Relaxed ladies who Henna???


Active Member
I'm tempted to use henna but I keep reading about bad things happening to your hair if you have chemically straightened your hair. Hair turning green, being hard & brittle.

Can some of you please share your experience with me so I can make a decision? I want to dye my hair with henna and indigo, what do you think and what do you know?
The bad reactions you are talking about occur when people use metallic henna. I am sure some others will elaborate on this but if you check out the hennaforhair website, it will give you some great information

I am relaxed and I henna when I need a strength boost and a color boost. My henna mix is 1/2 package of henna, 1/2 cup of ground cloves, 1/2 cup of alma oil, and enough hot water to make it like thick pancake batter. I mix it in a plastic container, let it sit for atleast an hour and slap it on dry hair for 1-2hours. I rinse it, shampoo, deep condition with a moisutrizing condition and dry as usual. I get soft, strong hair with light coppery and red highlights.
Thanks GymFreak & PreciousJewel for the quick response.

Do you have order Body Quality Henna are can you buy it from a local store.

I'm so sick of waiting for hair products to come
diamondlady said:
Thanks GymFreak & PreciousJewel for the quick response.

Do you have order Body Quality Henna are can you buy it from a local store.

I'm so sick of waiting for hair products to come

I get mine from a local store. Just ask for body of art quality henna. Mine is only $1.50
So I went to get my relaxer touched up after an 11 week stretch last night, and mentioned to my stylist that I was thinking about hennaing. Well of course, she reacted like every other semi-knowledgeable trained stylist "then you can't have a relaxer - at least, that's what they told us in school, and I've experienced. This client lied to me about having henna on her hair, and it melted off after i rinsed out her relaxer". So I explained about what I had been reading on here, and she relents with "okay. But I might have you sign something before I do any relaxers on you." Hee hee. Now, I love my stylist to pieces (she's been doing my hair since I was 14 and is like family), but this isn't the first time she's doubted something I've wanted to try to improve my hair. Then again, she's also been the first one to compliment and/or ask what I've been doing to my hair when its all super healthy, so I won't ***** too much.

So just to be sure I've read this all right, as long as I use BAQ henna (from a reputable source), and nothing crazy happens in my strand test, I should be okay to not only use henna on my relaxed hair, but continue to get my hair relaxed?

I've worked really hard to get my hair to it's current length (about 2-4 inches from APL), and I don't wanna lose it. But I'm looking for a bit of a color change, and also the strength, shine, and conditioning I've read about people achieving from henna seems to be the boost I need to kick my hair to the next level. I suffered some breakage from this last stretch, and I think henna just might prevent this the next time around.
I'm relaxed and I henna once a month...Love it :love: It is important to use only BAQ henna. I would do it twice a month if it wasn't so darn time consuming :look:
Cleve_gryl said:
I'm relaxed and I henna once a month...Love it :love: It is important to use only BAQ henna. I would do it twice a month if it wasn't so darn time consuming :look:

What are you mixing your henna with? Any add-ins like cloves or anything? What type of benefits are you seeing?

Also, girl, your hair is FIERCE!!
Cleve_gryl said:
I'm relaxed and I henna once a month...Love it :love: It is important to use only BAQ henna. I would do it twice a month if it wasn't so darn time consuming :look:

What strength relaxer do you use on your henna'd hair? Mild, regular or super?
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belladionne922 said:
What are you mixing your henna with? Any add-ins like cloves or anything? What type of benefits are you seeing?

Also, girl, your hair is FIERCE!!

Thank you bella!! My last couple ad-ins have been coconut milk and EVOO. I'll add that after I've let the henna/water mix sit overnight (right before I apply it). I have a couple grays that it turns into a nice shimmery red highlight. It always makes my hair feel REAL strong (good protein), and the last application made my hair super sleek and shiny.

Nixx said:
What strength relaxer do you use on your henna'd hair? Mild, regular or super?

My last touch up at the end of April was an ORS no-lye in normal. I did it myself and it came out straight. I'm pretty pleased with ORS and will continue to use that one. HTH!!