Relaxed Ladies, how are you growing your hair?


I am trying to figure out an easy way to grow out my hair to my goal of BSL, but I just don't know what to do. Can you ladies give me tips that helped you? Thanks in advance.:yep:
For me , the best way was:
-DC every week
-keep ends moist
-sleep with silk scarf on silk pillowcase
-try to use the least possible heat on hair
-ALWAYS air-dry after washing...the blow dryer is not your friend when your hair is relaxed :nono:!
^Good advice!

-Use an SLS free shampoo
-Dc with every shampoo
-Protective styles are your friend
-Moisturize twice daily, in the morning and before bed
-Baggy at night :love2:
-Comb very gently in small sections from the ends up
-Spray a moisturizer directly on your newgrowth to keep it moisturized, soft and well-baheved
-Stretch relaxers at least 12 weeks
-No direct heat. If you do use it, only use one form (either flatiron or blowdry, don't do both) and no more than once every few months
-Use a boar bristle brush and only use a brush to smooth your style, it shouldn't be used to detangle and get snags out of your hair
^Good advice!

-Use an SLS free shampoo
-Dc with every shampoo
-Protective styles are your friend
-Moisturize twice daily, in the morning and before bed
-Baggy at night :love2:
-Comb very gently in small sections from the ends up
-Spray a moisturizer directly on your newgrowth to keep it moisturized, soft and well-baheved
-Stretch relaxers at least 12 weeks
-No direct heat. If you do use it, only use one form (either flatiron or blowdry, don't do both) and no more than once every few months
-Use a boar bristle brush and only use a brush to smooth your style, it shouldn't be used to detangle and get snags out of your hair

What is a good brand for an SLS free shampoo?
Can you school me on any styles used? What is the best heat free style? I am severely under processed on one side. Maybe that is why I am struggling to style without heat.:ohwell: I am trying to figure out how to be a successful relaxed person. I keep going back and forth too much and I need to focus on a goal! The first goal I'd like to reach is SL all over. My nape is already there.:rolleyes:
I am trying to figure out an easy way to grow out my hair to my goal of BSL, but I just don't know what to do. Can you ladies give me tips that helped you? Thanks in advance.:yep:

An "easy way"? I'm not sure there is an easy way. From everything I've read it takes work to grow healthy BSL hair. For me its
-DCing with heat every time I shampoo
-Protective styling
-Babying my ends
-Watching my hair very closely for signs of moisture and protein overload
-Finding my ideal growth aid (sulfur)

It would be helpful for us to know what your current hair issues are so we can give specific advice to address them.
What is a good brand for an SLS free shampoo?
If you want a CON-like shampoo, Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo. If you don't want a slippy feeling from your shampoo, DermOrganics Moisturizing Shampoo with Argan Oil is good. So is NTM shampoo :)
Can you school me on any styles used? What is the best heat free style? I am severely under processed on one side. Maybe that is why I am struggling to style without heat.:ohwell: I am trying to figure out how to be a successful relaxed person. I keep going back and forth too much and I need to focus on a goal! The first goal I'd like to reach is SL all over. My nape is already there.:rolleyes:
Buns, buns and more buns :D You can also try phony ponies and half wigs to switch it up
What has helped me: DC'ing once a week, with heat a conditioning cap.

Moisturizing my ends, twice a day.

Try to stretch your relaxer. I strech from 8 to 12 weeks. I did it for 2 relaxer cycles. It helped me big time. Now im back at 8 weeks now. Before the year is out I will do another 12 week stretch.

These have helped me big time.

The Baggy Method is awesome...Thanks Tiffers.

How can I forget. WET BUNNING!!!!!'re gonna get a smorgasbord of answers here...:lachen:

Choose your "meal" carefully! What works for some, doesn't necessarily work for all.:yep:

This is what has worked for me:
Wash and DC w/heat 2x's per week
Henna 2x's per month
Stretch relaxers 4x's per year (every 13 weeks)
Whole head baggying nightly
Protective styling (bunning & flat twists only, *my fotki*)
Moisturize Daily
Boundless Tresses and/or MoeGro Oil 5x's per week, applied to scalp only
Comb only once per day with jilbere shower comb only
It's all about length retention. Pay attention to the protein/moisture balance of your hair. I try to do a protein treatment every two weeks to keep my hair strong and less prone to breakage. It also helps with manageability :yep:.
Maybe try braid outs? they help keep moisture in, you stay away from heat and they are easy and low maintenance.
What has worked for me:
1. DC with heat with every wash that I do
2. Moisturizing and sealing my ends every day, sometimes twice a day
3. limiting but not removing my heat usage.
4. low manipulation (bunning, half wigs)
5. oiling my scalp
6. search and destroy those split ends
7. wrap every night when i wear my hair down and use a silk scarf...
Great Advice given so far but for me less is more!!! Keep it simple. I wash & Dc every 2 weeks, rollersetting and stealing ends with coconut oil
Here's what I did:
wash and DC 1x a week
moisturize and then seal with an oil 1x - 2x per day
slept in a satin bonnet every night

As for hairstyles: I wore half wigs, a weave and a UPA clip until I felt comfortable wearing my own hair out in public.
My hair broke off really badly so I'm trying to grow it out. I can honestly say that I got the best growth when I wore braids and just left it alone. I'm wearing a half wig now I hope by the end of the year Ill see some growth.
My hair broke off really badly so I'm trying to grow it out. I can honestly say that I got the best growth when I wore braids and just left it alone. I'm wearing a half wig now I hope by the end of the year Ill see some growth.

I agree with the braiding. You can not go wrong with that one. Use human hair and not that synthetic stuff. Don't do micro braids and please do not let those Africans pull your hair back tight in cornrolls. I can't stand that. :look:Most of the time it is so tight around the edges your skin starts to shine and you break out in bumps. This will lead to breakage.

If you braid spray your hair with s-curl and keep up your scheduled maintenace. Good luck.

Me, myself, I doing ayurveda.
Ummm Let's See::look:

Increased my Water
Taking Biotin, Chlorella and Spirulina and Other Hair Vitamins
Using Mega-Tek, Mane N' Tail and Surge (in rotation) not all at the same time
Streching My Relaxers
Increased my DC Regimen with Heat
Balanced out Protein & Moisture
Incorporated EVCO, EVOO and various Great Oil i.e. grapeseed, almond, soy, wheat germ
Dealt with my Porosity Issue
Using a Good Daily Moisturizer and Sealing with Oil
Low Manipulation (Basically Protective Styling)
and..........1st & Foremost: Patience, Patience, Patience:grin:
I forgot to mention flaxseed/borage oil. I started taking it as a dietary supplement years ago. My hair was falling out while I was trying to lose weight (I ended up having to cut it all off). I thought it was from doing home (dorm:grin:) relaxers, but a nutritionist told me since I was eating less calories, my diet was lacking in essential fatty acids. Once I started taking the oil, my hair grew like wildfire. It also naturally lowers cholesterol and helps with your immune system. Make sure it is fresh pressed (should be refrigerated), not the pills :nono:. Barleans is a good brand.
proper moisture/protein balance
DCing at least ONCE a week
for me: no heat and braidouts. I will be doing this at least through the summer. It's the most carefree my hair has ever been and it looks great everyday.
deep condition
moisture and protein treatments
and no combing
i comb once a week or once every 2 weeks in the shower only with conditioner in my hair
No heat (flat irons, blow dryers, hood dryers, etc..)
moisturize daily
wash and DC weekly
low maintenance hairstyles (braidouts, buns, etc..)
stretching relaxers (3x a year)
For me, DCing faithfully, rollersetting, and switching to a more protein friendly regi has helped me retain growth. I hardly ever use direct heat, maybe once every couple of months. And taking my multi-vitamin and MSM daily sped up my growth a little bit too. Whatever you do, stay consistant, and just have faith that it will grow! HTH
ETA stretching is great too! I'm shooting for 12 weeks this time
what's helped me is:

Washing and DC 1x a wk faithfully
Nightly moisturizing
Very little heat (maybe once every 2-3 months or so)
Protective styles - I did PS for 6 months straight when I started, now I do them maybe 3x a week)
Balancing moisture/protein
Dusting splits bi weekly
Scalp massages - I don't do them like I would like now, but I used to be really consistent w/ this
Exercise and eating healthy is very important also, your hair is growing from the inside out, so eating lots of protein and veggies is good plus exercising at least 3x a week

i have a distinct differece in length and so cant rollerset yet and my hair is underprocessed from relaxers. i just took out my sew in which i had for 2months and have retainned so much growth this way i will deo continue with this. Also deep conditioning and i also think oil rinses and hot oil treatments help to retain length hth
Stretching (4 relaxers a yr)
Deep Cond twice wkly with heat
Moisturizing those ends

This did get me from nl to apl in one year.
what's helped me is:

Washing and DC 1x a wk faithfully
Nightly moisturizing
Very little heat (maybe once every 2-3 months or so)
Protective styles - I did PS for 6 months straight when I started, now I do them maybe 3x a week)
Balancing moisture/protein
Dusting splits bi weekly
Scalp massages - I don't do them like I would like now, but I used to be really consistent w/ this
Exercise and eating healthy is very important also, your hair is growing from the inside out, so eating lots of protein and veggies is good plus exercising at least 3x a week


I really have to step up my game on this one. Especially my protein. Back to eating my tuna 3 times a week.
If you want a CON-like shampoo, Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo. If you don't want a slippy feeling from your shampoo, DermOrganics Moisturizing Shampoo with Argan Oil is good. So is NTM shampoo :)

ditto very good poo
trader joes
giovanni direct
loreal just made a new one sls free line

check out this link for cone free shampoo and conditioners etc
excellent for relaxed and natural hair
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