sale Monday 20% off + free shipping

I ordered Monday and No hair products yet :mad: It's still showing not shipped :sigh:
I got my shipping confirmation Wednesday at 1am. It's coming from Nevada and according to the tracking info, it's in Illinois right now. It's scheduled to get here on the 9th, which is fine since my wash day isn't until the 12th. Now if it's not here by then...
I'm about to start throwing a fit.
I ordered at 2 am on Monday, and NOTHING. But they didn't have any problems billing my debit card...they did that right on time. Well now I'm glad I didn't buy their raggedy old discount card...with their lame shipping. No excuses, because they are not a small business at all.

Now I have to wash my hair and I don't have any goodies to play with. ;_;

ETA: 2am this morning they sent me the notice. It's supposed to be here by the 9th.
I'm still mad though.
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I order two Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Conditioner 1 Liter but they are only sending me They were $5. You ladies don't play.
I ordered Monday evening and got my stuff on wednesday. I am in GA.

BTW I don't like the hydra cap, it is not snug on me. What a waste!
I ordered Saturday; received that order today. This is the 1st of three orders. I have received shipping notices on the next 2 orders.

I'm in North Florida.
I received my 2nd order yesterday, Friday.

Now, I'm waiting on the $10 off $10 or more sale order (Roux Porosity Control).
My order has yet to ship and I really need to relax my hair next before the little one gets out for the Christmas Holiday/Winter Break.
I got my order on Tues., but the Motions CPR jar was cracked and leaked all over everything! They didn't secure it well enough. Now I've got to see how to get credit for this!
Omg, but I didn't get all my stuff!!! grrrrrrrrr

I don't like that Sally does this; email me and let me know that all my crap won't be in my order so I can make other arrangements, that is SOOOO unprofessional and frigged up customer service. YOu'll find out when u receive it, how nice!

Other than that I enjoyed most of my order but took back the Jilbere Ceramic Hot Roller set, the extra rollers and clips. Didn't curl the way I thought it would huh' em like on the box.

Took it back, no problem. I am sitting right now with my conditioning cap on with my Silk elements Megasilk Olive Oil. LOVE IT! as always.
Im still waiting on mine. I got a shipping notice on the 7th stating it was shipped on the 5th(?!?!) and UPS says it should be here tomorrow. I ordered two things I really did not need so... i'm cool.
I just got my order, and I'm happy with how it came...nothing broken or messed up.
My only gripe is that they didn't include my pik comb...they said that it was out of stock.
And now I have to find one elsewhere. :(

ETA: No, I lied.
They forgot my wrapping strips, and of course I still got charged for them. And I'm on the phone now, and have been on hold for about 10 minutes. Smdh, never again.
If I want something from Sally's Beauty, I'll get my lazy self up and buy it in their store.
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