REPORT CARD TIME: If your current hair could get a grade, what would it be?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies, just for fun. Since 2009 is soon ending, here's a question for ya! Overall, how would you grade your hair progress/condition currently? This grade can help you to figure out what to do so that 2010 can be an equally, if not more, successful year for you to achieve your ultimate HEALTHY and satisfying hair. Has your hair made the grade??? Do Share!

My Hair grade is a B+.
She is very much improved from last year and cooperates very well. She's adapting very quickly to new things and showing great stregnth. She needs to work on patience and she should end up having a succesfull 2010.

LOL @ my progress report....I'm so silly
I would give mine a C:perplexed I'm just starting out but I need to work on my protien moisture balance, find a set regiment and my staples. She is moisturized but not enough in my opinion and I have split ends:ohwell:

But I'm looking forward to whip her into shape come 2010:grin: I'm putting her on a strict routine:lachen:
My hair thinks it's and A but I would give her a B. she needs some improvement.
I have ended the broken Coils, I have upped my Protein treatments, and I am not doing wash and gos anymore. So hopefully by January when we report again she will be on her way to an A+++
A+ for having the bravery to sport natural, kinky hair with not a streak of dye to conceal the silver of which I love! I am the anti-"does she or doesn't she?":grin:
She gets a strong B+. She is an overachiever in the area of curl-ability.
She is stronger, but there is still room for improvement. In order to get an A next year, she needs to improve her ability to have separated curls from the root.
I would say my hair is a B-. The overall health of my hair is an A-, but I recently had about 3 inches cut. So for length I have to say it is B. My health of my hair before LHCF was probably a C-.
I'd give my hair a C+, but I am happy with that because it was a D in January. My hair is thicker and stronger now and I can see the progress.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what's going on with my hair. It's been in braids for two weeks now. I had hand surgery 3 weeks ago, and am unable to comb my hair on my own. Thought I would be able to get my hair done locally, but I don't have the strength. I can't wait to get back into my hair. No grade ;0(
mine would be a "B".
my hair is darn near perfect except for the heat damage in the front bang area. but thats growing out nicely and im just cutting it littlw by little. the rest of my hair does wonderful as far as moisture/prtein goes. its also growing nicely too. i dont have any complaints out side of the heat damage.
Health, length, moisture, strength is all average so...C
Beauty, stylability, and resilience...A+
Overall, I'd say my actual hair gets a B.

Now her owner :look: she gets a D because she has been way too lazy about haircare and there were negative consequences for that. But she's been improving :yep: and is already on the road to recovery.
Hey Ladies, just for fun. Since 2009 is soon ending, here's a question for ya! Overall, how would you grade your hair progress/condition currently? This grade can help you to figure out what to do so that 2010 can be an equally, if not more, successful year for you to achieve your ultimate HEALTHY and satisfying hair. Has your hair made the grade??? Do Share!

My Hair grade is a B+.
She is very much improved from last year and cooperates very well. She's adapting very quickly to new things and showing great stregnth. She needs to work on patience and she should end up having a succesfull 2010.

LOL @ my progress report....I'm so silly

SMILEY, Your hair has made wonderful progress! Keep up the same's doing you good!!:yep:
This thread is great! She get’s an B+, I have finally found her staples and a regimen that she loves. Currently, she is very healthy, strong and growing extremely well. Should she continue on this path and meets my goal of stretched MBL natural hair within 4 years she well definitely be getting an A+.
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I think my hair is at a C+

-Since Ive started my journey my dandruff scalp problems have gotten better although I recently realized I need a continuous eye on it
-I'm 5 months post, but I still have a few areas with no new growth. Not sure what's going on there, but that needs to be resolved.
-We're working on the edges

-it's pretty moisturized
-it responds well to my TLC
My hair is A but I am shooting for A++. It is healthy and thick but seeking to get it thicker overall I am very please and thankful.
I would give my hair a C+. She is strong, but her ends get so tangled and her edges are thin. Hopfully in 2010 she will be a smooth ended APL with thick edges.
Well she gets an overall A- it would have been a solid A but she didnt make it to APL this year. She did however get from ear length shaved in the back to past collar bone. She also made it an entire year without a relaxer and not breaking and finally when I went to get a trim the stylist only did a dusting cause her conduct throughout the year was great. Her thickness is great, shedding is low, moisture and protein on lock and class participation (styling without fighting) is excellent.

She does have potential to get an A+ next year if she keeps up at this rate cause I have never been longer than right past collar bone. Her mother is so proud!
An F cause she completely went backwards 3 years of hard work gone..but i guess i'm to blame a little..

over-processing aint no joke..i didn't realize that was the problem and thought i should bump up the moisture treatments..until i noticed my hair got worse..

finally i realize the breakage was from over processing and i should have been using protein all along..
I'll say C+ because I have splits and dryness.
By 2010 I will narrow down my products (hopefully find my staples), take better care of my health and stay on top of DCing and daily moisturizing, which should be easier now that I finally have a steamer!