Sea kelp Challenge Anyone?

You know me and my vitamins

i love them

and i swear by them

and now, i want to challenge anybody who's up for it

for a sea kelp experiment

from September 25th -December 25th! Thats 3 months

Then, i challenge you to straighten your hair out of Christmas say, to show it off to your friends, family and all loved ones!!

Sea Kelp apparently works for around 3 months and then dies down. Its the type of vitamin that requires breaks

Its active ingredients that is meant to promote growth is Iodine!

Now, my tablets have 400ug of iodine, which means i have to take 3 a day to a day to acquire this (so don't be alarmed if your bottle states "take a 3 a day" - this is normal)

The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

I've also heard a lot of white girls talk about sea kelp, and i really want to put it to the test, and i want you ladies to join me, to see if the hype is really true.

You'll find sea kelp tables to be pretty cheap.


I'm in i bought mine today from GNC. I'm hoping this works. I also bought spirulina. My hair broke off bad in the back middle and i need some help.
after taking kelp and spirulina yesterday, my forehead broke out something fierce! I don't know which one did it. I will not take either one anymore(sigh)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per Container: 180

Amount Per Serving% Daily Value

Iron390 mcg 2%
Iodine400 mcg 267%
Sodium20 mg 1%
Kelp (whole thallus)660 mg*

I am taking this one, it only suggest 1 per day. Is that an okay dose to get the benefits? I just started about 2 weeks ago, and I've been pretty good about taking them because it's only one.
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You know me and my vitamins

i love them

and i swear by them

and now, i want to challenge anybody who's up for it

for a sea kelp experiment

from September 25th -December 25th! Thats 3 months

Then, i challenge you to straighten your hair out of Christmas say, to show it off to your friends, family and all loved ones!!

Sea Kelp apparently works for around 3 months and then dies down. Its the type of vitamin that requires breaks

Its active ingredients that is meant to promote growth is Iodine!

Now, my tablets have 400ug of iodine, which means i have to take 3 a day to a day to acquire this (so don't be alarmed if your bottle states "take a 3 a day" - this is normal)

The reason I'm posting this, is because i have a friend, who is 4b relaxed, and shes been on all the vitamins i have been on, but swears by sea kelp...her hair has grown faster than mine ever has!

Shes gotten from above shoulder, to full armpit in around 4 months, whereas it took me 6 months.

I've also heard a lot of white girls talk about sea kelp, and i really want to put it to the test, and i want you ladies to join me, to see if the hype is really true.

You'll find sea kelp tables to be pretty cheap.


I actually eat the natural version of it which is called Nori (actually it's dried seaweed_) from wholefoods and it does work ridiculously fast. I haven't had any inactive periods, but I've only been on it for a couple of months.