Rollerset/Flexi rod Set


Well-Known Member
What products do you use to hold the curl for your rollerset or flexi rods that still leave you with swang. I have swang but no hold. Since my hair is longer, my rollerset actually looks nice when I just take out the rollers and slightly comb it through... at least it was last night.... TIA!!!!
The only thing I can think of is some type of setting lotion...Lotta Body works good but you need to dilute it some for softer curls.
Thank you for responding. I was thinking about using hairspray afterwards but I couldn't find anything without alcohol.

Hairspray will make them hard and your hair sticky. There is some type of spritz/mist stuff that doesnt make your hair hard and holds the curls but of course I cant remember the name:spinning:..I will try and remember it... hopefully someone else will chime in.
I have no problem with softness and swang, my problem is the curls start to droop about 15 minutes after I take the rollers out lol. It was never a problem before because I used to saran wrap. But now i would like to style with rollers. I'll try the lotta body. Where can I get that?
What is the name of it? tia.

Lately I have been using Natural Alquitira Organic Leave In and I am really surprised how well my flexi set held up.

I use lacio lacio but I guess I never really thought of it as far as holding my curls. I like the softness that is provides.

Yeah, I like lacio lacio for softness also. I like it for my straight styles. One day I was out looking for some lacio lacio and they didnt have it. I felt a slight panic and thought, "OMG, what will I use???":lachen: I like BPT and Baba de Carcol leave ins also.

Never get La Bomba leave ins. My hair felt so gummy.
Umm...are you combing your hair after removing the rollers? I don't use any products to hold my curls.

After washing, I apply Giovanni Direct Leave-in and seal with Proclaim serum. I then set with magnetic rollers, using plain water in a spray bottle to keep hair wet as I move along. After my set is completely dry, I remove the rollers and fingercomb only. I pincurl at bedtime so my sets can last until my next washday in 7 days.

Hope this helps ya!
I just posted a thread about the vitale mo body styling and thickening solution; it is suppose to be something like a setting lotion. I am also having trouble with roller sets. Anybody ever tried this?
I have no problem with softness and swang, my problem is the curls start to droop about 15 minutes after I take the rollers out lol. It was never a problem before because I used to saran wrap. But now i would like to style with rollers. I'll try the lotta body. Where can I get that?

do you use the setting lotion or the wrap n tap n wrapping lotion and conditioner

I have used the wrap n tap..I got it at Sally's