Relaxing 2a-3a a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
Why do people act as if a sin to relax type 2a-3a? Like what's the big deal they will say oh no u will mess up your hair and blah but im sure it's like any other hair texture it will damage if u dont know what u are doing. But anyways is ors and creame of nature a good relaxer? I've been hearing a lot about affirm but I don't know where to buy it? Ors or creame of nature
Why do people act as if a sin to relax type 2a-3a? Like what's the big deal they will say oh no u will mess up your hair and blah but im sure it's like any other hair texture it will damage if u dont know what u are doing. But anyways is ors and creame of nature a good relaxer? I've been hearing a lot about affirm but I don't know where to buy it? Ors or creame of nature

Because it's usually straight enough as it is, with a great flat ironing technique- it usually looks much better than when relaxed. I also find that relaxers don't do much for this hair type
Because it's usually straight enough as it is, with a great flat ironing technique- it usually looks much better than when relaxed. I also find that relaxers don't do much for this hair type

from what i've seen 2a-3a hair is usually kinda resistant to relaxers...its still wavy/curly when wet, but more thin/damaged compared to if they just flat-iron/rollerset for the straight look...i personally dont care though.
I think it's due to misconceptions honestly.... people assume that type 2-3a hair should be easy to care for and that's not always the case (whether natural or relaxed.) I've heard many people of all races complain about their hair. We all have preferences and no one should badger you for what you decide to do. What other people think doesn't matter when it comes to YOUR hair ya know?

I would probably flat iron with a good serum and call it a day. I walked away from the chemicals due to too many variables involved and I hated what was happening to my scalp.

When I was relaxed, I liked Mizani and Bantu (not even sure if they make it anymore.) My niece uses one called Roots of Nature made by Soft Sheen with good results. I've never used the ones you've mentioned. Hopefully others will chime in. :yep:
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I'm trying to take this thread serious:look: With that said, I am not an expert on this topic but I ran across this a while ago when a friend was considering relaxing her daughter's hair and maybe this can be an option for you op.
This product "gives some relaxation of the curls, but slowly the curls will come back. But it will never be as curly as it used to be and the frizz won’t come back."
It's because most people view that hair type as the most desirable.:look:

I wouldnt really say that or maybe I am being naive. I think Kblc hit it on the nail. These hair types can be straightened with little difficulty and if you put a relaxer on these types of hair it IMO tends to look very thin and fine.

Me personally, I have type 3c hair and when I became natural I was like WTH did I put a relaxer in my hair to begin with because its easy to straighten and detangle. I didnt see a point in it after I became natural.
I agree with kblc06 - it's fairly easy to straighten without chems and with chems it is less full. I'm 3something and when I relaxed it never was bone straight and I usually wore it in a curly style. When I stopped relaxing, it looked the same but fuller and my curls were more uniform. It was also more damanged when I relaxed. If I'd known about the styles and products that I use now, I'd probably would have never relaxed.

But if you're going for a bone straight style that doesn't revert, might as well relax.
my bestie is a type 2 but a child she had very thick,long hair (enough for 3-4 people) it appears to be a hybrid of strands that are cottony/silky. she touches up every 4-5 months i think....i want her to stop though cause now with her thyroid issue her hair has thinned (looks like a normal thickness to most, but i can tell) and if one can go that long without retouching, a relaxer kinda doesn't make sense,imo.
This is what came up when I googled type 2a & 3a hair.


I don't think loose curly or wavy hair is superior to any other type of hair, or easier to manage, it just makes little sense to me when people who can brush their hair straight resort to chemicals. From what I've seen on curly boards, etc, over the years, however, a lot of people with loose curls and waves think they have the tightest, afro curls in the world so that's why they get relaxers. This is not a sin of course, but it just seems that they don't have exposure or knowledge to what genuinely kinky afro hair looks like. To me relaxing was always an option, not a necessity. If you were raised to believe that the slightest curl or wave had to be smoothed away, however then it makes sense that some people don't make distinctions between hair types and simply think that all textured hair needs to be relaxed.
My cousin has a hair type similar to the 3A type. She used to be fawned over by many because of her hair. I just assumed it was a hair type that was considered "good" hair.:ohwell: No hair needs a relaxer, but it is a choice. Please take pics if you relax.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But Type 2a-3a that hair type can be easily loosened up and straightened with a little effort and the right products.
I do know some people with coarse Type 2/Type 3a hair that use chemical straigtheners for the smoothness/silkening factor.
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I agree with @kblc06 - it's fairly easy to straighten without chems and with chems it is less full. I'm 3something and when I relaxed it never was bone straight and I usually wore it in a curly style. When I stopped relaxing, it looked the same but fuller and my curls were more uniform. It was also more damanged when I relaxed. If I'd known about the styles and products that I use now, I'd probably would have never relaxed.

But if you're going for a bone straight style that doesn't revert, might as well relax.

Your right I have family members who are type 2 who straighten their hair with relaxers to avoid reverting. Everyone has their own woe with their hair. They complain about flat ironing daily which is a PITA in itself and damaging! They have relaxed since Jr. High and not looked back!

Think Japenese relaxers, BKT's, normal relaxers that was to avoid constant straightening of any sort with out reverting.

No matter what technique you use for flatironing water/shampooing will put you right back to square one.
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This is what came up when I googled type 2a & 3a hair.



OWMYgod!!!!!!!!!!! WHy on earth would you want to relax this type of hair!!!!!???? doesn't make sense at ALLL whatsoever!!!!!!!!!! I would die for that hair. OP if this is the kind of hair that you have, then yes it's a huge sin to relax. keep chemicals away from your hair!! that's if u want sincere advice. but we live in a world where informed choice is more superior then sincere advice, so I guess like others said to each their own
I think relaxing looser hair types isn't encouraged because types 2a-3a are considered easier to manage and can easily straighten with a proper flat iron technique or (for those with fine hair) a good rollerset/silk wrap. I guess the only exception would be those with coarse 2a-3a hair (but then again, the coarseness of their hair may lead to underprocessed relaxer-resistant hair).
Some people don't want to flat iron their hair everyday. I know a few people with this hair type that relax their hair and they are very happy with it and their hair looks great.
I don't see why people get so mad at them.

I have a friend who falls into about the 2c -3a category and she relaxes religiously. I seen pictures of here when she was about 11 or 12 without a relaxer and her hair was beautiful. Her mother was white and her father was black. Her mother didnt know how to deal with hair that wasnt bone straight and all her father knew about black hair care was relaxers so she's been getting them ever since about junior high. She's 25 now and has never had a thought about growing out her relaxer. She likes the bone straight look that relaxers provide. So there are people out there with looser curl patterns that do get and enjoy relaxing their hair.
Well, I know people that do it. They want a flat iron or blow out look without heat. They want the ease of air drying it. Some only relax only their bangs too (seen an online article about that a while ago).

Some people might get thinner hair as a result (breakage) or not, it's the same with any hair really.

ETA: A lot just want to wash their hair everyday/3x a week and go out the house (not wrap/roller set, etc).
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