Relaxed/Texlaxed - How do you get that SWANG and BLING!

Wash with V05 extra body poo and conditioner. Use wrap and tap setting lotion. My hair does beeter when I rollerset but I can't even imagine sitting under the dryer now. When I was at BSL it took over 2 hours to dry. So I flat iron. I oil and wrap and one time I curled the ends and it looked great. But normally it just straight and swinging. And shiny.

ETA: I'm texlaxed.
Smooth: I get from a roller set then wrapping.
Silky: A deep conditioner and setting lotion
Shiny: A black VIA rinse mixed with a VIA clear rinse:)
Wash with V05 extra body poo and conditioner. Use wrap and tap setting lotion. My hair does beeter when I rollerset but I can't even imagine sitting under the dryer now. When I was at BSL it took over 2 hours to dry. So I flat iron. I oil and wrap and one time I curled the ends and it looked great. But normally it just straight and swinging. And shiny.

ETA: I'm texlaxed.

Your siggy is really pretty:yep:
Blowdry and flatiron for smoothness and silkiness.

Make sure the roots are straight, or you have helmut head.

Serums for shine.

No oils on wet hair... or it becomes too stiff.

'tis all.
Fewer products – whether I’m flat ironing or roller setting I use the least amount of product possible. I make sure I take my time setting the rollers correctly to get my hair as smooth as it can be and only worry about the roots to remove any dents with the flat iron……….wrap and………… voala…………

I did this Friday:

* prepoo with jajoba oil, bagged but no heat for about 1hr. First I oiled my scalp and then I completely coated my hair (its light and won't way the hair down).

*wash x3 in shower with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (may seem like a lot of washing but you have to get that oil out, or else you will NOT achieve that light bouncy look. And because the jajoba penetrated so nicely it didn't feel stripped).

*Conditioned with HE HH conditioner for about 10 min in the shower while I performed shower rituals :yep: (I rinsed the conditioner out and then used my micro fiber tower to absorb some of the water while I got dressed).

*DC with Aussie 3 min Miracle for about 30min with heat (I rinsed that out with cool water to seal the cuticle...I've notice that this lil step makes all the difference in the smoothness/silkiness of my hair).

*Airdried for about 15 min...

*Sprayed Aussie Hair Insurance, detangled with a wide tooth comb (this stuff melts my NG and turns my relaxed ends into butter...I'm 3.5 months post relaxer).

*Sprayed Aphogee Green Tea Restructurizer and applied a quarter sized amount of Lacio Lacio leave in, combed it all through (VERY generous with the Restructurizer!!).

*B'dried on warm/low until 90% dry(I use a chi Rocket and it's so good that I don't even have to section my hair off...It glides right through because of the sturdy comb attachment. My hair need a lil bit more moisture at this point so I used just a dab of Organix Coconut Milk Anti Breakage Serum. I bdried the rest on hot/high and then sealed the cuticle once again on cool).

*Flat Ironed in small sections with My 1in Solia on 400-420 degrees:)blush::blush: Yes I use a high heat but my hair can stand it...all that DC really protects the works for Me, again this is what I do:yep:. Do it SLOWLY but keep the iron in constant motion to avoid heat spots...if your Iron snags/is difficult to move down the hair shaft than you don't have a good iron :nono: the plates should alway be smooth as glass).

*I wrapped my hair and tied it down with a silk scarf for about 10min (This step is also important for me because the hair is still fairly warm so once it cooled down and I unwrapped it, it was unbelievably silky, I used this time to do my makeup, change out of my sweats) :heart2:.

It was blingin! That night I went to Diva's in NJ and this guy reached out and ran his fingers through my hair, and I was just walking by...wasn't even dancing with him :ohwell::look:

OMG this is so long but I wanted to be very detailed:

Here are a few pics of how it looked today, 3days later...:

Not the best quality...took these on my laptop. Black and White to showcase the Bling! I know I look crazy but I'm trying to show you guys how swaangy it still was :drunk:


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Wash with V05 extra body poo and conditioner. Use wrap and tap setting lotion. My hair does beeter when I rollerset but I can't even imagine sitting under the dryer now. When I was at BSL it took over 2 hours to dry. So I flat iron. I oil and wrap and one time I curled the ends and it looked great. But normally it just straight and swinging. And shiny.

ETA: I'm texlaxed.

I second the wrap n tap! I never see anyone really talk about it on this forum but it gives me mad body and swang!

Also, my CHI flat irons....give me a smooth and BLING finish!

I guess that's why I love heat. (shhhhh) :lachen:
I am texlaxed and I have learned that less is more when it comes achieving bouncy swangy hair. First I DCreally good for 45mins-1hr. I spray with Elasta QP h-two, apply a dime size lacio lacio, SE olive oil heat protectant, CHI keratin mist. Blow dry my hair in sections downward motion, flat iron with my CHI iron then wrap it with my silk scarf for about 20mins, unwrap and I have swangy bouncy shiney hair.

My hair stylist way:
Wash DC, apply paul mitchell leave in, spray with diluted lottabody, rollerset and flat iron with FHI and apply a little paul mitchell skinny serum or biosilk serum
Fewer products – whether I’m flat ironing or roller setting I use the least amount of product possible. I make sure I take my time setting the rollers correctly to get my hair as smooth as it can be and only worry about the roots to remove any dents with the flat iron……….wrap and………… voala…………

Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!! I needed to see this...:yep:
I like Ice shine shampoo and conditioner by Pantene, it makes my hair super duper shiny.

Ionic blow dryer and flat iron. Flat iron tiny sections.

Very few products.

Result: Swingosity for days.
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