Removing certain Forum Topics


New Member
I know this may sound strange, but is there a way to remove all of the forum topics on my computer except for: health/fitness and Career Advancement...The other ones are too darn distracting and I feel compelled to constantly click:look:

If you only go into those particular forums you can't see the other ones...
Just bypass the forums that you don't like :)
:lachen:That's the thing...I can't..I have no self-controll and then I end up staying on the computer for too long
Bookmark the forums you want to see, and only come in to LHCF via the bookmarks. :lol: That's about your best bet. You'll have to exercise control to not hit the 'new posts' link......... and I wish you strength and willpower on that, cuz my mouse moves to it automatically, now. :nono: :lachen: