Sea kelp Challenge Anyone?

OK I forgot to tell you guys this, but better sooner than later...

I have been eating Miso Wakame soup everyday for lunch and I have seen some difference in my hair already. Nothing big as far as length, but its seems fuller and much thicker. It has that Lush feeling....

BUT THE BIG NEWS helps you lose weight..!!!! I have been losing inches off my waist line weekly!! I am not exgeartting... My appetite has decreased entirely. I hope that I start seeing results in my hair soon, but even if I dont, I will still drink this soup daily to maintain my weight.

How is everyone else doing?
OK I forgot to tell you guys this, but better sooner than later...

I have been eating Miso Wakame soup everyday for lunch and I have seen some difference in my hair already. Nothing big as far as length, but its seems fuller and much thicker. It has that Lush feeling....

BUT THE BIG NEWS helps you lose weight..!!!! I have been losing inches off my waist line weekly!! I am not exgeartting... My appetite has decreased entirely. I hope that I start seeing results in my hair soon, but even if I dont, I will still drink this soup daily to maintain my weight.

How is everyone else doing?
Congratulations Pananama's own!
Now tell me where you got that soup from!:grin:
OK I forgot to tell you guys this, but better sooner than later...

I have been eating Miso Wakame soup everyday for lunch and I have seen some difference in my hair already. Nothing big as far as length, but its seems fuller and much thicker. It has that Lush feeling....

BUT THE BIG NEWS helps you lose weight..!!!! I have been losing inches off my waist line weekly!! I am not exgeartting... My appetite has decreased entirely. I hope that I start seeing results in my hair soon, but even if I dont, I will still drink this soup daily to maintain my weight.

How is everyone else doing?

wow... congratulations!!!

I think I saw some miso soup at Wild Oats last time I was there... if not there, I think another grocery store may carry it. Miso soup for lunch sounds yummy. I may have to try that for hair and health benefits. Thanks for the update, and HHG!!!
I got the soup from a place in houston called Viet-Hoa. They sell a bunch of Korean, Chinese and Japanese products. No American Products. I jsut found out about OOlong tea speeding up your metabolism, so I'm all over it...
I got the soup from a place in houston called Viet-Hoa. They sell a bunch of Korean, Chinese and Japanese products. No American Products. I jsut found out about OOlong tea speeding up your metabolism, so I'm all over it...

I want to try this...what type of place did you get it from...Chinese, Viet, etc. I read that it usually accompany dim sum.
ok, i just tried some miso soup that i found at walmart (it was the only miso soup that they had), and i gotta say...

i like it

at first i was scared that it was going to taste funny, but it really taste good!!!

but i might have to find another brand tho... nothing wrong with this one, its just that this was mainly powder, a few tofu cubes and a few pieces of seaweed and onion. seemed like it should have been more seaweed or something... but it taste great tho... the brand i got was "Kikkoman" and it was "instant tofu miso soup" and has three packets/servings.
i finally bought a 500 mg sea algae supplement on nov. 5
so my results will be late
at first i was gonna get the kelp only
but then i thought why not get a variety? (esp. w/ the iodine worries)
this has kelp, kombu, nori, wakame and dulse
this is the one i got from vitamin shoppe on sale $9.99 instead of $17.95

marine greens sea algae formula
OOlong tea you say???

another item to add to my shopping list!!!

A coworker bought in a big bag of oolong tea, so I used to drink Oolong tea every single day at least twice a day and I did not notice any change in my hair, only change was the...errrr....bowel movements...:spinning:

I've been faithfully taking my kelp supps three times a day, and last month I got 1.5 inches of growth, but that may be down to other factors-
10mg biotin, hair vit, B Complex, multi, loadsa fish oils, eating fish every other day, and using BT or my own sulphur mix. I think the Sea Kelp is a keeper for me. Once I finish this bottle, I'll be eating real seaweed often as a natural way to supplement my diet, as sea kelp seems to have multiple benefits.

i took sea kelp in 2005 and i did see good benifits. still preggers lol.... so ill start taking again when iv stopped breast feeding nxt year... :yep:
I'm all over the kelp but how much do you guys suggest I take. Right now I am 640 mg(s) a night. What's the max I can take without having it having ill effects coming out my face and behind:lachen:
My metabolism has increased....I can go all day without feeling like I need to take a nap. I haven't noticed any hair benefits as of now. :perplexed I am wondering if I'm taking enough, my bottle says to take one per day (Kelp 125mg with 225mcg of iodine @ 150% daily value) but I feel like I should bump it up to 2 per day. Does anyone know if there is any danger in doing that? :confused: That would be 250mg of Kelp with 450mcg of iodine @ 300% daily value. :perplexed
ok, i just tried some miso soup that i found at walmart (it was the only miso soup that they had), and i gotta say...

i like it

at first i was scared that it was going to taste funny, but it really taste good!!!

but i might have to find another brand tho... nothing wrong with this one, its just that this was mainly powder, a few tofu cubes and a few pieces of seaweed and onion. seemed like it should have been more seaweed or something... but it taste great tho... the brand i got was "Kikkoman" and it was "instant tofu miso soup" and has three packets/servings.

I found the Miso soup too. At first I thought I would have to ask DH to get his China co-workers to send me some...but I found it at the health food store. I got two different brands: Wakame and Hissho. They both taste GREAT...soup in a cup...just add 8 ounces of hot I can actually drink it on the go.
Yep happened to me too. I think this is supposed to happen to help you lose weight. I only had two cups and it cleaned me out very good in a matter of hours.

A coworker bought in a big bag of oolong tea, so I used to drink Oolong tea every single day at least twice a day and I did not notice any change in my hair, only change was the...errrr....bowel movements...:spinning:

I've been faithfully taking my kelp supps three times a day, and last month I got 1.5 inches of growth, but that may be down to other factors-
10mg biotin, hair vit, B Complex, multi, loadsa fish oils, eating fish every other day, and using BT or my own sulphur mix. I think the Sea Kelp is a keeper for me. Once I finish this bottle, I'll be eating real seaweed often as a natural way to supplement my diet, as sea kelp seems to have multiple benefits.

Hey everyone how is it going? Are ladies having any great results, or have you notice any ill effects? I just purchased Natures Way Kelp 180 capsules per bottle and it states it has a :

Certified 660mg of kelp.
Iron 390 mcg
Iodine 400 mcg
Sodium 20 mg

Recommendation to take 1 capsule with food a day. Caution NOT recommended for long term use.

anyone else using this brand.
tt8: I'm all over the kelp but how much do you guys suggest I take. Right now I am 640 mg(s) a night. What's the max I can take without having it having ill effects coming out my face and behind

My metabolism has increased....I can go all day without feeling like I need to take a nap. I haven't noticed any hair benefits as of now. :perplexed I am wondering if I'm taking enough, my bottle says to take one per day (Kelp 125mg with 225mcg of iodine @ 150% daily value) but I feel like I should bump it up to 2 per day. Does anyone know if there is any danger in doing that? :confused: That would be 250mg of Kelp with 450mcg of iodine @ 300% daily value. :perplexed

tt8: I'm all over the kelp but how much do you guys suggest I take. Right now I am 640 mg(s) a night. What's the max I can take without having it having ill effects coming out my face and behind


Okay ladies Here is what I found on the World Wide Web:

Not your average seaweed dish!
A review by IndiePrincess on Sea Kelp
January 20th, 2005

Author's product rating:

Value for Money Excellent
Side effects Medium
Effectiveness Good

Advantages: Natural remedy for a varity of ailments inc . weak hair & brittle nails
Disadvantages: 3 - a day dose may cause certain people to develop spots, taste of tablets

Recommend to potential buyers: yes

Full review
This review is based on my experiences of "Natures Aid Norwegian Sea Kelp."
Frustrated of thin hair that dwindled down to my shoulders and broke whenever I brushed it and flaky nails, I sought a natural product which would help me to grow healthy long locks. I was recommended sea kelp due to the fact it is rich in minerals and elements such as iodine which, amongst other things, promotes healthy hair growth.

Sea kelp also helps to regulate the production of thyroid hormones in the body, which in turn, regulates metobolic rate.
I chose this brand of tablets for two main reasons. Firstly they were cheaper than any others the health shop stocked (!) and secondly (perhaps more importantly) they recommended taking 3 tablets a day rather than one super strength one. This was particularly important for me as I like to adjust the dosage to my needs.

The tablets are packaged in a white plastic jar with a distinctive green and white label. The label on the jar suggests that the tablets are to be taken 3 times a day with food. The size of the jar is such that it is not really practical to carry around with you every day and so, this may not suit everyone - especially forgetful people!
Personally speaking, I began to notice results almost immediately, although the advisor at the health shop said that I would need to take the tablets for at least 4 - 8 weeks before there were any noticeable improvements.

Improvements that I noticed were; stronger, thicker and longer hair. My hair seemed to grow overnight! I also noticed significant weight loss (although I had been on Weight Watchers for 4 months prior, my weight had begun to stabalise until I began taking these, then I found the last awkward pounds really shifted!) Finally, my nail stopped flaking, although I must admit that they still are not as strong as a healthy nail should be.
I also suffered negative effects and I found that I could directly attribute these to taking 3 tablets a day. If I stuck to the recommended dosage, I would badly break out in spots. Some of my friends have also suffered this problem. Another 'side effect' (although I admit this is less of a problem as this is one of the main reasons I started to take Norwegian Sea Kelp) is that I need to book myself in for an eyebrow wax much more frequently these days. The regrowth rate is fantastic - meaning more waxes, meaning more expense! :o(

I now take 1 tablet a day and find that my skin can cope with this better - I have no more annoying breakouts! This is also financially better for me as my tablets last far longer! I would not hesitate to recommend this product to anyone who suffers similar problems to my own, however please be warned that this product is not generally recommended for those who are pregnant. There is a warning on the jar advising pregnant women to consult their doctors before taking the product.

>>>I hope this helps.:rolleyes:I would still like to know about our( LHCF) personal experiences.
Hey, it's been 2 months already. Does anyone have an update, yet?

Since starting this challenge (around Sept) My hair has been grwoing at an average rate of 1"- 1.5" per month, but it may be due to BT, my sulphur mix and other vits I take.

Bliss xxx
tt8 thanks for bumping the thread! :up:
CicilyPayne thank you for the information!! Very informative. :yep::up:

When I read GymFreak's answer to the the young lady who posted the question: "how much is TOO much?" (re: vitamins) I took a second look at all of the vitamins I am currently taking and found out that I was headed for trouble if I continued on the path I was on (ie: too much vitamin A...some in my daily multi vitamin and the extra supplement of cod liver oil) plus the fact that there is already 150mcg of iodine in my daily I am going to stick with just taking one a day as per the instructions on my bottle (re: kelp) so my total daily iodine intake will be 375mcg. Whatever my hair is going to do it has to do it with that amount. :yep:

I LOVE LHCF!!! :flowers:
i've only been taking 1 per day to avoid pimples

So far, my weight has regulated and i feel very healthy!

my hair growth rate is off the scale, but i feel this was due to around 3 weeks back, me doing an amla/shikakhai rinse/toner.

i've been on the kelp nearly 2 months now

i'm upping to 2 per day to see what happens next!

to say my hair stopped at just above waistlength, i'm so happy to experience rapid growth, esp in the winter!
ok ladies....the time is coming close to the end of this challenge, how is everyone doing so far? Do you see any changes? Did the seaweed help?
I have lost weight without trying....I went from size 14 to size 12. :look: I haven't noticed any difference in my hair. :perplexed

PanamasOwn did you see any changes? Do you feel it has helped you?
i finally bought a 500 mg sea algae supplement on nov. 5
so my results will be late
at first i was gonna get the kelp only
but then i thought why not get a variety? (esp. w/ the iodine worries)
this has kelp, kombu, nori, wakame and dulse
this is the one i got from vitamin shoppe on sale $9.99 instead of $17.95

marine greens sea algae formula

so far it's been a little over a month for me
so i'm not sure - my hair grows fast anyway
when i straighten my hair in jan (2 months)
i'll be better able to assess my progress
I have lost weight without trying....I went from size 14 to size 12. :look: I haven't noticed any difference in my hair. :perplexed

PanamasOwn did you see any changes? Do you feel it has helped you?

biggest change was in my diet. I lost weight and stopped craving unhealthy foods. I dont think it did much for my hair.
Hey ladies, bump bump, wanting to know how its going??? Love hearing the weight loss benefits... want to try this after pregnancy.....