Active Member
Henna Sooq said:Hello ladies,
Great to see more ladies loving their henna and natural hair products.
As for 100 grams of henna powder it makes about 350 grams of paste and this is just with adding the regular amount of liquid. Now many of you also might be adding indigo or amla etc to your batch and that will also go a lot further for you.
The good thing though is that you can freeze any leftover henna paste for up to 6 months, and that goes for all the pastes except for indigo (as that won't keep). So you will get your money's worth.
There is a very informative article that another forum member put together and there is a lot of good information that we should all read:
Henna Sooq, I wanted to ask you, I have some amla powder I want use in a mixture with some henna I have on hand plus your lovely indigo. How does this recipie sound:
200 grams of henna
100 grams of amla powder
100 grams of indigo
Plus I'm going to add coconut oil and yogurt too. Is it okay to use that much amla powder? I have never used it before, just the oil, I want to push my mixture to a dark shade like espresso.
I absolutely love that link from the longhaircommunity, I pour over it from time to time.