Self-Relaxers: Do You Relax in Halves? (POLL)

What is your primary heat styling method??

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To all the self-relaxers on this board. I am am eagerly anticipating relaxing my own hair mid-August.

Do you relax your whole head at one time or do you relax in halves?

I was thinking of relaxing in halves but I am now thinking of doing my whole head in one pass. (I will be using Affirm Mild Lye and will practice with deep conditioner so I have no fear
.) But I do have this fear too of water dripping into the half that I haven't worked on...

So help me decide which method to use by answering this handy dandy poll...


i still dont get the half and half method. how can you make absolute sure that none of the water gets onto the part that youre going to relax next?? i know some of you use bandanas and scarves to tie up that part but still.
I relaxed in halves. My husband helped me actually. I did the front first. We have a sink sprayer in the kitchen and he helped me to direct the water only to the front of my head that had the relaxer. I think that it is also key to make the part (ear-to-ear) at the point in your head where it curves so that the water that is directed forward stays forward. I did not cover my back half and my hair stayed completely dry in the untreated section. I also put a little base along the part just as a safeguard against the moisture from the front. Then I moved on to the back. When the back was finished, I just rinsed that portion in the shower. I was surprised at how well it worked. It sounds complicated, but it really wasn't with his help. If you have a handheld shower, or a sink sprayer in your kitchen, you should be set. I think it would become problematic with just the faucet water running over your head IMO. HTH.
I relax in quarters, not halves. The hair I'm not working on I make sure is protected well with pins and shower caps.
Wow, this is interesting. So when one relaxes in portions, you actually rinse out the relaxer before starting on a new portion?
I relax in quarters. I did try halves about 5 yrs ago and I had a lot of underprocessed hair.
I relax the traditional way.

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My hat is off to you and Dolce Dawn! I would literally fry my hair if I tried to do the whole head. I can't work that fast! But to answer HoneyLemonDrop, yes, I do rinse/wash the first section before moving on. I need to have all my time to process and not worry about the other part still cooking while I am working on the next section. I think it is a peace of mind thing. To those who do the whole head: I salute you!
I section it in quarters and work really fast. I do not rinse after each section. So I guess I should answer...that I do my entire head.
I do the back half all by itself and the front split in two like pigtails.

I get no water on each section as I wash and rinse my hair out (head back) in the shower.

I start with the back. Rinse and neutralise.

Proceed with one of the front sections rinse & neutralise and continue with the last front quarter. It's time consuming but sooooo worth it. I don't get burnt or sore and I minimize the chances of getting my hair underprocessed.

I think those that suffer difficulty rinse in the sink. I direct the water with the shower nozzle. The front 2 are pinned securely and covered with a cap.

I also take a 30 minute break between sections as it's warm in the bathroom to cool down and close the pores on my scalp.
ubavka123 said:
I relax the traditional way.

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My hat is off to you and Dolce Dawn! I would literally fry my hair if I tried to do the whole head. I can't work that fast! But to answer HoneyLemonDrop, yes, I do rinse/wash the first section before moving on. I need to have all my time to process and not worry about the other part still cooking while I am working on the next section. I think it is a peace of mind thing. To those who do the whole head: I salute you!

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Wondering how it would work out for me if I tried that. I relax my whole "noggin" (
@ dolce dawn) too. But Im starting to realize that as my hair gets longer and there is so much new growth, it may take longer to get through and I might end up frying part of my head.
i'm gonna have to either do this half and half or else end up touching up my hair about 4 weeks early this one time (at 8 weeks instead of 12weeks) because my hair that normally processes in 15-17 mins is now like i never even did my last touchup. i noticed it a week after touching up that my hair didnt relax ESPECIALLY the bottom half of my head . This is the first time this has happened to me. I did everthing the same but i guess it's time to do something different. -- jainygirl
When I relaxed I separated it into four sections but I did my entire head. I work pretty fast.
I do my entire head. I section it off in quarters but I do the my whole head. After listening to what it takes to do it in halves I know I couldn't do that. Water would be all over my head.
Thanks all for taking my poll. I think that how you self relax is definitely a "know thyself" kind of situation.

In my case, I know that if I were to self relax in halves that I would get water on the unrelaxed part one way or the other

So I guess that what I will do is to do it in one go and part my hair in quarters.

ubavka123 said:
I relax the traditional way.

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My hat is off to you and Dolce Dawn! I would literally fry my hair if I tried to do the whole head. I can't work that fast! But to answer HoneyLemonDrop, yes, I do rinse/wash the first section before moving on. I need to have all my time to process and not worry about the other part still cooking while I am working on the next section. I think it is a peace of mind thing. To those who do the whole head: I salute you!

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For me its also a peace of mind thing. I can't work fast enough for my whole head either and I prefer not to.
How do u guys relax the back part of your heads?I would self-relax, but my hair is so thick... i'm too scared. Most stylists can't even relax my hair right. lol
I part my hair in 4 sections and I apply the relaxer to the quadrant that I started on last the previous time (hope that makes sense).

I've not tried sectioning it off with baggies during the rinse out phase, however, I do consciously rinse the part I applied the relaxer to first, then the second section, and so on so that my hair is never overprocessed. I also do everything quickly so that my whole head (NG) is covered w/in about 10 minutes.
I dont' know how to put the relaxer on fast enough. I used to do my whole head but next time I plan to part my hair down the middle and do the left side first and then the right. I have a sprayer in my kitchen sink so I will be able to direct the water better and I guess I'll be using my husband to make sure I rinse it appropriately.