Relaxed ladies: is co-washing a good thing?

I co-wash nightly, two weeks after my relaxer. I also air dry. I wear my hair up all the time so there is no manipulation until I co-wash again the next night.
I start my co-washing about 5 weeks after a relaxer. I try and stretch my relaxer to about 9-10 weeks. i co-wash 1-2x a week. It really helps me to stretch my relaxers. By making my new growth softer which gives me less breakage and shedding. I have really thin hair, and for me putting too much moisturizer can really weigh my hair down, so when I do this, I don't have to use as much. I also love it because if I am in need of a little protein, I can use a protein conditioner when I co-wash and follow it with a really light protein deep conditioner. I don't do well with heavy/strong and sometimes even medium protein deep conditioners.
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all your replies, it's great to know co washing is a good thing. I've cowashed a couple of times since Easter Friday and I think I like it. I definitely like the ease of just washing then putting my hair back in a bun and being on my way. I think I need to find decent leave ins and moisturisers with good slip though as I think I'm losing too much hair when combing before bunning. Any suggestions?

BTW, I cowash sometimes too. I do the wash n go look with a few products and it works great. I am about 10 weeks post and not even sweating yet. But then again, I am not trying to achieve straight looks. I think after 8 weeks, you should look for textured and curly styles so the NG blends in. That's what works for me.
Co-washing is what got me through my first 12 week stretch. It allowed me to lose less hair by detangling in the shower while my hair was saturated with conditioner and had water running through it. It kept my newgrowth manageable. Before co-washing, the longer I stretched, the more tangled and dry my hair would become after each regular wash. I co-washed nearly everyday during the last couple weeks of my stretch. I get my hair relaxed by a stylist and she commented on how thick it was after she finished with me. I attribute the thickness to co-washing because it allowed me to stretch without all the breakage I used to get once I got past 6 weeks post.
Why would you need to? Relaxed women need not to copy every hair practice of naturals
I started co washing when i began to workout and just couldn't stand simply tying my hair back up and its all sweaty.... i try cuz i don't like manipulation but just can't do it lol. My hair is fine i cowash at night wrap my hair in a towel for 20 minutes and then smooth it down and tie in a scarf, i always bun so the actual cowash is the only real manipulation other than the light smoothing of my bun... pretty much like sunnieb does
Hi ladies ,

I'm looking for some help and guidance. As I have relaxed hair I wanted to know if co-washing/wash 'n' go/wet bunning etc is a help or hinderance to relaxed hair. Do you have to deep condition after a co-wash?

How do you relaxed ladies who co-wash style your hair (do you airdry, wet bun or blowdry/flat iron?) And do you co-wash in the morning or evenings?

Also does wet bunning mean bunning the hair after co washing or after saturating dry hair with a moisturising spray? (I've read a few of Tiffers posts and think she and her hair are both lovely).

I would like to start co-washing in the mornings in the shower and then just tie my hair back to dry throughout the day but don't know how to go about doing this, especially as I live in cold England. What would be the best conditioners/leave-ins/moisturisers to use when I do this or is this really not a good thing to do?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm really not sure what to do. I'm just trying to figure out the best practices to do for my hair to thrive :nono:.


Hi I am relaxed and I do not co-wash.

I don't like it, I'm not necessarily the best at styling hair (never was, never had an interest, I don't even like pin curling it myself) Plus I prefer rollersetting my hair which takes way to long do thus making co-washing a bigger waste of my time.

Plus my hair becomes either too over moisturized or it's hard. I'd heard so many rave about it but it does nothing for me.

I personally prefer to shampoo once a week, and just keep it moisturized throughout the rest of the week.
Daily co washer and wash at night - let my hair hang to dry - detangle with my fingers as it's drying..bantu knot for bed which give me a nice wave but I usually put my hair up in a bun for the day.
I used to cowash 2 to 3 times a week when I was natural, sometimes more depending on my hair and my hair loved it. Now that I'm relaxed, I do it about twice a week until I'm about 4 weeks post. Then I do it 2-3 times a week, maybe more. My hair still loves water, so I'm going to keep it up.
Thanks so much. I'm starting to set my goals. I'm hoping cowashing will help me get there. Do you recommend a particular product to start with.
Voicediva said:
Thanks so much. I'm starting to set my goals. I'm hoping cowashing will help me get there. Do you recommend a particular product to start with.

Voicediva - if your hair is dry, try something from the Herbal Essences line.

Hydrolicius, Long Term Relationship, or Touchably Smooth work great for me.

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