Rollersetting: Name ONE (or 2) Key Thing to getting It Right

This is interesting. I rollerset constantly and would say I'm as good at it as my stylist.

I guess with new growth it needs to be wetter, but I don't keep mine "super wet." Just wet enough on the ends that they're slick. If it's superwet, you'll take forever to dry, especially the ends and roots. I use red hard plastic rollers with the holes in them and metal clips like my stylist uses at the salon, not the mesh. If I had to name the keys to a good set, I'd say start with a good setting lotion and:

1. The right sized rollers for the effect you want. If you have thicker hair, you can get away with larger rollers. If you have finer hair, you may want smaller rollers to give a tighter curl and more body.
2.The stretch-and-pull method. YOu slide the curler up the length of the hair to the end, then you tug very gently as you roll back toward your head to smooth out the roots. And you pull the curler a bit at the beginning too, almost like you're about to pull it out--this ensures that your ends are pulled straight for a smooth set.
3. Stay under the dryer long enough! For me and the dryer I use, that's about 45 minutes (APL). I sometimes come out after 35, take out the curlers and sit under the dryer for another 5 to ensure my hair is totally dry.
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