.::Relaxer Update/Reveal::.


New Member
Hello All,

Just wanted to share my relaxer update with everyone....enjoy!
Today I relaxed after a 16week stretch

My hair was very uncooperative when I tried to take pics....sometimes it would hit the #6 line..and sometimes it would hit the #5. However I feel this pic best depicts where my hair truly is:

Front Comparison:
Please excuse my "tired eyes" in the second pic...I was sleepy after leaving the salon lol.

That is all.....

D.Lisha said:
Hello All,

Just wanted to share my relaxer update with everyone....enjoy!
Today I relaxed after a 16week stretch

My hair was very uncooperative when I tried to take pics....sometimes it would hit the #6 line..and sometimes it would hit the #5. However I feel this pic best depicts where my hair truly is:

Front Comparison:
Please excuse my "tired eyes" in the second pic...I was sleepy after leaving the salon lol.

That is all.....

Beautiful hair D. Lisha.
Your hair looks great! Omg I'm so proud! You've really pulled it together. Do you feel like you've got your regimen down now or are you still working out what's ultimately best for your hair?
HairNinja said:
What relaxer did you use did you flat iron? Great progress.

My stylists used Affirm Relaxer, and she did flat iron afterwards to give it that bone straight look. Then she topped it off with the Saran wrap method to give it that sleek, silky finish.
Aireen said:
Your hair looks great! Omg I'm so proud! You've really pulled it together. Do you feel like you've got your regimen down now or are you still working out what's ultimately best for your hair?

Thanks hair buddy! For the most part I feel that I have my regimen down packed as far as the method but I am still exploring different products to use as staples.
And when will I be able to see an update on that beautiful head of yours missy?? :)
Thanks hair buddy! For the most part I feel that I have my regimen down packed as far as the method but I am still exploring different products to use as staples.
And when will I be able to see an update on that beautiful head of yours missy?? :)
I knoooow I definitely need to do one, people have been asking and it's been long overdue. I'll get to it eventually, I'm not quite ready to reveal my hair yet. :giggle: I made a HL 2014 challenge though so pics are definitely coming, @D.Lisha. Are you still using Aussie Moist Shampoo?
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I knoooow I definitely need to do one, people have been asking and it's been long overdue. I'll get to it eventually, I'm not quite ready to reveal my hair yet. :giggle: I made a HL 2014 challenge though so pics are definitely coming, @D.Lisha. Are you still using Aussie Moist Shampoo?

Lol, even though I'm dying to see how much progress you've made (b/c I know you've made ALOT...your hair has always grown like wildfire ma'am) I totally understand the feeling of post-poning until you're absolutely comfortable. I'll be waiting in anticipation until then lol!
And I have YET to get around to using the Aussie Moist Shampoo! Everytime I check for it in my local BSS store, they're outta stock :(. I have been using the Knockoff version of Nexxus Moisture Therapy, along with Suave almond + shea butter shampoo. So far I have no complaints about this combo....but now that you reminded of the Aussie Moist, I plan on adding that into my mix ASAP lol.
I'll be sure to keep you updated with the results!
What have you changed/adjusted in your regimen thus far? Any new products?
Lol, even though I'm dying to see how much progress you've made (b/c I know you've made ALOT...your hair has always grown like wildfire ma'am) I totally understand the feeling of post-poning until you're absolutely comfortable. I'll be waiting in anticipation until then lol!
And I have YET to get around to using the Aussie Moist Shampoo! Everytime I check for it in my local BSS store, they're outta stock :(. I have been using the Knockoff version of Nexxus Moisture Therapy, along with Suave almond + shea butter shampoo. So far I have no complaints about this combo....but now that you reminded of the Aussie Moist, I plan on adding that into my mix ASAP lol.
I'll be sure to keep you updated with the results!
What have you changed/adjusted in your regimen thus far? Any new products?
Well I made a ton of cuts this year, remember? So I want to be absolutely satisfied when I make my update, I want it to be better than my FOTM picture. :giggle: Thanks though! As soon as I update, I'll possibly PM you or just tag you in a thread.

I have gotten that comment about my hair growing fast but I personally wish it was faster. :sad: I think I'm good at retaining more than anything though. I do have some new products! I really am loving Organix Hydrating Macadamia Oil Conditioner! It's kind of pricy though for the size but I love it for my hair, it gives me really good moisture but it doesn't have a ton of slip per say. Oh and for protein, I like Mill Creek Keratin Conditioner, again minimal slip but good for strength. Other than that, I have a ton of new products in my stash to try out.

Girl, if that shampoo combo is working for you, just stick with it. Don't fix what isn't broken, right? I hear good things about the Suave Almond + Shea but I haven't seen it in Toronto. :sad:

Are you gonna get braids again or giving your hair a break? Also, did you do a protein treatment recently?
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Thanks ladies!
EnExitStageLeft Your hair is so thick and pretty! I might need for you to tell me your regimen missy :grin:
and DominicanBrazilian82, go ahead and relax that NG and come back in here and give us that update! I'm sure it's gonna be drool worthy :yep:. From what I can see from your pics, your hair is thick and full, I can't wait to see the finished look.
Well I made a ton of cuts this year, remember? So I want to be absolutely satisfied when I make my update, I want it to be better than my FOTM picture. :giggle: Thanks though! As soon as I update, I'll possibly PM you or just tag you in a thread.

I have gotten that comment about my hair growing fast but I personally wish it was faster. :sad: I think I'm good at retaining more than anything though. I do have some new products! I really am loving Organix Hydrating Macadamia Oil Conditioner! It's kind of pricy though for the size but I love it for my hair, it gives me really good moisture but it doesn't have a ton of slip per say. Oh and for protein, I like Mill Creek Keratin Conditioner, again minimal slip but good for strength. Other than that, I have a ton of new products in my stash to try out.

Girl, if that shampoo combo is working for you, just stick with it. Don't fix what isn't broken, right? I hear good things about the Suave Almond + Shea but I haven't seen it in Toronto. :sad:

Are you gonna get braids again or giving your hair a break? Also, did you do a protein treatment recently?

The bolded----> So true. I think it's the PJism that has me still waiting to giving a try :grin:.
And yes I do remember when you did alittle cut back in the day. If I'm not mistaken you cut it back to APL/BSB right? If that's so, then I'm guessing you're probably back down to full BSL or alittle bit past it by now (maybe even WL with your growth rate! lol). Either way I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised with your relaxer results. I have the faith that your hair has bounced back wonderfully!
And at the moment I'm undecided about what I'm going to do with my hair next. But I feel the urge to either get a sew-in or to jst get my natural hair braided up in this style I saw on fb (will post pics of it when I find them). But I usually dnt install long-term protective styles until I'm about 6-8weeks post for the purpose of giving my hair a mini break from all the manipulation.
And yes, I actually did a hardcore protein treatment with the Alter Ego Garlic last week. I'm going to stop by the BSS and pick up a packet of ORS replenshing condish to prepare for my "light" protein treatment for this upcoming week also. I'm sure my hair could use it after that last relaxer.
How about you? What are your protective styles of choice nowadays?
Girls its beyond simple.

Dc with Reconstructive treatment (during my protein week, if not I dont do this step)
DC w/ steam with a moisturizing conditioner

M&S and massage my scalp daily

THATS IT! :lol: See simple.
The bolded----> So true. I think it's the PJism that has me still waiting to giving a try :grin:.
And yes I do remember when you did alittle cut back in the day. If I'm not mistaken you cut it back to APL/BSB right? If that's so, then I'm guessing you're probably back down to full BSL or alittle bit past it by now (maybe even WL with your growth rate! lol). Either way I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised with your relaxer results. I have the faith that your hair has bounced back wonderfully!
And at the moment I'm undecided about what I'm going to do with my hair next. But I feel the urge to either get a sew-in or to jst get my natural hair braided up in this style I saw on fb (will post pics of it when I find them). But I usually dnt install long-term protective styles until I'm about 6-8weeks post for the purpose of giving my hair a mini break from all the manipulation.
And yes, I actually did a hardcore protein treatment with the Alter Ego Garlic last week. I'm going to stop by the BSS and pick up a packet of ORS replenshing condish to prepare for my "light" protein treatment for this upcoming week also. I'm sure my hair could use it after that last relaxer.
How about you? What are your protective styles of choice nowadays?

Yeah definitely just stick to your combo! When your hair gets longer, maybe go back to it but buy a trial size. You know how hair can be fickle, one minute it can love/hate something then long months later, it's a different story.

Girl, thanks! I don't know about WL but MBL by next relaxer would be ideal at least. LOL actually if you say WL, let me not knock it. WL hair by next relaxer! :pray: I've been taking MSM and it seems to be loosening my texture, I may be able to stretch for longer, especially since it's winter too.

I agree to give your hair a break, it sounds like it needs a lot of pampering now that you took out the braids. Have you used your split-ender? How's your moisture balance?

No PS for me, I never do it. Before you ask why, I was a tomboy growing up so I used to stay in buns because I hated my hair down, now that it's longer I wanna enjoy it forever. :grin: My regimen's so boring so I'm just waiting for growth. :sad: