Rollersetting and Cowashing


New Member
Hey ladies.

I've been bunning and wigging it up for a while trying to work on retaining my growth, however I'm getting QUITE bored :ohwell:.
SO I was looking at some of these pics of you guys and these beautiful rollersets, (even though my 2 previous attempts last year looked garbage...:lol:) and was wondering if any of you who rollerset cowash frequently??

How does that work?
And a question for naturals (even better if I can get some type 4 vets to answer this) how do you keep your hair moisturized without total reversion when rollersetting? I know there's a rollersetting thread but I read all of it and didn't really get any answers to these types of things. TIA!
Bumping desperately....I"ve got a break from school because of Mardi Gras, and I would rather try to use any advice during this time so if I look a H.A.M. I can restyle by the time I have to go back to class LOL!
I rollerset every week and I do the occasional co-wash, I love rollersetting but if you were thinking of doing a set every time you did a co-wash as a frequent co-washer then I wouldn't recommend it as there is quite a bit of manipulation with rollersetting. I'd like to do it more, but I think once a week is enough for me.

You could perhaps do a wet pin curl set, but again, there is some manipulation here so not sure that it's worth it.

I'm relaxed but there are lots of natural ladies in the Rollersetting challenge who I'm sure can help with the moisturising query. :)
I wasn't even thinking about setting after each cowash, that would be way too much. But just a way to cowash or moisture without sacrificing the curls or too much reversion.
I don't rollerset, but I've started rollersetting my 11yo's mostly 4b hair. The ladies in the rollersetting thread recommend "moisturizing" in between sets with a light oil, like coconut or jojoba.

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