Naturals & Transitioners: Wash Hair in Sections or Not???

I'm natural and wash in either 2 fat cornrows or 4 box braids. I detangle in sections too using my Kcutter. I don't know how long my hair is, I don't use heat often so I havent seen it straightened yet, but that's how it looks after a braidout as you can see the top is the longest layer. I'm going to the barbershop in a couple of months though to get it evened out ;)
If you are a NATURAL...
1. Do you wash your hair in sections or all smoothed back?


a. If you wash in sections - how many sections do you section off before washing?

Just 2. I'll do a middle part, poo one side then the other.

(( for conditioner washes, I'll just slap on the conditioner, not worrying about sections ))
My hair is 4b i'm all natural

3.5 - 4 inches long

I wash my hair just smoothed back. I dont detangle in the shower, I pick it out once i get out and pat it down into a fro and that's it.

My hair is too short to require sections and i dont wear twists alot so this works for me. I shampoo 2 times a week and do con-washes the other 5 days. I'm wearing my hair in a shrunken fro which i plan on wearing thru at least the first of June, so this routine of washing daily works for me and it's very easy.

I think your hair washing routine also depends on how you usually wear your hair daily/weekly. -- jainygirl
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I use four sections. I braid them up and detangle under the running water with a wide tooth comb. My hair is three to four inches from waistlength and sectioning makes it easier to detangle. I am currently transitioning. my last relaxer was about two years and four months ago.
I have been transitioning for 9 months now. I just started washing my hair in sections just to experiment. I only washed in two sections. I found it to be a hassle for me so i think I will go back to washing smoothed back. I have a lot of hair but my strands are fine. I usually detangle in the shower or right after with my shower comb or another wide tooth comb. I always detangle in very small sections and usually wear my hair in a braidout.