

New Member
What kind of rosewater can i mix with (jojoba,coconut oil)to spray on my hair for moisture,can i use the one used for cleaning the face?
I wouldn't reccomend using facial rosewater because many brands, such as Keihl's contain alcohol. If you really want to use it however, you may be better off going to the flower shop & purchasing dry petals. Then mix with distilled water.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is so special about Rosewater? /images/graemlins/look.gif
Nice said:
Pardon my ignorance, but what is so special about Rosewater? /images/graemlins/look.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Rose hydrosol is wonderful in homemade skin care products. It can be used by itself as a toner, used to moisten a mask, or used in place of water in lotions or cosmetics recipes. Rosewater stimulates the skin, heightening the blood flow. Experts disagree about using it on extraordinarily sensitive skin. Rosewater controls and balances sebum production, making it useful for both dry and oily skin. It can balance and restore the skin's Ph and helps tighten pores. Its antibacterial properties help fight acne giving troubled skin a gentle, rather than a harsh treatment. It is reputed to be useful in the treatment of all sorts of dermatitis. Suzanne Catty recommends blending Rose Hydrosol with Cistus Hydrosol as an anti-wrinkle treatment.

In Bulgaria, there is much scientific research being done about the therapeutic and medicinal benefits of Rosewater indicates that Rosewater, taken internally. is effective against strep and staph infections, among many others. Rosewater has been recommended as a gargle or throat spray for sore or inflamed throats.

Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol is a wonderful woman's tool for healing. It may be used externally, as a facial or body spray, or in a compress. Some recommend taking a teaspoon of the hydrosol to calm stress and anxiety. Others recommend a rosewater douche as a treatment for frigidity; it seems to act on both the body and the psyche to gently bring down barriers. Catty recommends taking Rose Hydrosol internally to help balance female hormones. She writes that by helping balance the endocrine system it can combat PMS, menstrual cramps and moodiness, as well as assist during menopause.--From