Country gal

Well-Known Member
It was October 2002; I was at an aquaintance’s housewarming party. I was talking with my good friend Ang and a young woman I had met a few times named Beverly. We were talking about hair. My girl Ang was talking about how we spend more money on getting our nails done and buying clothes than taking care of our selves. I had to agree with her. I wasted more money trying to fix me instead of just loving what God blessed me with. I remember telling them that I wanted my hair to be long. However it wouldn’t happen for me because black women hair only grew so long. Beverly in her very quiet manner said that might not be true. She talked about her trials and tribulations regarding her hair. She talked about how important it was to research and find ways to take better care of your hair. I was intrigued, could there be help for the hair hopeless. Beverly told me about a website strictly dedicated to the care of black hair. I started perusing the site that very week. One of the most striking images was of a member named Adrienne. Her hair looked flawless. I thought she must have always had long, flowing hair. I remember looking at her pictures of her hair journey. I felt like there was hope for me. Her hair at one point was chin length and now it was flowing down her back.
I was amazed at the knowledge of the ladies on the board. They really seemed to know a lot about their hair. I had always relied on hair stylists to style my hair. I never thought I could do more than just wash / blowdry my hair and slick it back into a ponytail. It also seemed the ladies were very supportive of each other. It seemed as if they were old friends sharing hair secrets. As most newbies, I just lurked before making my first post. It didn’t take long before I discovered one of my favorite pastimes. Which is posting on the Off Topic board. (Yes, I am admitting it, I am a OT junkie.) I want to thank the many beautiful ladies on this board. At times I have laughed so hard I was almost in tears. I have been brought to tears over some of the touching and sad stories. I have been encouraged and inspired by many of your stories. I have fumed over some of the ignorant and/or outragoues things I have read. I have enjoyed my time on the board. It has become a wonderful outlet. An opportunity for me to express my views freely. An opportunity for me to learn from women who are passionate about taking care of their hair and bodies.
I would love to say after being on this board for a year and half; I have long, flowing hair. However I don’t. My hair has never been as healthy before as it is now. My original goal was to have shoulder length hair. My hair does touch my shoulder in the back. Most importantly, I absolutely love my 4a/4b hair. I feel confident again regarding my hair. I am no longer a slave to my hair stylist. I no longer believe that black women can’t have ____________. I hope you enjoy my hair journey pictures as much as I have enjoyed viewing your pics. Below is the URL to my Fotki account along with the password for my LHCF album.
password: crowningglory
Go, SBaker!!
Your hair looks beautiful!! ( as do you!
SBaker! I'm so glad you decided to post some pictures for us to travel along through your hair journey. Those fall DC meeting pictures bring back memories
Sbaker, you look stunning lady
. I love your braidout pics and your hair looks very healthy. I love the pic of you standing by the car. Work it girl
Your hair looks very pretty, sbaker.
Thanks for sharing your story and for coordinating all the DC meetings (one of these days I'm actually going to show up
). Keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing, Beautiful One! Wow! Your hair is coming along nicely since I last saw you. Girl, you IS truly awesome! Keep up the good work, and thanks for all your support...

Yes, your hair looks HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL!!!
Love the pics. I already knew you were stunning, but now I get to see your little heartbreaker of a son.
Girl you are Gawgeous!!!!!
I am loving your hair! I cna't wait til I make it back to that side of the road!
Sbaker, I love your hair, makeup and car < I need to get mine because I must turn up for the next Dc/md meeting .... the pictures are so lovely and the ladies so pretty>
Thanks for all your kind words. However I must admit the Lex is not mine. One day I will get my Lexus. I just thought it would enhance the picture, Me standing by a nice ride.

It's also nice to know that you don't have to have long hair for people to appreciate it.

Mel- My son is quite the little ladies man.
I was really touched by that story.

You look wonderful in your pics. You will reach your hair goals in no time!
Lovely story, lovely lady, lovely hair!!

Your hair looks so healthy and nice. Keep up the good work!