S-I-C-K of bunning!!! I'm calling it quits!

You'll be fine--enjoy your hair. Bunning is great, but I feel like it's A LOT easier maintaining a certain length as opposed to try to reach one. Sometimes you have to go extreme, i.e. extreme bunning, to reach a length quickly--but once you get there, you can ease up with the PSing with no problems.

I agree. PSing is moreso for goal styling (I like how I look in buns though :lol:) But once you're just maintaining a length it's different. I've always said that just getting to the point of maintance if harder than maintaining. I say that's w/ anything in life, but hair can be considered as well.

And then w/ MBL too? Girl please you can just let your hair fall as it may cause if it's healthy, it'll still look good w/o you having to do much to it.
I'm not a bunner...but I do utilize low manipulation styles...I think with the styles that you mentioned, you will be fine!
@AvaSpeaks - If your hair strands are coarse/thick, you may be able to get away with it. But my hair strands are fine/thin. Plus when I would bun my hair, I would have to re-do it everyday (sometimes more than once a day if I didn't like how it looked), and that was just too much manipulation for my hair as well.

Poohbear; my hair is in my siggy. That's where my hair is now, unstretched. That was taken around the beginning of March. I guess you would say it's fine? I don't know, I don't get into all that stuff anymore because I don't understand it :lachen:

So I guess I could do a bun but to be honest, I really don't think I got the length to do a good bun where it's not causing stress on some part of my hair. Plus my hair is super thick. I'm talking "lost member of Sister Sledge" group thick so without that brush, my bun my hair would be looking like this :burning: every hour on the 10ins....
I'm MBL, texlaxed, and should be WL by year-end. I have a lot of fun with my hair, but the primary key for me in maintaining health and retaining length is that since my hair is chemically-treated, I never use direct heat. Some of my styles are pictured in my siggy.

I recommend enjoying your hair!:yep:
I just want to clarify this point as well. I used to protective style by wearing twistouts for about 5 weeks after getting a relaxer. THEN, after that I would started flat ironing and using heat on my hair once a week for 8 weeks. Then for the rest of the time, I would bun until time for me to get a relaxer and do it all over again. So I kinda alternated my styles. The point I am trying to make is that I did take time to enjoy my hair. I didn't just bun all the time, and my hair is growing quite nicely. Good luck to you!

Thanks. I get what you are saying.
Now see THIS is what I am worried about as well. I mean I understand the bunning part probably works in getting your hair past SL, much like Twists can help get your hair past NL to SL. BUT...

I too am worried about the stress it may cause my hair as well. Especially on the sides where I might have to brush it down for smoothness. I don't know. I think I might try it for a couple of weeks or maybe in May. I got some events coming up and I really want to have my twists in them for that.

I guess as long as you are doing the other stuff like keeping it moisturized and conditioned, then maybe you will be fine. I do keep hearing that stuff you do to get to one length might not be the same stuff you do when you get to another length.

I think bunning worked so well for me bcs. I have very thick stands and I NEVER brushed. I just smoothed my ends down with Mega Profective Growth Break Free leave in conditioner and I had a nice neat but even with my thick 4b type hair. But my nape is tender from bunning so much.
isn't the essence of bunning to prevent your ends from rubbing against your clothes which causes breakage? if so, i'd only consider bunning a "template hairstyle". there are many looks that can do the same thing. how about a french roll (i do them all the time) and leaving some of your hair out in the front as long bangs.
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Omg, OP, I know exactly where you're coming from! I'm SO at that point right now. I've been bunning FOREVER and I'm not sure I've gained any more length than I would if I were to wear other styles. :ohwell: