Relaxed Ladies Who Co-Wash. HELP!!!

So I've tried everything when it comes to getting the right shampoos. No harsh ingredients, no sulfates. But I just don't think my hair likes shampoo. I think I want to start co-washing. I tried to do a search, but I see most of the people co-washing are natural ladies. I stretch out my relaxers but I am relaxed.

Does your scalp get clean?
What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?
Do you have any product suggestions?

I was thinking of conditioner washing and doing ACV rinses. Will this keep my hair moisturized and my scalp clean? Sorry for all the questions, but my hair is really not feeling anything I've been doing lately.:nono:
I am relaxed APL and cowash daily. I use a cheapy with a light massage and rinse, then I use a different co and leave in for 3-5 minutes. I let my hair drip dry a little, add my leave in, saturate with castor oil and put vaseline on my ends. I wear a bun daily. I dc on wed and sat. I only comb my hair on sat. i only use shampoo when i relax every 8 weeks. i do not stretch.
i am relaxed and i don't see anything wrong with cowashing. i've done it before and just co washed and applied my DC, rinse it out and just go through my roller set routine. i've read that some of the girls here hardly ever shampoo! shampoo can be very drying for the scalp! i think i might co wash tonight.
I cowash 3-4 times a week. I don't rollerset afterwards though...I wash/dc then rollerset once, then cowash later in the week after my hair starts to feel a little 'greasy'. After I cowash, It's usually a wash n go or bun type situation.
Does your scalp get clean?
Fairly, It makes my scalp feel VERY VERY Fresh

What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
I do low mani, so I only do it once a hair stays moisturized.

Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?

Do you have any product suggestions?
V05 Moisture Milks Strawberries & Cream
Herbal Essences LTR
Does your scalp get clean?
YEP :yep: Massage and clean ur scalp like u would with shampoo.
What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
Make sure u keep your moisture-protein balance in check
Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?
Yep, I do. I even moisture DC or do a protein treatment after I CW.
Do you have any product suggestions?
VO5 Moisture Milk Strawberries n Cream--the best cheapie.
The Cheapies do the job--but that is by far the best, Suave Coconut is #2.
Does your scalp get clean?
Yes, my scalp feels clean after my cowash.
What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
Make sure to maintain a moisture/cowash balance. I cowash often because I use megatek nightly and it's a really strong protein. And I don't like the residue that it leaves on my scalp so I cowash to get rid of it.

Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?
I assume... I just bun and airdry!
Do you have any product suggestions?
I use cheapie conditioner for cowashing... Suave, V05, Garner Fructis.
I generally co-wash and do a normal shampoo-DC once in a while, because I feel that my scalp gets a bit itchy sometimes after a few co-washes (it is very hot and humid where i live, so i feel that oil and product tend to accumulate on my scalp).

When i shampoo i use Keracare dry and itchy scalp shampoo, and DC with a moisturising conditionner (Keracare Humecto at the moment). I do protein treatments on co-wash days.

So far it seems to work! I also do pre-poos with and oil+conditionner mix on dry hair, and it makes my hair soft. Oh, and I am relaxed.
I shampoo on the weekends and cw mid-week. I workout pretty often (4 to 5 times a week) so I sweat a lot so don’t really get fancy with my styles after a cw. Hair get’s fairly clean, but sometime I do get buildup. I rinse my hair when I step into the shower, saturate my hair and scalp with Keracare Dry and Itchy scalp conditioner and massage it, leave it on while I do my thing, rinse, put any other conditioner on my hair (no preference), rinse, step out of the shower and bun. So far so good, I wake-up to a super moisturized hair the next day ;).
Any shorter haired ladies who co-wash frequently? I think its exactly what I need but my hair is still too short for a bun and I cant imagine sitting under the dryer 2x a week for rollersets.

any ideas on a successful relaxed co-wash?
Does your scalp get clean?
Very Clean

What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
Just keep hair moisturised and use oils to seal afterwards. Detangle under running water

Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?
I think you can but I havent done this, I either airdry or blowdry for about 2 minutes because my hair is short and dries quickly

Do you have any product suggestions?
I just got Herbal Essences Breakage Defender which gets my hair and scalp clean and smells real nice. I also got Keracare Humecto which Im DCing with right now
I know I'm bumping an old thread but the info here has been quite helpful.

So basically, you scrub your scalp with a conditioner? Doesn't it make it itchy?
Normally I shampoo once a week but I'm considering cowashing mid-week. My hair is great but for some reason, in the middle of the week, my scalp has recently started to get a little itchy. I don't want to shampoo twice in a week and I've decided to stop putting oils on my scalp (it's stopped the flaking).
No, I don't find co-washing to make my scalp itch at all - in fact it does the opposite. My scalp itches when it's dry, and on the weeks that I co-wash, add my leave-in conditioner and seal with oil (grapeseed oil mix I get for 99 cents at the local bss), my hair is a lot more moisturized and feels fresher. I think using something like Vo5 Strawberries and Cream mid-week would work great for you.

What sort of oils are you using on your scalp? I wouldn't think oils in itself would make your scalp itch, but perhaps due to a pre-existing condition?
Does your scalp get clean?
Somewhat, I definitely still need my weekly shampoo wash :yep:

What advice do you have? Regimen-wise?
I shampoo wash/DC once a week and co-wash as needed during the week (i work out a lot) usually I end up co-washing 2 or 3 x

Can you rollerset and sit under the dryer after co-washing?
You can, but I don't. I'm too active right now for rollersetting (although I do love it :sad:). After co-washing I either damp bun, slick it back and put on a half wig, or (if at night) I let it air-dry 90% and put it in twists for a twist out the next day

Do you have any product suggestions?
Any Suave Naturals (I love the scent of Refreshing Tangerine)
Suave Humectant (very moisturizing--I also use as a leave in)
V05 Moisture Milks (tons of slip)
Suave Almond & Shea Butter (also very moisturizing :yep:)
I use poo 1-2x a month. I dilute my vo5 in water and then pour it over my head. I scrub my scalp and then rinse. I usually poo after 'prepoo' with oil or just when my hair feels 'dirty'.

I also cowash. My hair doesn't ever feel cleaner, just more moisturized. but...I don't use products that cause too much build up anyway.
I co-wash weekly instead of using shampoo I use Hair One Olive Oil which I bought at Sally's.

My hair loves it. I shampoo once a month with a clarifying shampoo Ion. I have been doing this since January and I won't switch because it definitely works for me.
What sort of oils are you using on your scalp? I wouldn't think oils in itself would make your scalp itch, but perhaps due to a pre-existing condition?

I don't think it's the oils that made my scalp itch either. But I think my scalp prefers nothing on it. Since I've stopped putting oil directly on my scalp, the flaking has reduced dramatically. However, about 3 or 4 days after wash day, I still get a bit of an itchy scalp (although it has calmed down since I've stopped putting oil on my scalp).
I co-wash weekly instead of using shampoo I use Hair One Olive Oil which I bought at Sally's.

My hair loves it. I shampoo once a month with a clarifying shampoo Ion. I have been doing this since January and I won't switch because it definitely works for me.

A clarifying conditioner? Hmmm... interesting :scratchch

Does anyone cowash with this:


I use this as a regular conditioner. Would it work for cowashing?
:grin:I Co-Wash weekly.

I rinse my hair & scalp for a very long time before applying my conditioner.
It's been a life saver for me especially since I have dry skin/scalp.:yep:

I will use a Clarifying Shampoo or a Clarifying Conditioner every 6-8 weeks or as needed.

But Co-Washing is great!
I'm loving this thread! :grin: I have one question though. After a co-wash, how do you do a wet bun? Can someone please explain this protective style to me??? I want to try co-washing but I do not want to rollerset or do a ponytail. Suggestions?
I just started co-washing once per week. I took my Herbal Essense Hello Hydration, mixed it with 1/2 cup of Shikakai (sp) powder and 1/2 of EVCO and I am in heaven! My hair much more manageable and moisturized.

I do chelate my hair with Joico Chelating shampoo once a month to get rid of the build up.
I just started co-washing once per week. I took my Herbal Essense Hello Hydration, mixed it with 1/2 cup of Shikakai (sp) powder and 1/2 of EVCO and I am in heaven! My hair much more manageable and moisturized.

I do chelate my hair with Joico Chelating shampoo once a month to get rid of the build up.

Are you co-washing in addition to shampooing or just co-washing?
I am only co-washing once per week and my hair is liking it.
I'm loving this thread! :grin: I have one question though. After a co-wash, how do you do a wet bun? Can someone please explain this protective style to me??? I want to try co-washing but I do not want to rollerset or do a ponytail. Suggestions?

I want to know too!