Rotating Ceramides


formerly known as "keyawarren"
Between balancing your moisture and protein how are you ladies incorporating ceramides? I deep condition every week according to what my hair needs so it's kind of hard for me to figure out where ceramides fit in. If this has been discussed please point me to where. Otherwise feel free to tell me when how and what oils you use :)
Wheat Germ Oil is incredibly rich in ceramides, I mix some into my deep conditioner easily and it fits in. Truth is I need to add it in more since increase in ceramides can lead to decreasing your need for protein.
I add wheat germ oil to EVERY deep condition (about 2 tbls) and oil treatment. I DC twice a week and do an oil treatment once a week.
Thanks! I have read alot about them I can evenlist which oils contain the most. My question is when or how often for a person is is lye-relaxed. I think i'll try it after my next DC.
(This week I need to do my evoo+evco+carrot oil to strengthen my 3 weeks post hair).
Thanks! I have read alot about them I can evenlist which oils contain the most. My question is when or how often for a person is is lye-relaxed. I think i'll try it after my next DC.
(This week I need to do my evoo+evco+carrot oil to strengthen my 3 weeks post hair).

The "when" and "how often" is up to you. However, ceramide build-up may become an issue. Check out this thread.
I use a Ceramide Vial or Tube weekly (Matrix Biolage Hyrdratherapie or Fortetherapie) and also Oil(s) Rich in Ceramides. i.e. Hempseed, Wheat Germ and Kukui Nut.:grin:
Wheat Germ Oil is great and it's an ingredient in Aphogee 2 Minute which I love. I've added it to DCs before but I'm going to add a couple drops to the A2M when I take these braids out.
Great. I use aphogee 2 minute...I've used other cons with wheatgerm. i think my hair would prefer a different oil. I'm ery interesed in hemp. I think i'll try using ceramides every 3 weeks to start.