Roller Sets and Cold Weather


Well-Known Member
Iwant to do the roller set challenge, but I was wondering about exposing hair to the cold weather. I have been pinning my hair up to keep it off my clothes. Does exposing your hair during sets dry it and make it break during the winter?
As long as I rollerset my hair I don't have any problems with breakage during the winter. My hair is MBL and I sometimes wear it down and I haven't had any problems.

I'm guessing the cold air could dry the hair out, and if you find that yours does then you can just rollerset and pin the hair up.
OP, if you end up rollersetting and want to use an oil, stay away from coconut oil unless you want frozen hair LOL I had to learn this the hard way. So far that's the only oil that will freeze up on me in the winter.

I usually keep my hair in a ponytail or bun if I'm outside and my hair is just fine.
I rollerset year round with no problems. I agree with Boston Maria; if it's rough weather outside, just bun it up.