S.O.S save our supplements

Thanks Tamika for posting this...I posted on this very topic a week or two ago....

This really needs to not be ignored, we'll all be sorry in the end if we let it go unchallenged.
I saw your posting. I went to a health food store to inquire about it and the person gave me the website. I am giving lhcf the web site so that everyone can sign up and let they voices be heard
I signed up too. I'm still bitter about my ephedra...which in case you didn't know.....affected less people than OTC Tylenol.
I;ve been reading about this for a while, it really pisses me off, they need to focus on regulating drugs that are killing off the populace and making pharmaceuticals rich at the expense of people's health.
I think if every member from LHCF who takes ANY supplement (Lord knows that's the majority of us) signs up on the website and petitions it would make a strong statement. "The Man" aka the Government does not want us to have access to more natural healing herbs and remidies. Instead they want to force us into buying their expensive ass prescription drugs making the healthcare system richer (and weaker) if you ask me. Ever wonder why there are so many precription drug advertisements?

LHCF UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. We already allowed him to steal the election, don't let him steal our SUPPLEMENTS.
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So you mean there would be no more Biotin if this goes into effect? :eek: I'm going to go visit that website and then I'm going to go stock up on some of my vitamins!