Saved Christian friends and their 'ways.'


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Why is it that the 2 closest friends I've ever had in my life seem to act more worldly since that holy water touched their foreheads.

I know I know we're not supposed to judge, but I sit there thinking, do you really think that God doesn't see and hear everything that you do and that it's ok because you're saved it means you can sin cause you got an automatic passport into heaven.

If you knowingly shack up with your man, when you were adamant against it, then going to church on Sunday's what's going through your mind? And the 'reason being' to save for a deposit for a mortgage. Um.... I was understanding that the Lord will provide and take care of this. I've told her this.

For other reasons I don't think this is the man that God sent for her. I really don't. My spirit just doesn't take to him or their relationship. She grabbed him cause she's afraid of being alone, and thinks there's something wrong with her if no man wants her. He proposed, she accepted after less than 3 months of dating. Now she's admitted to me she loves him but isn't in love with him but will marry him anyway. (LD Not attending the wedding - because if I do I will stand up and speak during that infamous line during the ceremony) She says she won't divorce him as she doesn't believe in divorce (yeah like she doesn't believe in playing house before they are married).

Ladies I've tried to talk her out of kicking him out the bed, re-considering the whole wedding if she's not in love with him, and tried to make her see how her actions in God's eyes are none too pleasing. I know myself I'm a sinner, but to blatantly and knowingly sin for me is a no go area. I may stumble, but to stumble and continue to lie on my back just ain't happening. I call this girl everyday, and as much as I feel she's put her own personal relationship with God to one side, she has done with ours also. It's like re-investing in a stock on a daily basis that just isn't giving me good financial returns and I'm losing money. Part of me feels a little guilty (can't put it into words) but I need a break from her. Bear with's like how can I expect her to value our friendship when I feel she doesn't value the one she has with Christ. I've been there for her and advised her, and I feel that my words aren't being taken in. I've come to the conclusion, that right now I need to stop talking, but while she's playing house I'm not gonna be around much (I'm not going to tell her this as I don't want her to think she has to choose, that's not my intention).

Do you think I'm being unfair. I just feel very drained, for better sense of the word with this girl.
LondonDiva said:
Why is it that the 2 closest friends I've ever had in my life seem to act more worldly since that holy water touched their foreheads.

I know I know we're not supposed to judge, but I sit there thinking, do you really think that God doesn't see and hear everything that you do and that it's ok because you're saved it means you can sin cause you got an automatic passport into heaven.

If you knowingly shack up with your man, when you were adamant against it, then going to church on Sunday's what's going through your mind? And the 'reason being' to save for a deposit for a mortgage. Um.... I was understanding that the Lord will provide and take care of this. I've told her this.

For other reasons I don't think this is the man that God sent for her. I really don't. My spirit just doesn't take to him or their relationship. She grabbed him cause she's afraid of being alone, and thinks there's something wrong with her if no man wants her. He proposed, she accepted after less than 3 months of dating. Now she's admitted to me she loves him but isn't in love with him but will marry him anyway. (LD Not attending the wedding - because if I do I will stand up and speak during that infamous line during the ceremony) She says she won't divorce him as she doesn't believe in divorce (yeah like she doesn't believe in playing house before they are married).

Ladies I've tried to talk her out of kicking him out the bed, re-considering the whole wedding if she's not in love with him, and tried to make her see how her actions in God's eyes are none too pleasing. I know myself I'm a sinner, but to blatantly and knowingly sin for me is a no go area. I may stumble, but to stumble and continue to lie on my back just ain't happening. I call this girl everyday, and as much as I feel she's put her own personal relationship with God to one side, she has done with ours also. It's like re-investing in a stock on a daily basis that just isn't giving me good financial returns and I'm losing money. Part of me feels a little guilty (can't put it into words) but I need a break from her. Bear with's like how can I expect her to value our friendship when I feel she doesn't value the one she has with Christ. I've been there for her and advised her, and I feel that my words aren't being taken in. I've come to the conclusion, that right now I need to stop talking, but while she's playing house I'm not gonna be around much (I'm not going to tell her this as I don't want her to think she has to choose, that's not my intention).

Do you think I'm being unfair. I just feel very drained, for better sense of the word with this girl.

Why is it that the 2 closest friends I've ever had in my life seem to act more worldly since that holy water touched their foreheads.

Because when you fully hand your life to Christ, that is when more temptation comes, and then some folks don't know how to handle it because like you said, they think they have a free pass port to heaven.

Many times when we get saved, we tend to hold on to our worldly desires. In my own experiences, I have found that if you want discernment to keep you away from sin, then you have to stay and walk in Christ. You can't just say, "I'm saved so I'm cool" and then go off and do what you were doing before you truly gave your life to Christ. What then would be the point of declaring Jesus your Lord?

Not only that, but you might bring major disaster upon yourself when you choose to live for yourself, and have already declared Jesus your Lord. You never know what type of repercussions your sins may bring when you disobey God's commands. (can ya'll tell I've been through some storms?:lachen: )

But please believe that these folks are going to have to give an account for what they are doing. Whether it be now or in the after-life.

I just think that your friends need spiritual growth, and they need to learn how to take God seriously. Pray for them, and offer to pray with them, and ask God to remove the worldliness that serounds them so that it may not be a hinderance to their growth.

You can use this to plant a seed in them. :yep: Ask them do they think their lifestyle gives God the glory.

Do you think I'm being unfair. I just feel very drained, for better sense of the word with this girl.

Not at all. You are a friend that cares.
Yeah folx get more temptation. The devil is not worried about you when you belong to

We live in a physical world, and its easier to be attuned to the physical than it is the spiritual. Folx often time will put their values aside when it comes to having immediate physical comfort. A lot of times this backfires, especially if the person you give them up for knows your moral stance because they lose a degree of respect for you. As soon as she got saved Satan had a man all lined up for her and probably a couple more a lil finer in case the first one failed. :lol: Sexual temptation is very strong for anyone. It is the only sin from which we are instructed to flee. You arent to stay in a situation and try to resist, you are to kick up your heels and run the other direction. :lol: That's how powerful it is.

It will all work out for the best. You have spoken to her, she knows what is expected of her, so she is sinning with her eyes open. If you feel you need a break take it. There is actually scripture to back you up, because if you have someone in the faith blatantly sinning, you are to go to them, give counsel, if they dont repent, take a friend and confront them and if they refuse to heed your counsel, seperate yourself from them. Just pray that Gods will in her life be done, that she not be deceived, that God shows her if he is truly the one for her or not and if not show her a glimpse of what He has planned for her future.