Saying the "L" Word...


Well-Known Member
What are you ladies experiences with the L word? In your relationship who said it first? When did your SO first say he loved you? Do you think that was the moment he first realized it? Or was he holding back?
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It was funny, because SO was explaining his day and he was telling me about going to the dry cleaners to pick up some clothes and he said "when I was walking out of there at that moment I thought, I think I love her..." And I'm like what? And he was like yeah, I think I love you...yeah I do. It was really in a at the moment type of thing or something he just realized, I could hear it in his voice. Sort of funny, I don't think he had been holding back.

LOL Im sleepy this may not make sense, I might have to edit this later, lol.:lachen:
I actually said I love you first with no regrets. Me and my So met our freshman year in college and I knew I loved him after like 3 months but of course I did not admit it. About 7 months in our relationship I was talking to one of my closest friends from HS over the phone and she asked if I love him. I told her yeah and she was like "Why haven't you told him yet! He does not have to say it first!" She always encouraged me when it came to guys.

So that evening he came to my dorm room after a week off from spring break and it was also easter around that time. And he brought me a big bunny which was too sweet to me. We had this thing where we would mouth "alligator food" (it looks like you are saying I love you) as a joke...And he thought I was joking at first, but then I said, no I meant "I love you" and he was like he loved me too and gave me a big old kiss and haven't stop saying it almost 5 years later. He told me he thought about telling me a while back but was afraid to say something bc he thought that it would push me away, make me uneasy. So he was holding back, but so was I.
I never say it first. In my experiences, it's better to let them say it first because some men don't know whether to interpret it as an expression or as a red flag that a woman is needy/moving too fast/too into him/clingy/whatever.

In my last relationship, I could tell he was holding back because he felt like it was too soon. He would be stuttering and stammering getting off the phone because he wanted to say it but didn't want to scare me away. We had laughs about it later, but the way it played out made me glad I didn't get ahead of myself and say it first.
I never say it first. In my experiences, it's better to let them say it first because some men don't know whether to interpret it as an expression or as a red flag that a woman is needy/moving too fast/too into him/clingy/whatever.

In my last relationship, I could tell he was holding back because he felt like it was too soon. He would be stuttering and stammering getting off the phone because he wanted to say it but didn't want to scare me away. We had laughs about it later, but the way it played out made me glad I didn't get ahead of myself and say it first.

That's what I always thought. Thanks for sharing. Anybody else have any stories?
Well ...i know i LOOOVE MY SO...... im IN love with my SO...but i wont say it first! :nono:

I think because I've been burned so many times by saying the i love you first and not having it felt back. I think he loves me but he hasnt said it yet. I try to keep in mind that although we spoken to each other on and off for like 4 years ( maybe like a couple of times a year ) ...and that although we've been "seeing each other" exclusively for about 7 months, we've really only been OFFICIAL for just about 2 months now. Ill just have to sit back and wait.

But every day....several times a day i have to hold back from blurting out "I LOVE YOU!!"

Strange though that theres talks of marriage, kids, future houses, growing old.....but no i love yous yet...
I don't remember stuff like that like when they told me but in all the relationships I've been in they've always said it first. I find men fall in love a lot faster. Or maybe it's just that I fall in love a lot slower with the guys I'm with.
All my serious SO's have always said I love you first...I always refused to do so, as dumb as this may sound, to me it felt like giving up your power in the relationship.

My current SO told me he knew he was in love the day we went to an amusement park together. I was all crazy and hyper like a little kid, laughing and having the best time.
We were running to get in line for the roller coaster for the 5th time in a row when he turned and looked at me and said, "it's official...I am in love with you."

Now we say it to each other several times a day.
i have never said it first
but when they do say i love you i always say it back (even tho i dont mean it) so they wont feel bad
awww... this post brings back memories...
when i was with my ex, he called me late one night and we were just having one of our random conversations... and than his like come outside ... i was like are you crazy? its late, i'm not getting out of bed , plus it will wake my parents if they hear the door open...

his like " i really have to talk to you" me being so stubborn i was like no it can wait until the morning ... his like " it can't" well to make a lovely story short before he hung up he says " i wanted to tell you... i love you.. i wanted to see your face when i said it" ... he was the first to say it...

i couldn't sleep that night:blush:
I actually said I love you first with no regrets. Me and my So met our freshman year in college and I knew I loved him after like 3 months but of course I did not admit it. About 7 months in our relationship I was talking to one of my closest friends from HS over the phone and she asked if I love him. I told her yeah and she was like "Why haven't you told him yet! He does not have to say it first!" She always encouraged me when it came to guys.

So that evening he came to my dorm room after a week off from spring break and it was also easter around that time. And he brought me a big bunny which was too sweet to me. We had this thing where we would mouth "alligator food" (it looks like you are saying I love you) as a joke...And he thought I was joking at first, but then I said, no I meant "I love you" and he was like he loved me too and gave me a big old kiss and haven't stop saying it almost 5 years later. He told me he thought about telling me a while back but was afraid to say something bc he thought that it would push me away, make me uneasy. So he was holding back, but so was I.

awww this was soo cute! glad to hear you two are still together:grin:
I knew I was in love with my SO way to soon after I got with him - I had been close friends with him for 6 months, so I already 'knew' him. But I think I realised that I fell in love with him way before I even realised that I 'liked' him. Which was a little confusing for me, so I kept schtum. However, he's described it to me in a similar way, with no prompting... he said that he's loved me from the start, and it's grown and grown. He says that there is that feeling of love at first encounter, but it's only significant with retrospect. (He's so smart ...*swoon :love3:)
It's my first love, and I'm ridiculously careful with my heart, so I'm surprised that i've even gotten this far. But I see wayyy into the future with him, and I feel so lucky. He said I love you first, and that was 6 months in, so he was kind of holding back too. He had genuine reasons for doing that - and it makes sense not to say it until you feel safe. I was able to say it straight away - and it was genuine. It still is.
What are you ladies experiences with the L word? In your relationship who said it first? My SO said it first. I've never told a guy that I loved him first.
When did your SO first say he loved you? About 3 months after we met
Do you think that was the moment he first realized it? Or was he holding back? I think he was holding back. I think he was waiting to see if I would say it first (we had a bet....:grin:).

madatory 10 chars.
I don't remember stuff like that like when they told me but in all the relationships I've been in they've always said it first. I find men fall in love a lot faster. Or maybe it's just that I fall in love a lot slower with the guys I'm with.

This is sooooo true...:wallbash: Give a girl some time to get to know you first. Gheesh...:lachen:
awww... this post brings back memories...
when i was with my ex, he called me late one night and we were just having one of our random conversations... and than his like come outside ... i was like are you crazy? its late, i'm not getting out of bed , plus it will wake my parents if they hear the door open...

his like " i really have to talk to you" me being so stubborn i was like no it can wait until the morning ... his like " it can't" well to make a lovely story short before he hung up he says " i wanted to tell you... i love you.. i wanted to see your face when i said it" ... he was the first to say it...

i couldn't sleep that night:blush:

I've never said it until December 10 2001. I may have said it first but we both felt it.:yep:

I'm of a mind that if you feel it, say it.
