Self Braiding and Hair Parting Tool


New Member
Ok I've been practicing on my daughter and I think I've gotten the hang of yarn braids but I'm scared to death of parting. I prayed that I wouldn't have girls because I'm "part" challenged. Ok not really but they always come out crooked and uneven. I saw the Dr.O braid comb but I guess it's not being sold anymore plus I really couldn't find reviews on it. Does anyone know of a good hair parting and sectioning tool or have any suggestions besides a rat tailed comb? Thanks!
Welp..i was gonna say rattail comb..the one with the metal silver tail..thats what I use. Hopefully some one else has better suggestions :)
Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to have to suck it up and use that but I'm so scared the back is going to look a straight mess! Do you worry about keeping the parts straight? Do you use a mirror when braiding the back?
I've never heard of this as an option but I did a google search for that comb you mentioned (cause i was curious about what it could possibly look like) and found that you can still buy it at this website:

BTW never heard of that site either do be careful if you do buy from them. I might get this as well. I can make big parts but small ones are extremely difficult.

Interesting comb. I've never seen that before. It looks like it could be useful. I wonder how straight your hair has to be to use it.

OP, this won't help much, but to help my parts come out a little straighter, I take my pinky and plance it at the top of the part and my thumb at the bottom of the part. Then I take the rattail and start it at the pinky and aim for my thumb. Just having a physical marker on my head helps to keep them a bit straighter. I am using parting blind with no mirror. And you also want to move the comb from pinky to thumb in one movement without stopping.

Maybe that will help a bit. It's nice for the hair to be parted perfectly. But styles can still look really great if they aren't perfect.