Rethinking Waist Length Hair


I made a trip to get my monthly summer pedicure at the Indian salon here in

Cali. anyway, while the lady was working on my feet I was watching the a

stylist flat iron butt length(actually below butt length hair), we were all saying

to each other, that's a lot a hair, the technician kept saying you can sell that,

the lady getting her hair done stated she would never do that, I dont' think I

want butt length hair, I think, I'll settle for below bra strap and be happy,

cause the lady had to stand up to get her hair trimmed and oiled, mind you

she didn't

get it washed, I can only imagine how much shampoo she would go through in

a it's below bra stap for me...:D
:laugh: Yeah, that is a lot of hair. I saw a woman have to stand up for her trim too. I wouldn't want butt length hair, but a few inches past BSL would be optimal for me.
I can definitely say that my waist length hair doesn't feel heavy to me. Although it's thick, I don't feel that it's heavy feeling. The people that I know that have waist length hair and longer don't need to use a whole lot of shampoo. Most of us just place the shampoo on our scalp and then let the suds go down the length of the hair. The helps greatly with tangles (which I don't get a whole lot of - thank goodness). I too have to stand up to get my hair trimmed or cut. It's much easier on my hair stylist, and she can easily make sure it's evenly trimmed/cut.
I am not rethinking about having waist length hair. I am only about 4 inches away. I say grow hair grow!!!!!!
lthomas1 said:
I am not rethinking about having waist length hair. I am only about 4 inches away. I say grow hair grow!!!!!!
:yay: Let it grow girl. Let it grow. :yay: You don't have far to go. :up:
Allandra said:
I can definitely say that my waist length hair doesn't feel heavy to me. Although it's thick, I don't feel that it's heavy feeling. The people that I know that have waist length hair and longer don't need to use a whole lot of shampoo. Most of us just place the shampoo on our scalp and then let the suds go down the length of the hair. The helps greatly with tangles (which I don't get a whole lot of - thank goodness). I too have to stand up to get my hair trimmed or cut. It's much easier on my hair stylist, and she can easily make sure it's evenly trimmed/cut.

It doesn't feel heavy at all, but my scalp is sore sometimes from wearing it up.
Allandra said:
I can definitely say that my waist length hair doesn't feel heavy to me. Although it's thick, I don't feel that it's heavy feeling. The people that I know that have waist length hair and longer don't need to use a whole lot of shampoo. Most of us just place the shampoo on our scalp and then let the suds go down the length of the hair. The helps greatly with tangles (which I don't get a whole lot of - thank goodness). I too have to stand up to get my hair trimmed or cut. It's much easier on my hair stylist, and she can easily make sure it's evenly trimmed/cut.

When you first started growing your hair, did you do it yourself or have you always gone to the salon? If you did it yourself, at first, did the length cause you to start going to the salon? Do you ever wash you hair yourself?
onepraying said:
When you first started growing your hair, did you do it yourself or have you always gone to the salon? If you did it yourself, at first, did the length cause you to start going to the salon? Do you ever wash you hair yourself?
I'm a do it yourself gal. Basically, the only time I go to the salon is when I get a relaxer touch up (even back then). I wish I had the time to go to a salon on a weekly (or bi-weekly basis).
I am hoping for hair that I have to stand up to let someone braid. I can't wait for when its so long someoneelse does have to braid it for me. Just saw"First Knight" again Hair you neeed a lady's maid for. Thats for me. Oh yes. My tailbone hair seems no heavier than when it was shoulder length except the buns. so I split my buns to distribute the weight. I never used shampoo down to the ends any way like Allandra just the scalp and let it run down. Now I am no shampoo so no problem.
Allandra said:
I'm a do it yourself gal. Basically, the only time I go to the salon is when I get a relaxer touch up (even back then). I wish I had the time to go to a salon on a weekly (or bi-weekly basis).

Does someone help you wash your hair? Or does one grow accostum to their hair as it grows? I would think this is the case...I have always been a little afraid of my hair being to much tp handle, however, since I'm going natural, I'll have shrinkage...

Thanks for answering
onepraying said:
Does someone help you wash your hair? Or does one grow accostum to their hair as it grows? I would think this is the case...I have always been a little afraid of my hair being to much tp handle, however, since I'm going natural, I'll have shrinkage...

Thanks for answering
Hun, I wash my own hair (by MYSELF) in my shower at home. It's no big deal for me to shampoo it. I grew accustomed to this since my hair grew with me. I mean, it I woke up with waist length hair overnight, THEN it would be a big difference. No what I mean?

Don't worry about the questions. That's what we're all here for. :)
I can't wait for waist length hair. However I'm going back and forth on whether I should relax it when I reach my goal. I've completely stopped straightening my hair for while because it's become a massive chore. On average it takes at least 4 hours to shamp. cond., dry and straighten my hair. I swear I hurt myself several times last time I did it--due to being exhausted. :look:
I didn't ever have this goal. I think mainly because I'm too scared to imagine what my days would be like. But if my hair happened to get there, we'd just have to see, wouldn't we? :grin:
I hope you reach waist length for those who can handle it, bra stap for me...I guess as they say, to each his own...
I know for a fact that my hair wont be too heavy...hell it feels like Im bald right now. AA hair is very light wieght :)
I can only imagine how hard it is to deal with hair that long. My little barely shoulder length hair is already working my nerves with how it tangles easily. Ideally I just want BS or maybe another 2 inches past that.
Butt length hair would definitely be too much to handle for me. I could just imagine washing. combing and detangling all of that hair. And since my hair is thick and course...whoolly mooly what a job that would be. I agree with everyone that waist length hair (5-6 inches below bra-strap) would be a nice length to work with (at least for me) and it would enable me to try almost any style out there. So waist length is my goal...if it reaches butt length do you think I'll complain? Think not.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005 (attained 1 1/2 in of ng)
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Current hair length: 1 inch past bra strap length (when blown out straight)
Hair texture: 4b course and thick
Pics coming in July!
hehe, right now, i'm just going for my BSL, which is at 22.5" and i'll get there by September, beginning or end, as long as nothing drastically bad happens.
Hmm, as far as waistlength, i'm SURPRISINGLY in NO HURRY to get there. I don't know why really. I guess it could be that 1) I never thought I could till LHCF, 2) it seems like a hassle and I'm not sure if i could handle it and 3) JEEZ i'm only sixteen years old so I got PLENTY of time to grow it that long... i dont necessarily go about it now... although, :look: according to my *cough* calculations, I could very well be there by May 2006 :look: but oh well, I'll just decided in December 2005 :)
I still want waist length. I don't know if I'll ever get there - but I at least want to try....
It's nice to know that really long hair will not be heavy and it could actually be quite manageable!

I could only dream for now... :)
Allandra said:
The people that I know that have waist length hair and longer don't need to use a whole lot of shampoo. Most of us just place the shampoo on our scalp and then let the suds go down the length of the hair.

This is interesting. I thought that having long waist length hair you'd easily go through bottles of shampoo and conditioner and it would take forever to dry and really be unmanageble.

I'm probably using waayyy too much shampoo then. My hair is not long at all right now, barely shoulder length, but I run through shampoo quite fast. I'm going to try your method, just apply shampoo to the scalp.
As your hair grows, you'll determine which length is the most comfortable for you.

I guess I'm going to let mine keep growing. My hair is very thick, coarse and beyond waist length. Let me tell you, I can go through conditioner like you wouldn't believe! I'm very heavy-handed w/ it. I like to make sure that I coat each inch of every strand. I don't use nearly as much shampoo. I'm a conditioner junkie, anyway. LOL!
DSylla said:
This is interesting. I thought that having long waist length hair you'd easily go through bottles of shampoo and conditioner and it would take forever to dry and really be unmanageble.

I'm probably using waayyy too much shampoo then. My hair is not long at all right now, barely shoulder length, but I run through shampoo quite fast. I'm going to try your method, just apply shampoo to the scalp.
Ok. I'm gonna have to give you a :spank: for using so much shampoo. My oldest nephew (just turned 14). He WAS always telling me he was out of shampoo. I fixed his butt. Now when I purchase his shampoo, I remove half of it from the bottle and add water. He's now discovered that he really doesn't need to use a lot of shampoo. Just get yourself a bottle with a nozzle to apply shampoo to your scalp only. The suds will make its way down to the rest of your hair. I love this method.
Now when it comes to conditioner, I do need to use a good amount of that. However, I still use just enough to get all of my hair (without adding conditioner on top of conditioner).