Seaborn is wrong for that!!!!!!



Celebrity Status. :grin:

this one looks the wishmaster with those braids in her hair...

and you can see her black roots under the plastic braids.

and her eye brows ughhh. Even he is unsure of it cause he makes a comment about! He is so wrong!

Oh lord, ya'll need to stop ittttt!!!!

I really wonder what these women do for a do they get money to pay for all these ridiculous lacefronts?
^^^ Strippers maybe, I don't see how anyone with a normal job could wear their hair like that to work.
Where the hell is this place?! He is getting customers, which means there are women walking around looking like this, fuh real! I can't wrap my head around it. I want to see where all these people live and congregate and shop, etc. Oz?!
His commentary sounds like cheap porn.

LMAO at the lady with 'my little pony' hair and the matching lipstick
He is selling his dvd for $100 bucks.....But I think he meant $1.00 them disgusting styles aint worth a penny. And his nails ewwww I wouldn't want them near my head.

In the comments they described that as the "My Little Pony" look!
He need to be put UNDER the jail for hair styling crimes against humanity:nono::rofl::rofl::lachen::lachen:....I mean these women think they're sooooo fly wit their plastic stiff shiney a** hair:lol:. Those hair lines?!?!?!?

Where they goin lookin like that?

And don't evn GET me started on them hot mess eyebrows he's stickin on these ladies.

The worst part is they really feel like they stylin and profilin:nono:.....:lol:
Oh my goodness ....

Whenever I see my co-workers with these fake looking lace fronts, my eyeballs always go straight to their hairline. I can't even help it! Seaborn is hilarious and oh so frivolous LOL

I was like "does frivolous have some alternative definition that I don't know about?" :lachen: That whole channel is a mess. Is anybody serious on that channel? I think we are being punked. They know good and well that hair don't look like their own. "Is that your real hair?" get outta here with that mess!
^^^How about my white dorm roomate looked over my shoulder and asked me if that was her hair in this vid:rolleyes: and she looked at me like :look: I snapped my head around, saw her expression and realized she was deada** I was like sweety.....NO!

Yt ppl really can't tell the difference yall:giggle: bless their trusting hearts:lol:

but she did say "thats unfortunate":rofl::rofl::lachen:
I remember when I first saw his videos, I literally missed work because of the painful back ache I go from laughing so much. I just have never seen anything like that before. Hilarious! Especially that lady with the gigantic fake butt talking some mess - saying seaborn shouldn't insult by calling her black, she aint full black blah blah..etc ....all while looking soooo busted! lol
I agree that these looks are Oh So Frivolous!

Frivolous: ADJECTIVE: 1. Unworthy of serious attention; trivial: a frivolous novel. frivolously, frivolousness
Seaborn is a plum fool for lying to these women like that. One day I was really bored and I went and watched like 20 of his videos. The comments alone had me howling. One manly looking chick said she was mixed and one of the comments said she must be mixed with wolf and dog (or something like that) :lachen:Then he has them fibbing, saying that's their real hair. He slipped on one of the videos though. At the beginning he asked one of the girls if her hair was real and she was like "yeah". Then after more of his babbling, he says something like "it looks real, oops I mean it IS real :ohwell:
I like watching his videos when I need a good laugh.
What makes me laugh are the comments. Some of the folks are actually complimenting that mess! :perplexed
This is a hot mess!:cantlook: How do these chicks think that looks good?!:hand: The sad thing is he will get women to pay to get stuff like that done!:nono:
Seaborn could probably be really successful if he just stuck to being a hair cutter. The man can cut some hair and some layers. But these barbie and me weaves has got to go.
A friend and I did a marathon watch last year of his videos. My friend was going through a really rough time and needed some entertainment. We laughed until we cried!!! Those hairstyles, colors, gold teeth, nasty warped nails, his friend/customer Haiti and porn star voice were just too much. He makes you want to scream "wait a "blank" blank" minute :(
Lawd Jesus Seaborn 's creations are a work of....something LMAO but can some Miami resident weigh in to tell us if there is actually people walking around Dade County with these ridiculous plastic lace fronts melting in the flaw-rida sun?? I can only imagine....