Tell us about your water softener/hair experiences!

Hi Ladies,

I'm using an outdoor shower bag filled with distilled water as suggested in this YouTube video. I'd like to give this lady credit for suggesting this option. Kudos to her for sharing!

BTW, you're suppose to leave this bag out in the sun to heat up the water, however I just heat my bathroom up. The cool water doesn't bother me much.

Good luck!


Testimonial here! And it's long.



So I washed my hair in soft water for the first time in probably my entire adult life and it was an experience that changed the feel of my hair in one wash session. I had to bump this thread and share my experience, which I consider to be life changing.

Hyperbolic? Nope. I'm serious. Life changing may be an actual understatement.

If you are on the fence about getting a softener, just do it. If you are struggling with dry hair that is stiff and breaking, consider getting a softener system or becoming friends with someone who has one.

May hair grows, growth has never been an issue. However my hair breaks with every touch, no matter how gentle I am. I always say I'm surprised I'm not bald yet based on my breakage and shedding. I've been trying to stop the breakage and shedding since I went natural over a decade ago.

Garlic, tea rinses, protein, cowash, pre-poo, chelate... I've done a lot to try to get it under control, but nothing has really helped.

I know my water is hard because of the orange stains that form around my sinks and tub. I do have a shower filter on that I replace faithfully. However, I never noticed a changed in my hair.

I love my hair despite all of her issues. I know how she behaves. She is predictable. After 12 years together we don't even need to use words because we are on the same wavelength.

But last night...

She surprised me by doing things she's never done before. It's like she was speaking another language that only soft water could expose.

I used products I've been using for a minute, so I know it's not the products individually or in combination. It has got to be the soft water!

Any other wash day: hair feels good with conditioner. Hair feels hard again when rinse out conditioner. Hair dries rough, with or without product, and hardens to Brillo pad while it dries. Stretching while air drying makes the hair softer, but still hard and rough. Twists shrink overnight and stick up in all directions. No movement. I can't style my hair directly after washing because it is too stiff and poofy. Chunky twistout is dry and frizzy and tangled. It's a struggle to style into a bun and separating into sections is near impossible.

After washing with soft water: hair felt like conditioner actually penetrated the strands. Hair felt smooth and soft after rinsing with soft water. Hair is soft even after air drying. Twists shrink overnight, but they hang and move effortlessly with slight tilts of my head. Chunky twistout is moisturized and holds my coil pattern. Hair is soft all day.

It's hard to explain the differences, but they are real!

Disclaimer: this is only a 1st impression of using softened water. My next experience may be different.