Self-Relaxers: Do You Relax in Halves? (POLL)

What is your primary heat styling method??

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That's the problem that I had when I relaxed in halves. Yes my hair was covered and clipped, but it still got wet anyway. An experiment that failed dearly.

I went back to relaxing my hair by quartering it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :look:

Crystal said:
I do my entire head. I section it off in quarters but I do the my whole head. After listening to what it takes to do it in halves I know I couldn't do that. Water would be all over my head.
I have been doing halves and my hair likes it. I get none of the overprossesing and breakage that I used to get before. I will continue to do it this way.
I relax in halves. I have a huge noggin though. If it was 25% smaller, I would do it in one pass. It's sort of like I have 5 sections instead of just 4! I used to do my whole head, I went quickly but overlapped a lot, the relaxer would be almost to the ends:perplexed
i relax in's one of the many things I've learned here. since I started doing it this way i've experienced less breakage. alot less.
I actually relax in 3 sections...hopefully I can work my way up to halves next time...3 sections took me sooooo long..