S/Os and DHs that KNOW you wear wigs. What does he say?

SO doesn't care. But I was wearing a wig when I met him. :shrug: Most of the guys I dated in the past didn't really care either. I never took my wig off in their presence though. They never knew I wore wigs unless I told them. I guess they just assumed it was a weave.
Think of it this way, wouldn't you give a side eye to a dude wearing a toupee? i imagine its the same thing for dudes. Plus they like to touch, and they usually can't when you're wearing a wig, its not the same.
Think of it this way, wouldn't you give a side eye to a dude wearing a toupee? i imagine its the same thing for dudes. Plus they like to touch, and they usually can't when you're wearing a wig, its not the same.
Actually if I couldn't tell that it was a toupee, I wouldn't care. Even if I found out it was one and it looked nice, I still wouldn t care

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He does not care as long as it looks good and dont have crazy colors. I only like jet black hair anyway so its works. He understands that I have hair goals and since we have been together I have always had a short tapered cut, so me growing my hair long is new to him anyway. When I am at home, the wigs comes off but my hair is still in braids or bun underneath my wig.
There needs to be a spinoff thread (if there isn't already) about how we feel about men wearing hair pieces or getting hair transplants? I'm glad to see that there are a few men that are supportive of our wig-wearing, but what if the shoe was on the other foot?

I wouldn't care about a toupee - hairloss is not an easy thing to cope with. Who am I to demand that another person walk around with a naked head just to make me feel better?

The title of this thread makes me laugh coz how would your dh NOT know that you wear a wig?? I can see how some women manage to keep it hidden from SO's - but that would get old. My dh doesn't mind what I do with my hair but then again he also knows I'm not a one hairstyle kinda woman. Over the years I've worn just about every hairstyle there is - I've been curious about hair trends and picking my hair styles out of fashion magazines since I was 5 and will try just about anything once. So a man who has problems with this just isn't the man for me.

BTW I like wigs and hair pieces but I'm not exactly at home with the scalped and severed heads (mannequin heads) thing either. :)
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SO hates it, we had a conversation yesterday when he said "Am I ever going to be able to touch your natural hair, that's one of the things that I love about you". I was like sure in April when this challenge is over. LOL!!!!!!!!!
My DH does not like them. I tells me all the time that if I keep wearing them that my hair is going to fall out.. Lol... He has a sister who wears wigs day and night, and now she does not have any hair. Sorry, I only wear my wigs on and off for protective styling or if I am have a bad hair day. I especially wear them when I am at the club.

He also calls them my little puppies, and when he sees me with one on he begins to bark... :lol:
My SO is supportive of my journey and likes when I rock "natural" looking hair....he recently made a request for me to rock a longer one because he wants to see what it will look like when I finish growing my hair out.
LOL. That's how my hubby is ... "Honey, you should wear Beyonce today; oh yea, wear Sasha this weekend" (yeah, I name my wigs). "Sashas" are normally short and curly; "Beyonces" are long and straight. Basically, he's okay with them.

He says "I like this one so I picked it up"
I say "um okay thanks" put it on
He says "mmm I don't like as much as this one" another one appears
I say "ok thanks" side eye & put it on
4 months pass " I like that one a lot"
smh roflmao (it's the one he said he didn't like too much"
In other words he says a lot but he buys them a lot too so I just smile and nod lol
I think he likes me in wigs more than I do lol
this may be true but you have to admit that you're in the minority there. I mean, I would imagine that most people would find that a bit strange, especially if the dude had hair under there and wasn't bald/balding. I'm not bashing wigs, I also wear fake hair sometimes (I've done it less often recently though), but I understand why dudes don't like it/think its weird.
Driving home. I chillin in the passenger side. He looks over. Does a double take.
Him: You look so different
Me: Huh
He looks again and smile
Me: WHaaat? it looks that bad
Him: No. You look different
I roll my eyes " Just drive"
I get compliments all the time. Variety is the spice of life:)

Same here. :yep: DH likes my hair however I wear it. Since we've been together I've had my hair short, worn weaves, wigs, and tree braids. That's one of the things I love about him. He lets me be my crazy self. :lol:
nothing although he calls it my "pet" -- he says -- "hey bae', it's rain in the forecast today, you might want to wear your pet to keep your hair protected" or "do you need to go shopping for another pet."
My DH doesn't mind me wearing wigs, though I don't wear them that often anyway. As long as I'm not wearing it to bed, he's okay with whatever I do. :look:
LOL. That's how my hubby is ... "Honey, you should wear Beyonce today; oh yea, wear Sasha this weekend" (yeah, I name my wigs). "Sashas" are normally short and curly; "Beyonces" are long and straight. Basically, he's okay with them.

Same here. My DH is fine with them. He likes the variety of looks.
He says oh babes you look so nice, if you take the wig off you will look even nicer. Then when I do wear my hair he be like that is a nice wig to babes, because some of my wigs is just like my hair so he be getting tied up. But he already know that is a fight he will never win so he understands I do not complain about the football game so he not allowed to complain about the wig.
I met my friend during the summer months, my wash and go season. As fall approached I "forewarned" him about my protective style choice so it wouldn't be so shocking. He seems to like it ok, every week he asks "so which one of your girls will I meet this time." The compliments are still coming so I guess he's cool...I on the other hand really like what wigs are doing for my hair so he'll be strong if he doesn't like 'em...:look: