Running Game ~ Stay Woke

I'm so addicted to deb. found her a few months ago. she's from my home town and talks just the way I relate cuz well... Oakland:lol:. i listen to her with my morning cup. :)

anyway she also has a short series on the cluster b personality disorders and black men/the community. fascinating stuff. id say this may actually fit in the murderer scenario here actually.

But yea don't marry into family with felons as immediate relatives.duh.
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I think this scenario falls under "women who don't see their partner for who they actually are".

Lately, I've been fascinated with the western view of relationships and one of the things I've been wondering about is why we assign traits to our partners and/or ignore traits that make us uncomfortable. Why is the opposite not the default?

Anyway, I like the video op's style.
Can I just say this lady is so hilarious? Ive been watching her videos since this thread was posted and love her idgaf attitude.

It always trips me out how the videos start with jazzy or elevator -ish music, then next thing you know the f/mf bombs start flying :lol: :lol: :lol: !

I've been watching her so much, her unapologetic , dare-a-dude-to-try-me ways are rubbing off on me :sekret:
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Thanks @hopeful! She is hilarious and I love the straight, no chaser attitude. Heck, I cuss too! :lol:

The best line from the first video is when she talks about "conflict of loyalty". Listen to her ladies! This is sooo true! I know for a fact that dh chooses ME over any and everybody. His momma, daddy, sisters, cousins, nobody comes before me. Same way I feel about him.

Our marriage wouldn't have lasted 23 days let alone 23 years without us being loyal to each other.......FIRST. :yep:
Is she married? The Too Nice Video has great wisdom given, but has it wirked for her own live life?

I think it depends on how you define "worked for her." If success for you is marriage then idk. I don't think she is married. But if success is being happy, successful, mentally stable, maintaining good boundaries, only willing to participate in respectful relationships that enrich her life, etc. then yes, I think this definitely works for her.
I've subbed to her for some time and love, love, love her relationship videos. Her vegan cooking videos definitely need work, but her relationship videos should be required viewing/listening starting at puberty for young black girls.
Thanks @hopeful! She is hilarious and I love the straight, no chaser attitude. Heck, I cuss too! :lol:

The best line from the first video is when she talks about "conflict of loyalty". Listen to her ladies! This is sooo true! I know for a fact that dh chooses ME over any and everybody. His momma, daddy, sisters, cousins, nobody comes before me. Same way I feel about him.

Our marriage wouldn't have lasted 23 days let alone 23 years without us being loyal to each other.......FIRST. :yep:

Thank you for this. My ex and I didn't last because he allowed to influence and dictate our relationship.

I have a guy cousin who is so loyal to his fiance that he cut relationships with his sister who have been trying to break them up