relaxer help.


Active Member
Hey guys,
I just joined this forum and i wanna say hi. Also i have a question concerning hair relaxers. This is my problem - my stylist used to use motions for my hair and just the last time i permed my hair she used arosci cos she said it was better and wouldnt break my hair. However, my hair did get thin and i dont know if its the change, the relaxer, or due to the fact that she rips the hair out since she doesnt take take the time to comb it gently. Also now that i have to relax it again, i dont know what to do. Whether to keep using the arosci, go back to motions or change stylists. I have no clue cos i really cant loose anymore hair - its too thin! Could anyone please help me? I'm really confused and i have sensitive hair too.

Hi Angelica2u

Welcome to the board.

Personally, I have never used those two relaxers, but I have had many trying times with "heavy handed" stylists. All I can say is if u have established a good rapport with your stylist & want to continue to see her, then ask her to handle your hair gently because you're experiencing breakage. Even if your breakage is not due to her heavy hand, u still want her to handle your hair carefully, u know?

I'm sure that other members will jump in here soon to give u more advice.

God bless,
Welcome to the board , Angelica2u. I notice you stated that your hair is thinning. What is your hair regimen? Do you take any vitamins? What do you mean by thinning? Is it breaking? I'm asking these questions so we can get a better understanding of what's going on w/ your hair. I'm sure these lovely members w/ help you as best as they can.... Again, welcome
I understand how you feel. I am in the middle of deciding what relaxer to use, its between affirm and mizani lye. I usually use dark and lovely no lye and im not sure about the change. my hair is thin also and I don't want to loose any more then I have too. I whet to jcpenny s and got a cut and wash and the stylist was a monster with the comb. I could have killed her. I told her if she put that little #$% comb in my head one more time I was going to kill her. any time someone combs your hair and it brings tears to your eyes something aint right. my hair has not been the same since.
Welcome Angelica2u
. While you're deciding on what to do next here a few tips on making your hair appear thicker.

1. Wash with a thickening shampoo or conditioner (try Nexxus Diamatress)

2. Good thickening leave-in (Nexxus Headdress)

3. Try a neutral hennalucent or colorshines rinse.

All of the above make swell the strands of your hair making them appear to be thicker. Those address the problem of the pre-existing thin strands and will help you resist the urge to cut your hair.

As far as working on the new hair coming in, you can take B-5, which thickens the strands from the inside out. Along with a healthy hair care regimem of regular washing, deep conditioning and maintaining he proper moisture levels in your hair, this will do the trick for ya
. Happy hair growing.
Hey, girl. When I was permed, I used Motions and had a really good experience, but then again everyone's hair is not the same. I think it's a good product but maybe it's too strong for your hair type and contributing to your damage. I would say switch to a milder relaxer (maybe Motions Mild or something) and see if that helps the situation.

More importantly, however, if your stylist is ripping through your hair, then you need to tell her about her self and/or dump her. That's ridiculous.