Do you think my hair will be okay? (braid woes and picture)


New Member
Hey y'all! So I'm about 12 weeks post relaxer and have been getting completely fed up with my hair. I wanted to give it a break, so I decided to get some senegalese twists. I did some research and went to an african braiding salon a little bit away that had relatively good reviews.

Now I'm scared they destroyed my hair.

Obviously, I didn't want to go in immediately after a fresh relaxer because that kind of ruins the point of getting it, right? But the lady doing my hair said "oh I must go through with fine tooth comb because you have so much new growth" and proceeded to go to town on my dry newgrowth with a fine tooth comb. I saw SOOO MUCH HAIR come out in that comb and basically wanted to cry on the inside. But I felt like there was nothing I could do :( She had already started and said there was no other way, but for the past few months the only time I ever used a comb that small was on my ends during a roller set and after I had already gone through with a wide tooth AND medium tooth size comb. I've been especially gentle too because I have highlights on top :( I like the end result (I think, it's been a long time since I've had braids) but I'm scared that now any growth I may get during the time I have twists won't even matter now because of breakage.

Has anyone else experienced this? Will I be ok maybe?

I've already decided that once I take these out I'm going to try to do havana twists on my own. I feel like I can't trust anyone :/ And no, I'm not transitioning, just super stretching my relaxer at the moment. Picture attached and ignore my super awkward face
Hopefully your hair will be fine. I doubt it caused obvious significant damage but I cant say for sure.
I wish you'd have spoken up and just gotten out of the chair. I know its easier said than done, its awkward as heck lol but in future do not let anyone abuse your hair!! Speak up and or get out of there in this type of situation

The twists look pretty. You are too :).
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This is why I now do my own braids even if they do look funny because I noticed that when my sister was doing my cornrows I had a lot of broken hairs all over my shirt. My hair is still fine though so hopefully yours is too.
Your hair looks nice and you are so pretty. Everything will be Ok. Next time ask them to add a bit of moisturizer to your hair before they comb it.
Thanks for the compliments :blush: :)

Well, since I don't get braids often, hopefully my hair will survive. After this round I want to try havana twists, but then again, I'm horrible at parting my hair >_< I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

As a side note, does anyone have any good tips for taking care of these twists? I've been looking around online, I'd just like some more input. When I had individuals some years ago, I didn't know how to care for them so I didn't see any significant growth. I'd like to change that this time around