really appreciate the info. I'll have to try to find a way to keep the processing down as much as possible without the problems I was getting before.
Thanks for the Info..... I have been doing it somewhat this way for awhile...
but the most underprocessed part is the ends of my hair .... the next relaxer i am thinking of applying to the ends... just to smooth them out a bit....

What do you ladies think????? Is it a bad idea...
That does make sense. It's hard not overlapping, no matter how long you stretch, but I do feel a little more secure when I overlap onto texlaxed hair. Plus, I've had almost no breakage sense I've been self-relaxing/texlaxing.

This was my problem, I have always had very thick hair which most people didnt want to deal with, I have always self relaxed and maintained the thickness. 3 Years ago I started going to a salon and from there I lost the thickness and the hair broke very easy.

That's what happened to me. When I went to the salon regularly, my hair was bone straight and appeared to be healthy, but it was thinner than it had ever been. Since I've been self-relaxing, I've gotten my thickness back (and then some!)
Great info, thanks for posting. I am thinking about self relaxing in a couple of months so this info was right on time.:)
Thanks for the love :love: but I have to give a big shout out to NONIE who recommended him to me

The perm he used for my hair had Vitamin E and Amino Acids added to it

The guy used a afro pick and combed my hair before applying the cream. at this point I was very scared :( as I have a very sensitive scalp.

Let me tell you, I didnt even know I had the cream on my head and it was in and out so quickly I doubt it had time to burn.

The technique he has for perm is excellent and he had no problem showing me what he was doing throughout the process.

He broke down that it should take you 10mins to apply the cream and a quick comb should take you under 5 mins.

He protected my previously relaxed but broke down regardless of the protection the cream will still be able to penetrate through the protection as when it overlaps it sits in that area for a period of time which allows it to start breaking it down, the chemicals used in relaxers are just that strong but the quicker you go from applying to rinsing is the key.

lauren450That does make sense. It's hard not overlapping, no matter how long you stretch, but I do feel a little more secure when I overlap onto texlaxed hair. Plus, I've had almost no breakage sense I've been self-relaxing/texlaxing.

Remember your aim is always to texlax as overlapping occurs regardless as the human eye does not recognize millmetres.
Tashique said:
Thanks for the love :love: but I have to give a big shout out to NONIE who recommended him to me

The perm he used for my hair had Vitamin E and Amino Acids added to it

The guy used a afro pick and combed my hair before applying the cream. at this point I was very scared :( as I have a very sensitive scalp.

Let me tell you, I didnt even know I had the cream on my head and it was in and out so quickly I doubt it had time to burn.

The technique he has for perm is excellent and he had no problem showing me what he was doing throughout the process.

He broke down that it should take you 10mins to apply the cream and a quick comb should take you under 5 mins.

He protected my previously relaxed but broke down regardless of the protection the cream will still be able to penetrate through the protection as when it overlaps it sits in that area for a period of time which allows it to start breaking it down, the chemicals used in relaxers are just that strong but the quicker you go from applying to rinsing is the key.

lauren450That does make sense. It's hard not overlapping, no matter how long you stretch, but I do feel a little more secure when I overlap onto texlaxed hair. Plus, I've had almost no breakage sense I've been self-relaxing/texlaxing.

Remember your aim is always to texlax as overlapping occurs regardless as the human eye does not recognize millmetres.
What is the name of the relaxer that he used. Also did he add the amino and vitamin e or did the relaxer already have those things in it? Also what is the total time that the relaxer was in hair, including the comb out--was it a total of 10 minutes maximum for everything. Thanks you!
Well to be honest i dont remember :perplexed - I will ring him and ask him.

If there's anything in particular your stuck with in the process let me know and I will ask him for his advice.

He told me that he added Vitamin E and Amino Acids to the relaxer he was using and this will assist it in not burning/damaging the scalp etc. He mention something that he added that had to do with defating but believe I cant remember.

By then he had started to do my hair and explaining the process, that I was too intuned in missing what he was demonstrating that i completely forgot about the relaxer brand

Yeah it was 10mins tops to put the cream in and then it was around under 5 mins to combed it through.

Even my mum got up from where she was sitting and said to him he was very quick. His reply was he could do it in 6mins flat.

Now I must add this guy has no problem telling you his secrets as in his words there things people should know standardly:ohwell: in order to promote strong healthy hair.

Oh yeah after he relaxed and washed out he put a Nexxus protein treatment in and I went under some alien looking hairdryer that I have never seen for 10 mins

Then when I came out and he rinsed me off, he then put another Nexxus treatment and I went back under for 15 mins.

Once I came out again he rinsed me off and put the Nexxus Humectant conditioner on and I went back under for 10 mins. He didnt rinse this one off. He went straight on to rollersetting me (He dont like heat).

Then once dry I was done, he said there aint no styling being done as the main priority is getting my hair back on track.
Also here are a few of the things we discussed that I remember and shared with another member on the board and thought I share with you

He mentioned that the top 3 hair manufacturers for black Hair are;

Nexxus 1
Joico 2
Aveda 3

He called Keracare - Keradamage but i told him I love it, he said they put in unexceptable ingredients in alot of there products.

He actually helps manufacturers make products as well as testing for FDA. So he knows alot about products and there ingredients.

He said he loves going to hair shows as most manufacturers run when they see him as they know he has a lab etc

He said Doogro grease and some others that I cant remember :mad: has an ingredients that is used for cleaning tyres and the street but as they have things like Vitamin E and Sulphur by law they are allowed to say the grease has properties that grow your hair. But the damage your doing to it as it grows makes it unworthy while in the long run.

He didnt even start with my hair first, he started looking at my nails, skin and eyes. He said this is how he can identify different problems that I have on the inside which will affect my hair.

He also went on about the hair myths that are in the black community for years such as greasing your scalp. He said the scalp is just as tender and delicate as your face and you wouldnt say put Vaseline on your face evryday. So why would you put grease on your scalp and think it could breath.

He said if anyone tries to use those tongs in the hairdressers, I think you call them Marcel Irons that I must ask them to put it on there arm first and when their skins gone and it looks shiney :grin: that is exactly what there doing to my hair , so no thanks I wont have a tong.

The shine yu get when you leave the salon is a superfical shine that is the same as the shiney missing skin one would get when you burn yourself.

He gave me a dusting and went on about the fact that most hairdressers will cut your hair so beware, a dusting is good enough unless you have alot of splits travelling up the hair shaft. he said you should be able to see that for yourself without the hairdresser telling you.


What salon did you go to?

Does this guru have a website or has he written any books or articles? Would you mind sharing he name?

I haven't told him about this site as I didnt know if I was allowed :look:

But seriously he said he was coming up to London soon, so I will print off the first 2 pages of threads and get his opinion on the different topics posted and post his replys

See I wont break the LHCF oath:lachen:
See, that's why it's probably better to have a man do your hair. He can't be jealous of the growth you've acheived.
tashique can you please please please ask him if he does phone consults for those who dont live near him. Or if he has anything published cause i would love to purchase anything he published and know what products he recommend. He sounds very knowledgeable considering that his knowledge is scientific and not what he read in a cosmotology book. just tell him that you have alot of 'sisters and cousins' that got aloooot of questions...
Mizani_Mrs said:
tashique can you please please please ask him if he does phone consults for those who dont live near him. Or if he has anything published cause i would love to purchase anything he published and know what products he recommend. He sounds very knowledgeable considering that his knowledge is scientific and not what he read in a cosmotology book. just tell him that you have alot of 'sisters and cousins' that got aloooot of questions...

DITTO,what she
Great post! If he gives out any more goods, please post them too! It's nice to see that there's a hairstylist in the world that cares about the health of your hair.
I was so intrigued with your information I wanted more and more........
I would LOVE to read more info from this stylist and would pay any amount to have him look after my hair...... He sounds so knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing.
caribeandiva: When I say combed through thats not combing to the very end of the hair. I will take a picture of my roots to show you after I have my next wash. I still have a texture to the roots and that is with him combing through.

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He supposed to be down on Thursday and Friday next week.

When he confirms that he will definitely be down I will let you girls know so that I can ask him the various questions
Love this thread so I'm bumping. I always felt that this was the smartest way to relax and it is what ends up happening to me anyway! Lexi84 uses this method as well.
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