Sealing conditioner with oil?

Okay so after coming back from the beach yesterday, I didn't get to seal my conditioner with oil sadly, even though my hair needed it. I noticed a significant difference! My hair isn't as managable and sleek; it's frizzier today, especially the ends -- which I've noticed only became frizzy after this month's haircut. Now even though my hair's soft, the added benefits of me being able to run my fingers through my hair with ease after airdrying aren't there. I guess sealing my conditioner with oil is a staple for me. ♥
I'm confident enough in this method to say that no, it's not a fluke! I love EVOO for this very purpose. It makes all of my conditioners even more awesome and increases the slip. It doesn't leave my hair greasy either after letting the EVOO + conditioner soak in.
How much oil do you put in? I have done one this with great results but sometimes my hair feels greasy after. The amount I put it in is different everytime and I can't remember the amount that gave me the perfect results.
I'm going to try this today...
Report back with your results. :grin:

I'm confident enough in this method to say that no, it's not a fluke! I love EVOO for this very purpose. It makes all of my conditioners even more awesome and increases the slip. It doesn't leave my hair greasy either after letting the EVOO + conditioner soak in.

Exactly! I feel like either the oil enhances the conditioning properties of the product that's already on the hair or the oil does some conditioning on its own along with the product below. I was really surprised that my hair wasn't super greasy either, it was like my hair absorbed everything.

How much oil do you put in? I have done one this with great results but sometimes my hair feels greasy after. The amount I put it in is different everytime and I can't remember the amount that gave me the perfect results.

I don't really measure, I think I put a lot but just to make sure it's all over the hair. On top, in between, on the ends, near the roots, all along the edges, that spot behind the ear -- just EVERYWHERE. I start out with a little, trying to cover all those spots then I go back in with more to cover again and again until my hair is glistening. My hair seems to soak up what it needs and I rinse lightly with cold water.

Maybe your hair doesn't need a lot of it, maybe you just need like two tablespoons, @Linxnme.
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I do this as well everytime I co-wash and DC. I use the conditioner as a leave-in and seal with oil. It makes my hair super manageable and soft.
I have tried this twice now. Once with an EVOO blend and I wasn't impressed. Today I tried it with grape seed oil and though my hair isn't dry rinsing out felt heavenly and it feels smooth and soft to the touch. I may have to play around to get the perfect combo, but the grape seed oil enhanced this DC.

Granted I used different products both times, but I still think the oil itself determines how well this method will work. I will contuine to do this with my moisturizing treatments.
Update on 2nd day hair: the back half that I sealed with castor oil now has a slight oily film on the hair. Normally when I mix castor oil in the hair feels waxy, but not oily like this. Gonna stick to mixing in the future, seems to work better for my hair.
@[URL="" said:
claud-uk[/URL]]- I always do everything in 4 sections (four braids or twists), so I just undo a section, apply DC and redo. I then tie all four sections together at the very ends with a small rubber band into a pineapple/pony to keep the hair in one place and on top of my head. Wrap entire head several times with saran, well down over my forehead, ears and nape so it can't slip. I then cut vertical slits for my ears :lol: and tie tightly with my satin scarf. I also sometimes twist each section and tuck them under kinda like four oversized bantu knots.

Then in the morning you rinse and go? Or do you not rinse at all?
Lilmama1011 said:
Yeah I started this like three weeks to a month ago. I put the conditioner in put my essential oil on their. It's a lot of different oils that came mixed already from whole foods . I can't say I feel a difference tho but I will continue to do it

Lilmama1011 Wait, essential oils are not the same as sealing oils. You're talking about lavender, sandalwood, lemongrass, etc?
Update on 2nd day hair: the back half that I sealed with castor oil now has a slight oily film on the hair. Normally when I mix castor oil in the hair feels waxy, but not oily like this. Gonna stick to mixing in the future, seems to work better for my hair.

@ claud-uk I tried sealing my DC with castor oil :nono:, it left a lot to be desired. My hair didn't like it at all. Don't give up on the technique just try a lighter oil :)
I always add coconut oil to my condition of choice for the week and a few drops of sage essential oil. Then I sit under my steamer for an hour. My hair feels like butter every time. Keep doing what your doing if it works.
@ claud-uk I tried sealing my DC with castor oil :nono:, it left a lot to be desired. My hair didn't like it at all. Don't give up on the technique just try a lighter oil :)
I was just about to say to try another oil your hair likes if the technique hasn't worked the first time with the primary oil you use.

I always seal with oil when I DC and NOTHING has worked as well as avocado oil. :up:
I always hear raves about avocado oil, would you say that it's the most moisturizing, MD_Lady?
Okay, I got to try this yesterday and my hair is amazingly soft and smooth. I can run my fingers through and my nape -- the bane to my hair's existence -- is actually tamed. This is a keeper, I will say just make sure not to use too much and if you put product on your hair, you may need to adjust the amount. If one oil doesn't work try at least one more because the potential results are amazinggggg! :lick:
I tried this finally! I used EVOO on top of my DC (just to get rid of it because I normally don't like it for my hair). At first I didnt notice a difference but when my hair dried it was very soft. So I'm going to keep doing it to see if I can get the same results everytime. Trying again tonight.
I decided to DC overnight on dry hair and, after applying my DC, I sealed with castor oil. My hair was really soft in the morning after I rinsed it not sure if it is because I DCed overnight on dry hair or because of the oil. I will try this with steaming next time and see how I go.
I sealed my hair was castor oil over conditioner and I liked it a lot. I don't think I would do it if I was going to straighten my hair though.

I will try avocado oil tonight. :lick:
I'm glad you're getting great results ladies:yep: Someone once said I was weird for layering my products (not that I took it as an insult)...I really do think this a great technique. WGO is my oil of choice mixed with almost every other oil that I own but still the results are good:yep:
I sealed my hair was castor oil over conditioner and I liked it a lot. I don't think I would do it if I was going to straighten my hair though.

I will try avocado oil tonight. :lick:
Agreed, you have to be very careful with how much you use, I think I used too much this time because I was so excited about how soft it makes my hair feel. Since I'm relaxed my hair is slightly limp today. :look:

Report back! I've never tried avocado oil but I've always wanted to since it's supposed to be a super moisturizing oil.

I'm glad you're getting great results ladies:yep: Someone once said I was weird for layering my products (not that I took it as an insult)...I really do think this a great technique. WGO is my oil of choice mixed with almost every other oil that I own but still the results are good:yep:
I really like this technique, with the way it's going so far, I can imagine retaining tons of length with continued use. It makes me wonder if laying products can be beneficial for the skin as well.
A few months ago I learned that my hair loves conditioner (AOWC) / oil (avocado butter or oil) combo for daily moisturizing and wash day LIs. I can see myself relying solely on conditioner/oil when I run out of moisturizers in my stash.

I was just about to say to try another oil your hair likes if the technique hasn't worked the first time with the primary oil you use.

I always hear raves about avocado oil, would you say that it's the most moisturizing, MD_Lady?
Aireen, yes, avocado is awesome and by far the best for sealing but I like wheat germ for oil rinsing.
I was just about to say to try another oil your hair likes if the technique hasn't worked the first time with the primary oil you use.

I always hear raves about avocado oil, would you say that it's the most moisturizing, @MD_Lady?
Aireen- It is for me! :grin: I've also used coconut, apricot, olive, sweet almond, and grapeseed oil and none of them has come CLOSE to moisturizing as well as avocado oil (for me). Jojoba oil has also worked well for me, but avocado is still my preference. :yep:
@Aireen @divachyk @Nix08 @greenandchic

I don't understand the sequence here
so you're putting on conditioner + oil. Then you rinse it. they you airdry

or you put on conditioner then rinse then oil then airdry???

I'm confused. help! :lol:
Hey, @sharifeh! Okay so this is how it goes for me with detail:

When it's time to condition on clean hair, I squeeze out all the excess water then apply my conditioner. I make sure my conditioner is thoroughly distributed all throughout the hair then apply oil on top of that, concentrating on my ends and edges. This way, the oil seals the conditioner, get it? :grin: Leave it in for 10-15 minutes THEN rinse with cold water. I detangle and air-dry after that.