Seaborn is wrong for that!!!!!!

I find that channel to be hilarious.

A little bit sad in a way... but it has me in stiches sometimes :lachen:

If they are happy with that, good for them... lawd have mercy. :lol: They are grown women.
@ dachsies_rule!: Love your hair in your siggy. Thats my hair goal for the end of the year!

OT: Seaborn at it AGAIN! When is he going to stop the madness? He is sooo funny how he gasses up their heads like "ooh girl you look like beyonce" and she be looking like Wesley Snipes in a blond lace front Lmao! You can’t help but laugh at this foolishness. It’s funny and sad at the same time!
@ dachsies_rule!: Love your hair in your siggy. Thats my hair goal for the end of the year!

OT: Seaborn at it AGAIN! When is he going to stop the madness? He is sooo funny how he gasses up their heads like "ooh girl you look like beyonce" and she be looking like Wesley Snipes in a blond lace front Lmao! You can’t help but laugh at this foolishness. It’s funny and sad at the same time!

I needed that laugh. Thank you!
out of all his vids i think i saw 2 or 3 that were real classy and real hair styles like its was their hair. One was a bob, just reg black and the cut was soooo nice. Another was long brown hair that was layered and the hair line looked nice (lace front and not that homemade hairline he does with that plastic stuff) and another of a boy-girl cut was cute. it looked like something Rihanna would wear. But when he does those blond weaves on those girls its like blahh.

And some of those girls think that having blond hair is going to "fix their face" if you ugg you ugg no hair is going to change just makes you look even more off!
Seaborn is very interesting. I can't stand his voice. Most of what he does is straight baffoonery, but he does do some nice cuts/styles. i liked the helmet hair one because it was nice and simple and natural vs all those crazie colors and plastic hair that you can't wear in a real profession.
Oh my goodness ....

Whenever I see my co-workers with these fake looking lace fronts, my eyeballs always go straight to their hairline. I can't even help it! Seaborn is hilarious and oh so frivolous LOL
If they didn't curse so much, I'd subscribe just for the laughter!!!! I was wondering if he was serious when he was complimenting them!
Seaborn is wrong for ALL OF THEM. :lachen: The first 2 are some of his better ones I must admit.

I can't get enough of his videos.
How can some of them just sit there and say that its their real hair when it is SO obvious it's not, haha.
LMAO :lachen::lachen::lachen: he got ole chic looking like a broke down rooster

And she got helmet hair going on

Mattel wouldn't put this on a Barbie doll!

She talking about people ae going to be haters cause they can't take a black woman with blond hair! WRONG! I can't handle a black woman with bad weave!

You are on timeout for posting this foolishness!!:rofl: :dead:

"So frivolous' is my new catch phrase tho' :cool:

ETA: His fingernails make wanna :barf:
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boingboing;8886022[B said:
]@ dachsies_rule!: Love your hair in your siggy. Thats my hair goal for the end of the year![/B]

OT: Seaborn at it AGAIN! When is he going to stop the madness? He is sooo funny how he gasses up their heads like "ooh girl you look like beyonce" and she be looking like Wesley Snipes in a blond lace front Lmao! You can’t help but laugh at this foolishness. It’s funny and sad at the same time!

Thanks for the compliment...what do you mean the end of the year, you're almost there! :grin:
@ dachsies_rule!: Love your hair in your siggy. Thats my hair goal for the end of the year!

OT: Seaborn at it AGAIN! When is he going to stop the madness? He is sooo funny how he gasses up their heads like "ooh girl you look like beyonce" and she be looking like Wesley Snipes in a blond lace front Lmao! You can’t help but laugh at this foolishness. It’s funny and sad at the same time!



Celebrity Status. :grin:
WTF is up with those fingernails??

this one looks the wishmaster with those braids in her hair...

and you can see her black roots under the plastic braids.

and her eye brows ughhh. Even he is unsure of it cause he makes a comment about! He is so wrong!


It's true!!!!

Didn't even look at the link, but you probably mean the platium blonde cornrows (with the matching eyebrows) with the gold tooth or whatever in her mouth, I bet! :lol:

Sadly, it'll probably always be imbedded on my memory. *shudders*