REPORT CARD TIME: If your current hair could get a grade, what would it be?

In the beginning of my HHJ (Mar 09) my hair had an F!

Today: Hair health A; Hair appearance= C+ (still trying to grow out nape area)
She gets a C. I have some breakage from heat damage, but it's trying to hang on. I've been moisturizing to death, but I think once I give her some of this Emergencee she will get on the good foot.
I give mine a B- because I have breakage here and there that I don't think is normal. And I could use a bit more moisture. Also, I found out eggs aren't for my hair. I've tried it twice and my hair was so hard to detangle. It took me two sessions of deep contioning to get my moisture back.
i would have to say ... a B. i feel like i know my hair pretty well now. it feels moisturized and happy and it's growing :) but there are still some splits and SSKs. i'm cutting out the knots and splits 1 by 1, so hopefully by January my hair will be an A!
I'd say B+

My hair behaves itself without chemicals or heat styling or too much effort, but we're still working on dealing with frizz without products that make it stiff or hard. We no likee the crunchy hair. And, I've got another year and a half or so before I reach my goal.
my hair would get a a-.
It has grown ALOT and although I JUST now figured what to use to properly moisturize.
Oh i've been natural 1 yr 3 months!








This includes a big trim I just recently did. (like 2 inches).
I want HEALTHY long even hair, not straggly long hair.

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I'd give my hair an "A" all around. I'm not at the length that I want to be, but considering that I BC'd 1.5 years ago, I shouldn't really expect her to be longer that what she is, after all the trims I've done. I've had no set backs, no breakage, etc. So she's doing good. I just want her to keep up the good work, because at this rate I will have met my goal of full BSL by summer 2010. :)
I give her a solid B. She usually looks pretty good and its quite versatile, but she's prone to knotting and is weaker than most other well-maintained heads of hair.
My hair is currently a D+ I would give her a C but I don't want to get her all excited. She just started on her journey and is slowly trying to come around. I'm hoping to be able to give her a B come the summer.
I would give mine B-, the overall health has dramtically improved since last year and my hair does great with minimal heat and retaining moisture. I have gotten great growth in a short amount of time and only 2 dustings since Oct 2008. I have not had any setbacks besides my edges but that has been a lifetime struggle. I would like it to get thicker in the front and even on the right side so that's why I gave a B-.
I'll give her a B.

She's made a huge improvement since she started school. She's holding onto moisture better, is less prone to breakage and shedding, is much shinier and softer. She's also gotten more vocal about saying when she needs help...or maybe I've just gotten better at listening. Who knows? :spinning:

However, she's still not as strong as I would like, and she's so lazy...taking her own sweet time coming out the scalp. Also, she's a bit of a dunce. When I'm trying to teach her some lessons (putting on stuff), she takes a long time to absorb everything. If I want my conditioners or treatments to do anything, I have to leave them on for a good minute and a half. And it'd be nice if she would thicken up a bit.

But she is coming along rather nicely. I'm excited to see what 2010 will hold for us. :yep:
Well my hair's healthy is an A, but I'm disappointed in how long it takes to get to goals so I would say in that aspect a B
C+ here....I'm working on Thickness along with length. I'm also working on being a health nazi again. I've been blowing out and curling a bit too much for my tastes lately. I like to only do it every 12 weeks, but it seems as though I've been doing it a bit too much lately.
Earlier in the year, her behavior was atrocious! She was sassy and back talking, rolling up in the corners, and just not appreciating the wonderful one on one attention she was getting:wallbash: GRADE F-

She has started a turnaround, busted out of her barrette, and gotten fuller and thicker! I started using Aphogee Green Tea and Keratin again, and she is just blossoming! Current GRADE B

She will be re-evaluated in 4 months. I have advised her mom to monitor her closely to insure an A!!!
I would give my hair a boarder line C.I don't know what texture my hair is so I feel like i can't do anything to it.Beautican's dont like my hair calling it spongy and my back of my hair is really thin so is the temples.I don't see any growth at all I rarely ever wear it.It stays cornrowed under wigs that aren't that tight.It seems I'm always having to trim the ends bc i get those single strands that are at the end of my cornrow.Maybe with me doing my cornorows like a sew all round my head instead of just straight back will help
Prior to starting my hair journey (pre-August 2009), F. Today, 3 months in, C. She's improved so much it kinda scares me! Makes me wonder where she'll be in the next 3 months (A? I hope!) However, she still has a few problems - still has some minor breakage, but we are working on her protein/moisture balance; excessive shedding - I not sure if it's excessive, but since the breakage is mostly under control, the shedding looks like alot; minor split ends - I cut 3" in August when I started and didn't apply heat until the end of September when I took my siggy pic. I think I may have done some damage to my ends when I flat ironed (not her fault). As the regiment gets further locked in, I expect to see continued improvement and an overall "A" in the next report card.
Up to last night before my sister commented on how thick and luscious my hair was coming in, I would have given my hair a C+ but after that wonderful and encouraging comment, I'd give her a B+. You know, we are our worst critics:grin:.

There is an obvious room for much improvement for my hair and I am certainly working hard at getting it where it should be and that is thick, healthy, shiny, long and strong. By next year this same time, I am hoping to give her at least an A and the following year an A++.
I give my hair a C. Yeah, she's grown some in the last yr, but if she wasn't so lazy she could have grown more. She also tangles so much, that I don't even like to deal with her when I need to shampoo.

I try to take care of her and even buy all these natural "treats" and she still doesn't act right. :ohwell:
I would give her a C. Its way better than it was this time last year, but I still have room for improvement, like working on getting my mild breakage under control, and figuring how to stretch successfully. But all that comes with time, so I'm happy!
My current hair is a B+. That's because I need to deep condition it and I don't feel like it right now. :lol:

Overall I give it an A. It's growing at a very lush pace since that big haircut I gave myself earlier this year. I've gone back to shampoos and conditioners I used in the past and my hair is crazy soft and easy to detangle.

:up: :up: to Aussie Moist Shampoo & Conditioner and ORS Hair Mayonnaise.
I would say A-. I'm one year post lock takedown and big chop. I went from ear length to shoulder length and thats with a scissors addiction. I've found products that work and a simple regimen I can stick to. Now I'm going to focus on length and not touching the scissors.
I give my hair an A+, and admire the desire to turn in extra credit for bonus points. ;)