Sea kelp Challenge Anyone?


New Member
You know me and my vitamins

i love them

and i swear by them

and now, i want to challenge anybody who's up for it

for a sea kelp experiment

from September 25th -December 25th! Thats 3 months

Then, i challenge you to straighten your hair out of Christmas say, to show it off to your friends, family and all loved ones!!

Sea Kelp apparently works for around 3 months and then dies down. Its the type of vitamin that requires breaks

Its active ingredients that is meant to promote growth is Iodine!

Now, my tablets have 400ug of iodine, which means i have to take 3 a day to a day to acquire this (so don't be alarmed if your bottle states "take a 3 a day" - this is normal)

The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

I've also heard a lot of white girls talk about sea kelp, and i really want to put it to the test, and i want you ladies to join me, to see if the hype is really true.

You'll find sea kelp tables to be pretty cheap.


I've done some research on Sea kelp. I'm in on this challenge. I just hope they don't interfere w/ my other supplements. I'm going to try and buy some today.
I have been taking that for about two months now, I did notice the difference quite quickly in my nails first. So its a keeper...but afterwards I added a multi-V and B-complex and going ok so far I hope I havent changed its effectiveness....
I'd like to do this challenge but after doing some research on the net I'm scared: :perplexed

Is it safe to take an iodine supplement? I read that it stimulates the thyroid.

Thats definitely a valid concern. Thanks for pointing that out. I just did a search and it seems that this works best if you have a low salt diet.


Iodine can also aggravate acne. Check out this article: I also have threshold thyroid and altho not on medication (my doctor is keeping an eye on it and I have several aunts on my mother's side that suffer from tyroid, so its heredity), I've been advised to limit iodine rich foods. I can still eat stuff in moderation but if I go overboard, could trigger thyroid. Soooo, I go to great lengths to get vitamins and use table salt that are iodine free and try to avoid iodine like the plaque . . .
Sorry ladies, but if you have any underactivethroid issues, or your immediate family do

then sea kelp may not be for you

but if you or you family have no thyroid issues

then honestly theres no cause to worry

everything we consume has negetive and positive effects

sea kelp isnt that scary lol

i was also actually told in the health store, that if you go hyperactive thyroid, then iodine will help you a lot!
Can we eat nori sheets too? That's the closest thing I have to sea kelp vitamins.

Aww, Candy C. Your siggy is so cute!!!
I am in.

Maybe this will help me with my APL challenge in december, that I am on. Doen't sea kelp help with skin as well?
You know me and my vitamins

i love them

and i swear by them

and now, i want to challenge anybody who's up for it

for a sea kelp experiment

from September 25th -December 25th! Thats 3 months

Then, i challenge you to straighten your hair out of Christmas say, to show it off to your friends, family and all loved ones!!

Sea Kelp apparently works for around 3 months and then dies down. Its the type of vitamin that requires breaks

Its active ingredients that is meant to promote growth is Iodine!

Now, my tablets have 400ug of iodine, which means i have to take 3 a day to a day to acquire this (so don't be alarmed if your bottle states "take a 3 a day" - this is normal)

The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

I've also heard a lot of white girls talk about sea kelp, and i really want to put it to the test, and i want you ladies to join me, to see if the hype is really true.

You'll find sea kelp tables to be pretty cheap.



I researched and started taking seakelp from last week...i also saw the article on how it grows hair speedily for about 3mths then stops working (girl. have you been stalking me?:grin:)J/K

I'm in on this:yep::yep:
The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

What vitamins are you on/ have you been on?
Sorry ladies, but if you have any underactivethroid issues, or your immediate family do

then sea kelp may not be for you

but if you or you family have no thyroid issues

then honestly theres no cause to worry

everything we consume has negetive and positive effects

sea kelp isnt that scary lol

i was also actually told in the health store, that if you go hyperactive thyroid, then iodine will help you a lot!
Good! then im in......again!

I'm taking kelp. Is there a difference between kelp and sea kelp?

Also, I thought iodine helps people with *under*active or hypothyroidism. As I thought I understood, people who have underactive thyroid have trouble producing iodine. They also have a very slow metabolism. Therefore, taking kelp/sea kelp would help.

But for those who have a *hyper*active thyroid or hyerthyroidism may not want to take kelp.

I could be wrong, so please correct me if I am.

I don't think I'll have a problem. I have the most sluggish metabolism in the world.:nono:
Iodine can also aggravate acne. Check out this article: I also have threshold thyroid and altho not on medication (my doctor is keeping an eye on it and I have several aunts on my mother's side that suffer from tyroid, so its heredity), I've been advised to limit iodine rich foods. I can still eat stuff in moderation but if I go overboard, could trigger thyroid. Soooo, I go to great lengths to get vitamins and use table salt that are iodine free and try to avoid iodine like the plaque . . .

Thanks soo much neroli, I was just about to ask this! I just got my face under control, I couldn't handle another break out. Would you happen to know the minimum amount the one can take without aggravating acne, but still reap the benefits of accelerated hair growth??

Which is more effective, the powder or the pill??

You know me and my vitamins

i love them

and i swear by them

and now, i want to challenge anybody who's up for it

for a sea kelp experiment

from September 25th -December 25th! Thats 3 months

Then, i challenge you to straighten your hair out of Christmas say, to show it off to your friends, family and all loved ones!!

Sea Kelp apparently works for around 3 months and then dies down. Its the type of vitamin that requires breaks

Its active ingredients that is meant to promote growth is Iodine!

Now, my tablets have 400ug of iodine, which means i have to take 3 a day to a day to acquire this (so don't be alarmed if your bottle states "take a 3 a day" - this is normal)

The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

I've also heard a lot of white girls talk about sea kelp, and i really want to put it to the test, and i want you ladies to join me, to see if the hype is really true.

You'll find sea kelp tables to be pretty cheap.


WOW...I just bought a bottle of kelp because I was watching something on PBS (about the gardening) and they were saying how kelp grows so many feet a day and they add it to fertilizer and it helps the flowers/veggies/plants grow quicker..and I thought to myself..hmmm maybe I'll take it to see if I have similar results..also it's good for weight loss..I actually just started taking it..I would love to see the results from everyone (including myself) at the end of the year
Thanks soo much neroli, I was just about to ask this! I just got my face under control, I couldn't handle another break out. Would you happen to know the minimum amount the one can take without aggravating acne, but still reap the benefits of accelerated hair growth??

Which is more effective, the powder or the pill??


I have no idea about dosage as I avoid iodine at all cost. I think this is prolly OK for folks who don't have acne and/or thyroid issues, but since I potentially have both, I have always avoided iodine. I posted as an FYI for those who may not have been aware of the possibilities beyond hair growth :yep:

I'm acne prone and my skin has been flawless for years now, I ain't messing with anything that's gonna mess that up, even if I have to give up a little hair growth. If I HAD to choose, I'd rather have flawless skin rather than long hair. Thank God I don't have to choose cuz my skin is flawless AND my hair is below brastrap, so I'm good right now.

Perhaps someone else can help with dosage and such?
If anyone was looking, VitaminWorld has Kelp on sale. Buy 1 @ 4.99 and get 1 free. And each bottle contains 250 tablets.
I'm in.

I've put myself on a 3 inches in 3 months challenge, and adding Kelp to my vitamins just may speed up the growth:locks:

Candy C where did you get your Kelp from?

I've looked at the one sold in Holland and Barratt, and it's 150 iu as opposed to the 400 iu you mentioned in your original post.
Summa Bliss, I guess 150ug isnt so bad if you are taking a multi vitamin. The multi-V I am taking also has another 150ug in there. I am taking the sea kelp, a Multi, Silica, and B-Complex. I have since a lot of difference in my hair. I am taking out my braids in two weeks, cant wait to see what its done for my lenght!