Spring Shedding: So how long do I need to wait B-4 I dial 911?


Member, Dumbledore's Army
I’m experiencing my seasonal shedding… I think. I’m trying to remain calm but it’s so heart-breaking to see those clumps of hair…all my time, effort and MONEY literally down the drain. I’ve done all that I know to do and still no decrease in the shedding going on three weeks now. I'll see a derm. if necessary, I just don't want to waste anyone's time by panicking.

So for those of you who experience a period of notably increased shedding every year how long does your heightened shedding season last?
Take a look at your diet. Don't forgot what you put in your body can also affect your hair. Also, look at environmental factors. I know this sounds crazy, but for some reason, an office that I worked at, I noticed I used to lose a lot of hair and I was suffering from acne. I didn't realize this until I quit, stayed at home for a couple of months, the shedding stop as well as the acne cleared up. Maybe stress maybe environmental factors. Who knows what kind of chemicals was floating around in the building that my immunue system could have been absorbing.