REPORT CARD TIME: If your current hair could get a grade, what would it be?

My hair is currently a D+ I would give her a C but I don't want to get her all excited. She just started on her journey and is slowly trying to come around. I'm hoping to be able to give her a B come the summer. all have me cracking up at how tough y'all are on your hair.
In length my hair gets a A, I had really great retention this year, which was primarily a result of not letting the salon cut it. Overall health, I'd give it an A. My ends get a C for being jagged and an A for hanging in there regardless for the combination of a B. And lastly, my styling ability gets a B, there was visible improvement, but more effort could be made in the coming year.

Great idea, I see exactly which challenges I need to join for next year.
I give my hair an A+, and admire the desire to turn in extra credit for bonus points. ;)

Girl, your hair deserves an A++++++ LOL, you know how much I covet your hair.:grin:

I would grade my hair a solid B+. Healthwise, it's on point. I have had some setbacks in length, which has solely been my fault. I swayed from the techniques/products (PJ overload after I was natural) that got me to BSL while I was transitioning. But I'm back on track and 2010 will be the year that my hair reaches all it's goal.:yep:
Strong B+

I had a setback in August, but I've recovered from it. I finally don't get any breakage on my ends daily, but if I wear my ends out for too long, one or two strands will break during my daily moisturizing.

I'm working on figuring this out, because I start year 2 of my HHJ in February and best believe I will be wearing my hair down more often!

My thickness has returned since I don't get relaxers every 4 weeks anymore so I think my hair will move up to an A by my 1 year HHJ anniversary.
I'd grade my hair a B or B+. It would have been an A, but I just saw small broken hairs in 2 sections. It could have came from my pin being stuck to my hair. I don't know how that happened because I buy double coated pins. I tried removing it gently, but I felt resistance and I think it just snapped.
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I would give it a C. I'm still growing out damage from a treatment I received last year. Still have splits and it's not as strong as it needs to be, I trim every three months and keep in twists.
Overall it seemed like 50% above average and 30% below average...let's hope that 2010 is gonna be a great year for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a 5 topic Report Card

B+ For Health

B for Manageability

A for Thickness

C- For Edges

C- For rate of growth
It substained a little abuse from heat for a few weeks, but didn't break due to prior health care practices.

Health = B
Apprearance = C (I am still learning natural styles without braid extensions):yep:

My hair has breakage and split ends even after I just recently trimmed it. And I have a spot of hair that is broken off pretty bad although it looks like its slowly trying to grown back.

I feel like I have been putting myself down a lot lately, but it's the truth. I have not been taking good care of my hair. I still have no idea what products to use. My hair rarely gets styled. Moisture-huh? Deep conditioning-who? Product consistency-qu'est-ce que c'est?

I am very frustrated because I cannot figure out how to make my twists look nice-which is why I rarely do them. I'm just...tired.

The only reason why I gave myself a 'plus' is because I am finally trimming my hair.
I'd give my hair a solid "B". My hair has improved greatly, but it still needs lots of improvement. Hoping for an A by March 2010. I have to improve the ends and thickness. It's just not where I want them to be right now.:nono:
My hair gets a big ole flat F!

Wigs and falls have made me EXTREMELY hair lazy! Discovering them have been a curse and a blessing!

Blessing, because wearing them have cut my hair styling down to like 2 minutes (or less) every morning. My hair is much healthier due to no chemicals, and it looks fabulous after I exercise!!

Curse, because I haven't relaxed(texlaxed) since last October---no, I'm not transitioning at all---I just haven't had my hair done! My hair is about 85 percent natural now though.

I haven't deep conditioned in forever! I mostly co-wash my hair every 3 days or so, let it air dry then braid it back up. No trims in long time either!
OH--But I do moisturize daily with my Qhemet Amla Heavy Olive cream. Love that stuff! :love:

I give myself an A for the all of the new growth! I loooooove playing in my new growth!! I can't wait until I get home, so I can take this wig off and play! :lol:

Whenever I decide to relax again, then I'm sure my grade will go up! :yep:
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I forgot to add that I do wear moisturize my hair everyday, then put on my satin cap--and THEN my wig cap.

So for that I can raise my grade to a F+!!