Relaxed vs Natural (funny)


Well-Known Member
So today me and my sister were playing around...after mourning about the death of our grandad...we started to make each other laugh...

And then we started play fighting and wrestling:lachen:

She's on her own hair journey...she's a BHM member and she's natural...i LOVE her hair!!

I'm relaxed.

So while we were wrestling each other and pinning each other down tring to pinch one another i shouted...

RELAXED vs NATURAL!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

We burst into laughter!!

It was a tie:grin:
I'm easily amused so obviously I just busted out laughing at 12:33am, while deep conditioning may I add LMAO

BTW I'm sorry about your loss
LOL!!! We laughed so hard for like 5 minutes straight about it!! I just thought i would share that moment wit ya'll! We're real live cartoons! :grin: