Sareca (or anyone)- ?? about the benefits of a water softener


Well-Known Member
You have one right?

I know we've talked about this before, but how has your skin and hair benefited from having one?

Anyone else have one? What do you guys think?

I was going to get one, but last year after visited a hotel in San Fran that had one, I decided not to get it. I could not get the cones clarified to save my life. My hair just did not feel as clean.

But, my products have changed since that time and I don't use silicones like I used to.

This weekend, I shampooed and conditioned my hair with soft water and my hair feels so moisturized and soft. Even my skin is softer. My shampoo had more suds, too.

I am seriously thinking again about getting one installed at home. I know that you only use water soluble cones so you probably don't have the problem I had in San Fran, but have you had any negative results at all?
Gooooddd question bumping for ya b/c I'd like to know i just told my husband I want him to get us one. :) I tried to say for our skin , etc. he said just say it's for your hair! :lachen:
toyztoy said:
Gooooddd question bumping for ya b/c I'd like to know i just told my husband I want him to get us one. :) I tried to say for our skin , etc. he said just say it's for your hair! :lachen:


Also, you can tell him is helps with laundry. I heard that washing clothes with soft water is great.
well I know that my dad has that goin on in his house, and it's great! I can use much less shampoo, conditioner, and my hair is like INCREDIBLY SOFT and stays that way afterward w/out any leave-in's and even after protein tx! at my house I have a water filter, and that alone makes a big difference> hth
LOL I will b/c he does the laundry & is serious about taken care of our investments is what he calls our clothes!;)
HoneyDew said:

Also, you can tell him is helps with laundry. I heard that washing clothes with soft water is great.
ajargon02 said:
well I know that my dad has that goin on in his house, and it's great! I can use much less shampoo, conditioner, and my hair is like INCREDIBLY SOFT and stays that way afterward w/out any leave-in's and even after protein tx! at my house I have a water filter, and that alone makes a big difference> hth

You know, I noticed that after a shower, I did not really need to put lotion on right after like I do at home. And my hair was VERY soft. I loved it.
Oh yea! That was me. :yep: The list of benefits is long, but my favorites are 1) no more buildup and 2) no more tangles. I didn't know they went hand-in-hand. My hair is 1 inch from APL now and the last time it was this length it was a battle to get a comb through it. No more! I haven't used a product made specifically for detangling since Nov/Dec last year? Even after takedown I don't use detangling products and now-a-days I clarify just to say I did.

Other advantages:
My hair's dryness improved a bunch
It's porosity improved
It responds to less product
It responds to a wider variety of product
My hair shines so much after a henna treatment it looks greasy :shocked:
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Hard water is drying and makes hair dull, not to mention more likely to tangle. Your hair and skin pH is acidic so using hard water (which is alkaline) just totally goes against what's natural for your body. And yes, as some have noticed, hard water is harder to lather in than soft. Alkalinity makes your hair cuticle open up... leading to more friction between the strands (read: tangles) and with your comb. The raised cuticles also don't reflect light well, hence the reason hair appears shinier if you wash with filtered water or distilled water or end your wash with an ACV rinse.

So if you're being careful to get an acidic shampoo (gentler on your hair) but using hard water, you're sorta canceling out the positive effects of the good shampoo. So you could correct that with an ACV rinse, or get a water softener (filter?) so that you're using water that is less alkaline.
Believe me, I know what hard water can do. I have it and I have mastered how to deal with it the best way I can. It is so bad that ACV rinses don't do jack for me. I actually have to use chelating shampoos. If possible, I actually even try to use conditioners that have chelating agents in them.

But, everytime I use softened water when I travel, I always get the urge to just get the softener installed.

I just had a problem once in that the water did not get my hair as clean - at the time it was loaded with 'cones, though.

Nonie said:
Hard water is drying and makes hair dull, not to mention more likely to tangle. Your hair and skin pH is acidic so using hard water (which is alkaline) just totally goes against what's natural for your body. And yes, as some have noticed, hard water is harder to lather in than soft. Alkalinity makes your hair cuticle open up... leading to more friction between the strands (read: tangles) and with your comb. The raised cuticles also don't reflect light well, hence the reason hair appears shinier if you wash with filtered water or distilled water or end your wash with an ACV rinse.

So if you're being careful to get an acidic shampoo (gentler on your hair) but using hard water, you're sorta canceling out the positive effects of the good shampoo. So you could correct that with an ACV rinse, or get a water softener (filter?) so that you're using water that is less alkaline.
when i lived in a soft water town my hair grew faster, longer and stronger. almost within a month or two of moving to a hard water town i noticed a big difference in the strength and texture of my relaxed hair.