Reminder: Seasonal Shedding

This is good news. I have been practicing the same regime and noticed a lot of shedding. I am only 5 wks post relaxer and couldn't put my finger on it.

Now I know! Thanks!
Here's my question:
Is the cause of this shedding the actual affect of the weather change on your hair, or does it have to do with some kind of natural cycle WITHIN the hair follicle?
If you usually shed in september but you moved to Jamaica in August, would you still shed?
I have been shedding like crazy for the past month or so. I thought it was a hormone inbalance (due to a lot if work related stress) but maybe it's just seasonal shedding. I hope so. Based on the website this will happen right before a growth cycle
Crossing fingers....
I think it could be one, or the other, or both - depending on the person, Abainaa.

I believe the cycles that affect the earth (seasons, tides, moons) affect our bodies as well (menstruation is an example). So it could be the natural cycle of our follicles that causes the shedding, or our bodies response to external changes happening in theatmosphere - but it happens to me every year at this time of year, like clockwork. It just started this week....

I get a little scalp flaking too...same deal I think. My scalp NEVER flakes, but when fall rolls around my body starts, hair, weight....

It all gets some pruning.
Thanks Tracy!!!
I feel sooo much better. I was kinda getting down yesterday after my Emergencee treatment b/c such long little clumps (w/bulbs) were coming out. I figured it was seasonal shedding (but I also thought all of this daily conditioner & half drying was making it dry rot
). And since it feels like fall already in MI and the leaves are actually changing color already... I think my body is a little ahead of schedule

I read some place that you have to deep condition all summer not only to combat the effects of sun, but to make sure your hair is healthy and strong as you enter Fall when most shedding typically occurs.
Thanks for the info! I was getting worried because my hair has been shedding more frequently these past few weeks!
This makes me feel better because I have had some shedding disasters for the past month and a half and I thought it was something I was doing wrong. Its funny because I havent used heat for almost 2 months yet Ive had the most breakage and shedding in this period.
My hair has been sheding for the past 3 weeks or so. At first I thought it was breakage since I am transistioning but its almost all shedding. I also thought it was perhaps because I had stopped taking the MSM. I know once I started taking MSM, I noticed the "bulbs" on the end were much smaller, which worried me at first but I didnt have any unusual amount of sheding until I stopped taking it. Maybe it is just the season for it....
Knowing that hair sheds the most as fall approaches (now everytime I see the leaves fall, I'm gonna start thinking about my hair
) ...

my question is: how long is this seasonal shedding supposed to last? is it only the fall or does it continue through winter?

I just came across this note. I am definitely in the shedding phase. Thanks for the reminder.
ITA, there is suddenly hair in my hands when I manipulate it when I just recently got my shedding/breakage under control. Now I see its probably seasonal bc once I washed and conditioned, I only lost a few hairs while detangling so I dont think its breakage *crossing fingers*
Yeah there is difinitely something going on with me too. It's not a lot, but it's more than usual. Im glad I read this. Im still going to try and find ways to combat it. Seasonal or not, I DONT LIKE IT grrrrr!
****a sigh of relief***
Tracy, girl, you done it again with the hair life support theories. I was just thinking that my hair was suffering from either the ingredients in the sulfur 8 spray or some kind of post relaxing stage after-effect. Glad to know all is well.
I am going thru this too, Iwas starting to get depressed because I haven't had any problems with breakage or anything else for several months. I was afraid I'd loose all my hard work.. Thanks for the info.

I was wondering what was going on with my is shedding so bad.

Thanks for bumping this up.
Anyone know how to decrease the seasonal shedding? This is the first year that I have even noticed it; probably because my hair was not long enough to notice it before and I figured it was breakage. But now I am seeing so many long hairs coming out and it makes me sad :[

I just did a search and a lot of people seem to suggest Hennalucent or Nutrine Garlic Shampoo. Anyone have any updates on these products and/or know where to find them? Cuz I'm ready to get up and go buy them right now:] Thanks!
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Thank you so much for starting this thread! I have had alot more shedding for about 2 months now and I thought I was doing something wrong. My hair has flourished so much since I found this board and I was discouraged because I thought all my hard work and effort had gone to waste. I notice the most shedding when I wash and it's a little frightening. I don't have clumps or anything to cause me to be concerned about my health, but the amount of hair shed is definately noticable.

I tried MSM for about a month, but couldn't deal with the acne. I noticed when I stopped was when all of my shedding issues began. I just pray with time it subsides....
I could not find the Nutrine Garlic Shampoo, so I bought the Queen Helene one instead. I just used it and am pleased to say that there was a significant difference in shedding :D Hope this keeps up!
I was just thinking about asking this question yesterday. I shed every year at this time, without fail. I was wondering if it was just me. Glad to know its not.
Me too. I have a good regimen now and today shed over 50 hairs I went into complete panic and rushed on the boards. Hopefully all is well
Thanks for Bumping this Thread!:grin:

Me and Another Poster Talked about this "Season" at Great Lengths Last Night, which made me Change My Whole Routine Tonight.:look:

As a Former Weekly Salon Go-er, this time of Year would also Produce Shedding For Me.

Now, that I am a Total DIY'er, I will be on top of this Season.

I will be Co-Washing with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner and also Steaming with Alter Ego Garlic Hot Oil Treatment.:yep:

I may implement Co-Washing with the Nutrine Garlic Weekly & DC'ing with Alter Ego Garlic During this Season.
I was hoping that was what was going on......:perplexed. I have been inspecting each hair :detective: to make sure it is a shed and not a break. I noticed there has been a lot more of them the last month or so.
Yep, i'm already on top of this...been using nutrine garlic con & poo...i'm gonna start my garlic oil pills tonight aaaaand i started coffee rinsing two weeks ago...

No shedding over here, uh uh, no. i'm stopping it in its tracks!