Secrets/Things you'll never let your DH or SO know?

Things I kept from my hubby
- I thought his dad was a real pu$$y - (he abused his wife and kids when they were younger) and i wanted him to come at me, so i could whoop that ***! I used to stare him down while talking to him.

- His fam told him I had ulterior motives for being with him - he ain't have **** when I got with him! I wrote that in my diary and he found it. OOPS!

LMBAO!!!!! That is too funny!:lachen:
Change the subject....:look:
But seriously, the biggest mistake that I ever made was being too open about things that were none of his business.

I did this too with a guy I dated when I was younger and I vowed I would NEVER go it again. Now I either change the subject or tell him it's none of your business! :nono:
I know that every woman has secrets they don't want their SO or DH know, but why don't you share them?
I don't mean deep dark secrets (I slept with your Dad or I used to be a call girl) I mean other secrets like...

-I sit in front of the mirror sometimes and pick at my eyebrows for hrs.
-I sometimes sit on the toliet for an hr. reading a magazine.
-I cut the size tags out of most of my clothes.
-I stay on LHCF for hrs and hrs at a time.
-I have a list of potential baby names for our future kids.
-I like sex with the lights off only because I don't want the attention to be on my stretch marks.

I hope none of that seems really weird or crazy. What do you ladies keep from your man?
how do you know me?
Change the subject....:look:
But seriously, the biggest mistake that I ever made was being too open about things that were none of his business.
Somehow the info you tell them always find a way to be used against you to support some argument they are making.

Certain things that, when I told my ex about them, he threw them in my face. Not letting that happen again. :perplexed
It happens alot. Plus, I know I can do it to but am at stage where I want no games. So I'm careful of the info I feel I need to know.

I'll never let him know how to get to my heart and soul...that makes it too easy. I've been bad about that in the past...I've learned that there's some things men need to figure out on their own.
Exactly. Let them work for it. They'll appreciate it more.
Hmmm...the things I would never let him know?

Where the money is.

......oh yeah, and where the other things of real value is. Lol
that I love sexx verrrryyy much..
cuz then they'd never leave me alone and
when i dont feel like it they'd be like.. I thought you loved sex!! lol
i lied and told a ex that I didn't like giving oral sex (not true he has issues maintaining an erection and never fully got hard and it turned me off, i love giving it but just not to him at that pt in time)
There are just some things best left unsaid. Cliché but so true. I'm over doing certain things because I'm now less naive and much less stupid. If I'm not in that place when I met him, why in the world would I bring it up? Whilst it may not end our relationship, it does give him licence to potentially judge me unfairly and that could well change his perception of me even if he really doesn't want that to happen. I'm not about being judged over previous mistakes that have nada to do with him in the first place. Nor do I feel just because I make someone my SO or DH that they have full access into my whole entire life history. My own mother isn't even privvy to that.

The things I've likely to not disclouse to an SO are not very serious but extremely personal and some are just plain silly. There's no need to re-hash it. If an SO/DH was to tell me absolitely everything, then fine. But I'm not bothered. Just tell me the serious things (like another poster said - children, sexual orientation, disease etc) because those are really the things worth stressing and divorcing/leaving over.

:yep::yep: I'm all about selective disclosure.
I love to sit and pick at my teeth with needles or some sharp objects
I pee in the shower....hehe
I could care less is you can remember dates like our anniversary or the day we met....but if you bring me a single'll make me smile like the sun
I'm reallly not that scared of bugs....I just think it's kute when you try to protect me from them
I love self-help books

So do I. .
I used to think that not tellin my ex boyfriends anything they didnt need to know was good, but it can cause alot of problems in a relationship and can lead to u both not understanding eachother properly.

My current boyfriend was MAN enough to basically tell me everything he has ever done that he can remember and it was shocking. Literally i was like jheez. Then he gave me the opportunity to do so aswell, and i did and now we have become closer because of it. He always tells me how hes glad that we did air out our business to eachother, as he feels much more comfortable in our relationship and so do i.

IMO, who u tell ur business to depends on what kind of man it is. Some men/boys are still immature, some are permantely idiots, but some are serious and love u for u no matter wat u may think or wat has happened in the past.