OMG!!!! Did the new hair guy on What Not To Wear just whip out a pressing comb?!?

Her hair was really nice! The color was beautiful. :yep: You could tell that by the time she went to get her makeup applied, it was reverting. :lol:

I saw it. The crew did a wonderful job making her over. I think it's gonna take nitroglycerin to bust thru her the horrible self-esteem issues she has about herself. She thinks she's smart but not beautiful. She was just soooooooooo negative from the jump. I could tell at the end when she tried on the three outfits for Stacy and Clinton that she had broken their spirits. They weren't even excited anymore, it was like "Ok, let's see the next outfit. Ok let's see the next outfit." They really wanted her gone, and I don't blame them. :nono:

We are so >>>here<<< on this. They were exasperated with that child at one point I thought Stacey was going to put her hair up and fight her she was soo extra. She looked so much better in the end. If you aren't going to go along with it (and she knew who they were) then don't go on the daym show!!!

When she was saying the slingback made her feel like a skank I was done. Um you wear a cosplay outfit to WORK and there are guys that have a fetish for that but a slingback with the skirt made you feel like skank? Um Dr. Phil we got one for you!!!

As I watched the show I was tempted to come log in here b/c I knew y'all were on this H.A.M. But her hair was nice in the end!
Yes, he was a really good stylist. He sad down and TALKED to her about her hair needs and her hair history. Love him!

ETA: That woman had some deep psychological issues that they couldn't really address in 2 days of hair, makeup, and clothes. That was the most awkward "what not to wear" I've ever seen.
Funny thing about Ariel aka "Blonde Bombshell" is that she ended up LOVING her red hair and kept it after the show aired (they did a follow-up on her).

I remember that one. He colored her hair red, which looked alot better. In addition to the OP, I was impressed with the fact that he wasn't so pressed to give her a relaxer. Also, he gave her options. The color was pretty. And yeah her attitude was really stinking up everything but she looked so much better.
Good job all around hair, clothing. The woman really was annoying with her silly style of dress and attitude for a 30 year old woman but she cleaned up nicely.
Idk, i think that Ted Gibson is nice and all but... i didnt see any heat protectant,lol. I know, i know, they prob edited it out. But that was a lot of heat! I'm happy that he told her that her texture was beautiful and all that, because Nick never would've said that. I just wonder how the cut will affect how her hair looks in it's natural state, because y'all know she's not gonna be pressing her hair all the time. I think that that is one thing that nick was good about (with the white clients) is that he often encouraged them to embrace their natural texture and cut their hair accordingly.

But that bi$H needed to chill out. I was so mad at her, and i felt so bad for Stacy and Clinton having to deal with her. She was so unappreciative, and clearly has issues, as many of you have said, that cannot be fixed with new clothes. She was like bipolar! One minute, she's being cooperative and tolerable, and the next she's calling people b!tches. I hope she watched the show and considered getting some therapy because her self esteem is in need of repair for sure. And those shoes that she thought made her look skanky? They were so hot. She should've just handed over that money to me. I would've cheered Stacy and Clinton riiight up!
Hello Ladies, what is speaking of is called a "Press~n~Pull" affect. You never use the teeth of the comb to straighten the hair.

You heat your comb, separate your hair; place the comb in your hair (as it has been sectioned off); then you turn the comb approximately 360 degrees (basically upside down while it is in your hair). You have a towel, to place on the underneath portion of your hair and you pull it through.

It's an "old school" way of pressing the hair. I've done it for years before I got hooked on the crack! Now that I am natural, I will wait until at least 1 year before I start straightening again. And ohhhhh, for you women who don't know -- YOU CAN CREATE THIS SAME AFFECT WITH A FLAT IRON. I've done it for years...

Good luck!