Relaxed/Texlaxed heads: Washing in sections. How do you do it?


New Member
Hi ladies. 4z, texlaxed, about 8 weeks post relaxer. My hair tangles a lot starting about half way into my usual 12 week stretch. I am beginning to see more SSKs along with the usual shed hair tangles. I really want to start washing my hair in sections but I can't seem to get it right.

My hair when dry does not hold a braid. If I don't use a plastic band at the end, it unravels. When wet, it's even less compliant with my braids unraveling and the band just slipping off. I don't want to put the band too tight because it might break my hair. Once I tried the braids and washed face forward, it was a terrible mess with more tangles that if I had just washed my usual way (standing in the shower). If at all possible, I'm trying to avoid shower-hopping.

I need help.

Here are my questions:
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?

5. Do you have any detangling tips?

I appreciate any tips you can share. Thanks!
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Here are my questions:
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?
When I've done this I braided my hair all the way to the ends, and if I braid all the way to the tippy ends it stays well enough.
2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?
I wash in the braids. The new growth keeps the braids from coming undone, and I rub the scalp gently and smooth the shampoo suds down the braids to wash them, no rubbing for the braids
3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?
I do the half and half method with the braids....wash and rinse one side, then clip the ends together and then do the other side.
4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
Head back, shower
5. Do you have any detangling tips?
Start from the ends, do it in sections and then re-braid in those same sections.

I appreciate any tips you can share. Thanks!
I just got my real hair cornrowed and I will be using a net wig cap to wash so as not to agitate it too much. I'm wearing wigs so its not imperative I get my hair squeaky clean. Cornrows may be a better option if the individual braids don't seem to hold enough.

OP, I'm adding your blog to the relaxed blog thread....I haven't seen it before! Is it new, bc I've seen ur siggy picture but never remember seeing the link to your blog...*now following!*
Here are my questions:
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?
I don't! I just use the little duckbill clips and section into 4 sections. I work with one section at a time (because, like yours, my hair won't stay braided)

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?

N/A (?) since my hair is already unraveled.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
Head back, in the shower

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
Detangle in sections!! It has saved my hair many-a-time and I can tell the difference in the thickness of my hair when I get lazy and start NOT doing everything in sections after about 6 wks post.

I appreciate any tips you can share. Thanks!
4evershika thanks! I'm having one of those duh moments right now. I don't know why it never occurred to me that braids aren't the only way to keep the hair in sections.:spinning:
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections? I section in 4 parts (down the middle and ear-to-ear and i anchor it down with a duckbill clip.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid? I clean my scalp while my braids are still in so my hair doesn't get tangled, then I loosen each one to wash/condition.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other? I clip the sections that I'm not working on to the top of my head so that they're out of the way.

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)? Back towards the shower.

5. Do you have any detangling tips? Detangle as much as you can BEFORE you jump in the shower. I start off pulling sections apart with my fingers, then a wide tooth comb or brush.


I put my answers in bold font...I hope it helps :yep:
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?
I don't. Part hair into 4 sections/quadrants (2 on left and 2 on right), secure with duckbill clips.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?
Don't braid. Wash one section, secure back with clip, move to next section.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
Neither. In the shower, body facing forward, head turned to the left or right, whichever side I'm washing.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
Pre-detangle hair before washing. Don't ball up the hair when washing as the tangles will come right back. My hair is too fragile when wet, so I detangle after air drying to about 90% dry.
qtslim83 and divachyk Thank you for the tips! I see from most of the responses here that most folks are treating their hair more gently than I'm treating mine. I detangle my whole head (rather than in sections) and wonder why I'm having issues. SMH.

winona thanks for commenting (even though you deleted it :) ) I asked relaxed/texlaxed heads because I figured naturals probably don't have issues with unraveling braids since they have more coils/curls to hold the braid. I may be wrong. Thanks though.
GraceV - are you using a good shampoo? Poor product can cause tangles despite how great of technique you have. I know you like Kenra DC, right? That's a fabulous DC. When I detangle, I don't even detangle the entire quadrant. Instead, I will part one quadrant in like 4 or 5 smaller sections and detangle in tiny sections. I'm loving the Ouidad detangling comb.
First off, my stats: Texlaxed, 4B, almost WL. My responses are in Red:

1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?

I don't really wash my hair in "sections" as usually referred to on this board. I certainly don't do any braiding or twisting of my dry or wet hair on wash day.

While my hair is still DRY, I detangle with my fingers. Then, I part my hair (with my finger) straight down the middle of my head, separating my hair in half. I drape each half over my front shoulders. I KEEP my hair in this position throughtout washing, conditioning and detangling.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid? N/A

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other? N/A

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?

I wash in the shower, facing sideways to take care of the hair over one shoulder, then I turn to the other side.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?

I always, always thoroughly detangle dry hair with my fingers, from tip to root, gently removing as much shed hair as I can.
@GraceV - are you using a good shampoo? Poor product can cause tangles despite how great of technique you have. I know you like Kenra DC, right? That's a fabulous DC. When I detangle, I don't even detangle the entire quadrant. Instead, I will part one quadrant in like 4 or 5 smaller sections and detangle in tiny sections. I'm loving the Ouidad detangling comb.
My shampoo game is not as tight as my conditioner game. I use a host of different poos (trying to use up the stash). Old CON is just plain crappy for my hair. I'm retiring that one. I got the SheaMoisture Restorative shampoo. I guess it's aight. The best for me so far is the Joico K-Pak shampoo but I try not to use a sulfate shampoo every time I shampoo (once a week). I might have to use it more often though cos these sulfate-free poos aren't really doing it for me.

How's the Ouidad comb compared to the Jilbere? I use the Jilbere shower comb but I think it's time to retire that one too.

This hair game is something else. If it's not one thing it's another. Found a great condish? Good. now you have to go find a new detangling comb, and a better shampoo, and modify how you wash. My hair might as well be a person with all her demands:lachen:
First off, my stats: Texlaxed, 4B, almost WL. My responses are in Red:

1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?

I don't really wash my hair in "sections" as usually referred to on this board. I certainly don't do any braiding or twisting of my dry or wet hair on wash day.

While my hair is still DRY, I detangle with my fingers. Then, I part my hair (with my finger) straight down the middle of my head, separating my hair in half. I drape each half over my front shoulders. I KEEP my hair in this position throughtout washing, conditioning and detangling.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid? N/A

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other? N/A

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?

I wash in the shower, facing sideways to take care of the hair over one shoulder, then I turn to the other side.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?

I always, always thoroughly detangle dry hair with my fingers, from tip to root, gently removing as much shed hair as I can.
prospurr4 thanks. Quick questions: How long does this process take? If you stretch, how do you detangle the root/NG late in your stretch? My dry hair is brittle and would just snap if I tried to detangle before washing. I often detangle on wet hair after getting out of the shower.
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1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?
I wash my hair in 4 sections (2 in front/ 2 in back). I twist each section and my hair doesn't unravel on dry hair (I have thick hair).

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?
I unravel one section, wash it, and then retwist and move on to the next section. I try to avoid wetting the done section b/c it will unravel when wet.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?
I just try to avoid getting the done section rewet. Even if it does unravel, my hair is parted really well so its easy to take the parted section and retwist.

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
head back in shower

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
What has helped me was detangling on dry hair before I wash. I have been doing this for the last 3wks and have drastically reduced shedding & breakage on wash days. HTH
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?
I wash my hair in 4 sections (2 in front/ 2 in back). I twist each section and my hair doesn't unravel on dry hair (I have thick hair).

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?
I unravel one section, wash it, and then retwist and move on to the next section. I try to avoid wetting the done section b/c it will unravel when wet.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?
I just try to avoid getting the done section rewet. Even if it does unravel, my hair is parted really well so its easy to take the parted section and retwist.

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
head back in shower

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
What has helped me was detangling on dry hair before I wash. I have been doing this for the last 3wks and have drastically reduced shedding & breakage on wash days. HTH
Thanks! I see a trend here. I noticed natural heads do this, I guess the same principles apply to relaxed.
ETA: I've often thought that since relaxed heads deal with the line of demarcation of 2 textures, detangling dry hair would be a recipe for major breakage.
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I actually used to have alot of problems with my hair unraveling/tangling because of the length

1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?

I lightly oil the night before this allows me to finger detangle getting some of the shed hair out.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?

When I first get in the shower I slather braids/twists with fav. detangling conditioner(Now is Aussie Moist). I then clip them up. After bathing. I take down each braid/twist and finger/mini rake detangle then apply diluted poo(Water/Elucence MB/oil). I do this for each section (6 sections 3R/3L) and rinse without undoing them again. This has cut my time down from 45min to 15-20mins YEA:)

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?

I do more of them. At first I thought this didnt work for me but I realized that I wasnt doing it right for my length. I was initially trying to do 4 sections well my hair wasnt long enough to get in the sections comfortably. Now I do in 6 sections and it work perfectly.

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?

I wash head back in the shower because I dont have a filter on the sink.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?

Oiling the night before has really cut down on my detangling time. I notice the less time I am in the shower the less impatient I get with my hair.

Slathering my hair with my detangling conditioner then clipping out of the way helps give my conditioner time to do its magic.
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections? I do four vertical sections and braid each section then secure with a bill clip (hope that is the right term).

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?

I will keep my hair in braids while applying the shampoo to the scalp. Then unravel one at time to wash it out (using my fingers then my shower comb) and rebraid and secure. For the protein treatment, conditioner, PC and ACV rinse - I apply each section one at a time. Rinse out (using fingers and then shower comb to smooth out the hair).

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other? I re-braid and use the clips.

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?
I title my head in the shower, washing out each side.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
Pre-detangle prior to washing, especially at the roots. I apply NTM at my roots (tip I received on here!) and oil then detangle the night b4. After adding my prepoo oil treatment I braid each section and bag whole head overnight.

The next day I wash out my prepoo in sections and start my washing routine.

Doing the methods above my hair never tangles during my wash process and is nice a smooth when I ready to put in my leave-ins and to dry my hair. Good luck and I hope this helps!

ETA: Was answering this thread at work and was rushing, thus I missed question # 3. A brief answer added above.
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winona look at all the good information you were going to keep away from this thread! Thank you for sharing. I have realized from the responses I've gotten so far that natural and relaxed hair share quite a bit in common when it comes to the basics of hair care. I consider myself schooled :) Thank you!
@Prospurr thanks. Quick questions: How long does this process take? If you stretch, how do you detangle the root/NG late in your stretch? My dry hair is brittle and would just snap if I tried to detangle before washing. I often detangle on wet hair after getting out of the shower.

You're welcome, GraceV!

I think the whole process takes about 25 minutes...not counting the time that I am DCing. For example, I spend about 20 minutes, just finger-detangling dry hair/removing sheds while watching TV. Then I separate my hair in half, slather each half with conditioner, and cover with a plastic cap while I do chores. After a couple of hours, I get in the shower and rinse/finger detangle one side, and then the other...probably about 5 minutes, with no tangling issues because I've removed a lot of the sheds beforehand.

I don't stretch anymore (usually touchup about 7 or 8 weeks), but I have gone as long as 15 weeks, using this same method. Regarding my NG, I finger-detangle only while my hair is still dry. Only after my hair has been conditioned and still damp, will I run a wide-toothed shower comb through my moisturized NG to the ends.

ETA: If after rinsing, I feel product buildup on my hair or it just feels like my hair needs a shampoo, I will dilute shampoo in a few ounces of water, then pour over each half of my hair, massaging scalp only. Then I rinse again.
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1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections? I do four vertical sections and braid each section then secure with a bill clip (hope that is the right term).
Bnster Thanks for sharing. @ the bolded, that's different. Do you find sectioning this way to be better or is it just your preference? What kind of shower comb do you use?

Reading all these responses have me giving myself the side-eye. It's a wonder I have any hair left on my head :lachen:
Thanks! I see a trend here. I noticed natural heads do this, I guess the same principles apply to relaxed.
ETA: I've often thought that since relaxed heads deal with the line of demarcation of 2 textures, detangling dry hair would be a recipe for major breakage.

I forgot to mention I havent used a comb in 3wks (doing a lil experiment). I gently fingercomb on moisturize & sealed hair. Yes, it's very time consuming especially at 8wks post! :blush: Its worth it so far though. HTH
1. How do you section and anchor your DRY hair (to prevent unraveling) for washing in sections?

I divide my hair into quarters, do a loose 2-strand twist then clip with a duckbill.

2. Do you wash all your hair in the individual braids or do you unravel each one, wash and then rebraid?

I unravel the little twist, wash then retwist.

3. How do you keep the wet braids from coming loose and getting entangled with each other?

All sections are clipped up except the one that I'm washing

4. Do you wash face forward (over a sink) or head back (in the shower)?

Neither, I face left or right, depending on the side I'm working on.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?

Detangle the hair prior to putting it into sections, this saves me from having to detangle while in the shower. I also comb thru while rinsing out my dc, under the water.
Bnster Thanks for sharing. @ the bolded, that's different. Do you find sectioning this way to be better or is it just your preference? What kind of shower comb do you use?

Reading all these responses have me giving myself the side-eye. It's a wonder I have any hair left on my head :lachen:

I have attached pictures of the shower comb I use and duckbill clips to secure the ends.

As per the vertical sectioning of my hair, I do not think it is any different what other ladies do. Plus doing it this way, it is easier to comb the hair through and having four sections it is easier to handle the wash than in 2 or greater than 4 too tedious.

ETA: I only use 3 clips while I am washing and rotate them to the one previously washed.


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My shampoo game is not as tight as my conditioner game. I use a host of different poos (trying to use up the stash). Old CON is just plain crappy for my hair. I'm retiring that one. I got the SheaMoisture Restorative shampoo. I guess it's aight. The best for me so far is the Joico K-Pak shampoo but I try not to use a sulfate shampoo every time I shampoo (once a week). I might have to use it more often though cos these sulfate-free poos aren't really doing it for me.

How's the Ouidad comb compared to the Jilbere? I use the Jilbere shower comb but I think it's time to retire that one too.

This hair game is something else. If it's not one thing it's another. Found a great condish? Good. now you have to go find a new detangling comb, and a better shampoo, and modify how you wash. My hair might as well be a person with all her demands:lachen:
@GraceV - I use Joico Kpak weekly. Have other shampoos but I feel they cause my hair to tangle. I don't have sulfate concerns at the current moment. I have some under processed sections that are very coarse to comb through. The Ouidad glides right through without causing breakage whereas other wide tooth combs, to include the jilbre, tugs the hair.

5. Do you have any detangling tips?
Pre-detangle prior to washing, especially at the roots. I apply NTM at my roots (tip I received on here!) and oil then detangle the night b4. After adding my prepoo oil treatment I braid each section and bag whole head overnight.
Bnster, neat tip. I will try this to see how it works. Do you still have to detangle after your wash session is over?
divachyk , I never thought about it, but no I don't need to detangle after I finish washing my hair, I think it is because I use the shower comb each time after rinsing out all my products. This has worked for me and I never have to struggle combing my hair after washing like I had in the past.

@GraceV - I use Joico Kpak weekly. Have other shampoos but I feel they cause my hair to tangle. I don't have sulfate concerns at the current moment. I have some under processed sections that are very coarse to comb through. The Ouidad glides right through without causing breakage whereas other wide tooth combs, to include the jilbre, tugs the hair.

Bnster, neat tip. I will try this to see how it works. Do you still have to detangle after your wash session is over?
I forgot to mention I havent used a comb in 3wks (doing a lil experiment). I gently fingercomb on moisturize & sealed hair. Yes, it's very time consuming especially at 8wks post! :blush: Its worth it so far though. HTH

ATLcutey20 Are you still fingercombing? I've been doing so for a few weeks now and I'm amazed at how effective it is. I'm at 10 weeks for shedding and breakage....very consistent and minimal. I had always thought that fingercombing was for naturals...I wish I had started doing this sooner:yep: