Roll Call. Who's going to the Bronner Bros. Hair Show in August?

I have never been to one and wouldn't mind checking it out if it doesn't cost too much/isn't too much of a hassle to get in if u aren't a stylist.

I went to the natural hair show this year and really enjoyed that. But really, I dont have any new products or styling tools I want, so I kinda don't see the point in me going. That is why I wanted to go last year, when I was in the market for new flat irons, blow dryer, steamer, etc. I have all of that stuff already now.
The exhibit hall where all the vendors are set up is open to the public. I'm not sure about the classes. I went a couple of years ago and got a Runway flat iron for $150. I'm thinking about getting another flat iron and some expensive products on the cheap (Mizani, Jane Carter, etc). I believe Monday, August 9th is the last day for the exhibit hall. Tuesday is officially the last day but I think its just classes.
Its $50 right now for all 3 days (non VIP). 30 for one day. Im just going to get a one day pass. After July 31 the price jumps up by the way.

Also, Im having a natural hair meetup the Friday b4 Bronner Bros if anyone is interested. Location is TBD right now because Im looking for a large enough space for free. So far over 100 ladies have RSVPd so I want to make sure its enough space for everyone to be comfortable. I will post updates later..its free of course..Just a meetup--no frills, no gift bags or giveaways like I usually do..Just a chance to meet up b4 BB
Curls is looking for natural hair models if anyone is interested. Here is the link

Also, I am having a pre-BB Natural Hair mixer (relaxed ladies can come too) on Friday night (Aug 6th) if anyone is in town and wants to come. Its free. It will be alot of fun. 150 people so far RSVPd so it will be a good amount of people. Here is the info
Yea i don't think im going to make it ladies. things are tight right now but i do hope to see you all at the world natural hair show!

I can't make your Friday mixer since I'm arriving on Saturday :(

Ladies, can we set up a time and location for a meet up?
Say Saturday around noon (or any other time) at the Mizani booth or Gold 'N' hot?
I'm attending classes on the other days so I can't make it Sunday or Monday.

Any other suggestions? Just let me know and I'll be there.
I don't mind shooting my cell phone number for those who want to get in touch. I'm still not sure where I'm staying but I'm going dayum it! :grin: